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prakhonchai nick

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Everything posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. The driving offence was committed by a male person. That is sufficient informatin. 2 people sadly died and another critically injured.The male driver was speeding and drunk! That's all the police, courts etc need to know .He should have been sentenced accordingly, and indeed everyone should know that under similar circumstances they would receive the same punishment. Doctor, rich man, politician, or someone even higher should be irrelevant! One crime the same punishment!
  2. Less than 2months till New Year and the road carnage that always goes with it. A proper government would immediately (years too late) introduce a ban on all the things mentioned above. Everyone involved in law breaking, from the drivers to the passengers would receive immediate imprisonment, and drivers would be banned for life. Have a TV blitz - every night on the hour, starting at 8pm! If you know the rules and break them, you know what the punishment will be.
  3. Does anyone really believe more than a handful of super rich, super crazy foreigners are going to invest 40 million baht for 3 years to enable them to buy a measly 1 rai of land? I don't believe its something for the politicians, or anyone else to worry about.
  4. Caught in the act. Top him immediately! Murder deserves death!
  5. The point was that originally he didn't want the wife to have the UK assets. After the wife raisied a stink he is giving her the UK house. One of the conditions of making/remaking a Will is that the the person is of sound mind. One must assume the solicitor is satisfied he is. Sorry for the daughter who it seems will end up with nothing.
  6. Sorry to hear of the new probems with the Thai Wife. Doesn't she have enough properties in Thailand to live in? Your Dad says she needs the UK house to live in after obtaining citizenship. Has that been applied for.? If not living permanently in the UK, unlikely it will be granted. Not something that is granted overnight! Even widows I have helped here in Thailand who had citizenship, have no desire to live in the UK after the death of their husbands.
  7. Does this mean the signs outside Makro and other supermarkets and department stores saying effectively "no mask-no entry" cannot be enforced?
  8. Time for Hun Sen to provide a few tips to Prawit!
  9. Not if it is painfully slow execution. Perhaps the boiling water treatment should be applied first!
  10. It was a one on one fight -for whatever reason. Looks like the Thai fell and hit his head on the kerb.
  11. If the woman rented a room, surely she would have provided her ID card, and particulars or a copy taken. No problem finding her then!
  12. Let the government decide whats legal and what's not, and punish the transgressors accordingly. Same with the myriad of motoring laws, that nobody adheres to because there are so few punishments meted out. The failure to enforce laws in both regards costs many many lives!
  13. If the murderer should find himself in a wat for a funeral/cremation. how many of the local faithful will abandon the Wat forever.? If I were a Thai with their Buddha beliefs, I would never go near the wat again, if the monks feel it is ok to send this monster on his way. He deserves absolutely nothing. Throw his body to the sharks or crocodiles!
  14. You are correct donx, and I have amended my earlier post . The daughter is indeed seeking the UK assets, and that was how the original, now invalid Will was worded. At present, if and when the Father dies, his UK assets go to his Wife via intestacy. If the Father wants his UK assets to go to his daughter, as was his original intention prior to marriage, then he MUST make a new Will. He must also make a Thai Will to ensure all assets in Thailand go to his wife and are not shared with the daughter In the event that the Father should die before a new UK Will can be drawn up, I would imagine the daughter (Holly) would have a valid liability claim against the solicitor who advised the original Will was still legally standing..
  15. If Wills are required, then separate Wills for the UK and Thailand are required. The Wife automatically inherits in the UK, by virtue of intestacy, If there are any assets in Thailand (ie bank account, motor vehicles condo) in Fathers name, then a Will would be required to ensure the wife receives all and does not share with daughter. Foreigners are not able to own land in Thailand, despite the father's attestations. They can technically own buildings/houses on land owned by a Thai, but that is very unusual.
  16. Sorry Holly, but I disagree totally with the UK Solicitor. I have had years of experience here in Thailand helping Thai widows of British expats obtain their just dues. Hot and Sticky is correct with every point he made. UK law stipulates that a will drawn up prior to marriage is null and void upon marriage, UNLESS it was drawn up just prior to and specifically in anticipation of that marriage. With no current legal Will, the Thai wife inherits your Fathers UK assets by virtue of the UK intestacy rules, and shares any Thai assets with you. If you wish to ensure the wife inherits all Thai assets, should there be any, then a simple Thai Will is required, which can be drawn up online, and sent to you for your father to sign.
  17. Wouldlike to PM you, but this seems to be disabled. Please contact me -I can help Basically your dad married AFTER he made his Will. As such the Will is null and void. With no new Will his UK assets go automatically to his wife. Here in Thailand, with no Will, if he has any assets in his name, then if he dies intestate (no Will) they are legally split 50/50 between his wife and his children. If that suits, then no need to make a new Will.
  18. 23 years pass before Thailand demands money for rehabilitation. What a joke!
  19. Why maximum fines? The fine should be a fixed single amount for each separate misdemeanour, payable by all.
  20. The young man "graaped" the feet of his father begging him to stop which he eventually did. ...........I would have been more inclined to kick him hard in the goolies!
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