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prakhonchai nick

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Everything posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. It is worth noting that some UK employer pension schemes reduce the widows pension when the widow is 10/12 years younger than her husband. The usual reduction when applied, is 2.5% for each year over 10 or 12
  2. I have assisted many Thai widows with regard to former employer pensions. Where a pension payment is made from the UK it is eligible for tax. As regards the personal tax allowance, strictly, according to the rules, she is not eligible. However ALL widows I have assisted have received this allowance. Anything over the current £12,750 is taxed, starting at 20%. The former employer, making the pension payment, will arrange tax matters with HMRC. Initially there may be an emergency tax to be paid (up to 50%) but that will come back in the tax year following that in which it is paid. A widow will need to make a claim from her husbands former employer, and send original death and marriage certificates + her birth certificate together with certified translations, plus bank details for payment. Anything more needed will be requested, Invariably help will be required as most wives/widows are unable to communicate sufficiently in English, especially in writing.
  3. I find it strange that here is no reporting of this sad murder in either of the 2 English language Thai newspapers.
  4. If the government and their representatives say there are no prostitutes, then what is there to legalise?
  5. as low as 15bt there....and good!
  6. "The murderer was suffering from paranoia and thought the victim planned to kill him. He is now undergoing a drug test." Whatever, murder is murder, the murderer had a gun (for what if not to use it) and must suffer the consequences of his action - ideally the death penalty!
  7. Disgraceful. Doctors, who invariably learn their trade with public funds, should be prohibited from dealing with such cases and all forms of cosmetic surgery (except following an accident) They need to concentrate on medical cases alone!
  8. A death penalty is no more cruel than taking away anothers life. In this case 3 innocent lives!
  9. He killed 3 innocent people. Why should he still have a life, albeit locked up for what would be just a few years. when his victims lives are gone? Murder deserves a death sentence every tme.
  10. Just one murder warrants a death sentence.........................EVERY time!
  11. Guns and deadly weapons warrant a death sentence. Spell it out, let all the yobs know in advance, and then they have no excuses.
  12. The use of deadly weapons, in this case knives and grenades, warrants somewhat more than 2 years in the army - indeed very significantly more! Set the rules, outline the punishment and enforce it!
  13. A ladyboy, or transwoman...one of the other, but clearly a man as Mr. Napatsara was arrested. Born a man ALWAYS A MAN!
  14. Been promised rain everyday for the past week here in Prakhonchai..Buriram province. Still waiting!!!!!!!!
  15. Let those that want to play do so in a specified designated area. Ban water splashing spraying etec everywhere else.. Time to grow up. Customs and traditions need to change with the times
  16. Not much law or common sense on all the other days of the year!
  17. He was far from alone. Very many Thais only have the basic compulsory insurance. which pays for no damage -just limited medical costs and a death payment. Only when they buy a new car do they normally have 1 year free fully comprehensive insurance, but invariably cannot pay for another year. High time that the minimum compulsory insurance was upgraded to include damage to other vehicles and property, as in Western countries.
  18. The motorcycle taxi driver should not only be heavily fined and lose his licence for conveying 2 passengers on his bike, but for having a deadly weapon in his possession in public, and using it in a threatening manner, a long custodial sentence is warranted. Many would argue that a deaath sentence is warranted. Time to get rid of all the thugs and mafia!
  19. You can use a UK debit card, but beware...I have known 2 people using debit cards to pay, and not having enough money in their accounts
  20. Apart from the wait for a new passport, which last year was around 12 weeks, but reduced to 6 weeks earlier this year, and may be back to 12 weeks or more now, be aware of the need to renew your permission to stay in Thailand. You can have 1 year but if there is less than 1 year validity on your current passport, then Immigration will only extend to passport expiry date..
  21. Can't have all 100% reporting regularly to police stations. No time for Officers to sleep!
  22. @IvorBiggun posted this earlier this year Probation in Thailand is used when the jails are full and is used for minor crimes/criminals. Instead of locking people up they are allowed to remain free but have to report regularly to their nearest police station. So drunk driving is just a minor crime. AMAZING THAILAND!!!!!!!!
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