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prakhonchai nick

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Everything posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. Here in Buriram, when opposing lights both change green together, the usual procedure is that cars that want to turn right expect to go before those going straight on. When I happen to be on "pole position" and am going straight, I invariably force the issue and make the wayward drivers turning right stop and allow me to go first........as is my right. Police are often in attendance, but as one would expect never do anything!
  2. Regardless of ones thoughts on the stupidity or otherwise of fixed closing times and alcohol sales, the law is what it is. Everyone running an entertainment venue, and selling alcohol is duty bound to obey the law. As such it should be made very clear to all involved that if caught breaking the law, they will be closed permanently with immediate effect.. Otherwise not fair on those that adhere to the relevant hours.
  3. Yes.......................but with whom?????
  4. I believe she can make a couple of voluntary contributions to take her to 10. However, even if that is possible, the rules may well change again before she reaches state pension age, which depending on her current age could be 68 or more.
  5. After recently advising the Pension Service of the death of state pension recipient, I received the following reply from them ........... as his widow lives in Thailand there is no Bereavement Support Payment Payable. This is because Bereavement Support payment is classed as a death grant and was introduced by the UK government in 2017. The death grant is only payable in certain countries however it is not payable in Thailand. I am sorry that I cannot offer you a more favourable reply.
  6. A gun in public, used or not, warrants a death sentence!
  7. Massage Parlour..whilst you wait. A happy beginning!
  8. Married or not, it is first necessary to prove the Father is British, whether by descent or not, and only the long birth certificate will prove this.
  9. The main requirement is to prove the child is eligible for a British passport.. If the Father is named on the Thai birth certificate as the Father, the next step is to obtain the LONG British birth certificate, which names the Father's parents as well as providing his full details. This can be obtained from the GRO for a nominal fee, but one would ned to supply Father's full name, and date and place of birth as a minimum. Once one has that it is fairly plain sailing.
  10. And the latest published penalty for jumping a red light...................500Baht!!!!!!!!! Surely one of the most dangerous motoring offences alongside drunk and drugged driving. All should carry an immediate 5 year ban as a minimum
  11. My wife was visited by a local policeman 2 days ago looking for me. It seems I had to report to the police station with my passport, tabien baan and other docs so they could check if I was legal. I have Permanent Residency. Turned out that when I updated my Alein registration earlier this year, they did not enter it in their manual! I received profuse apologies from all and sundry!
  12. Maybe not, if he cannot rake up the cash for a plane ticket. Embassies are not known for helping!
  13. Should anyone molest any of my daughters, they won't even get as far as God -if there is one!
  14. You seem to be aware of more than most people.. Please share your evidence and proof, then more of us may well join you in your belief. In the meantime these kiddy fiddlers should now be at the end of their lives!
  15. Read the thread opener..........................A further 29 people who allegedly slept with the girls are being prosecuted, with the investigation expected to be complete by May next year.
  16. Reading glasses...all strengths from Mr DIY 15/18bt pair!????
  17. I have assisted a good number of Thai widows following their foreign husbands death. Apart from one occasion earlier this year when Bangkok Bank agreed to pay out the funds from husbands sole account to the widow with production of the death certificate....NO WILL.... all other Thai banks have insisted on Thai probate. Thai law states that when someone dies intestate (no Will) only a portion of the assets go to the widow, yet Bangkok Bank ignored that fact!!!!!!!
  18. The Pink Card is an Alien registration card, but the small print indicates it is only for use within the province of issue. Nevertheless Air Asia refused to accept it at Buriram airport, despite being issued in Buriram province. No problem at Don Muang for the return flight!
  19. £1,000 usually seconds...£5.000 probably tomorrow. £`10,000 likely 2/3 days and anything more can take 3/4 days.
  20. If you have a Will, you can leave your assets to whoever you wish. The 800,000baht will go to whoever you name in your will. Might need a lawyer to obtain Thai probate though.
  21. Perhaps someone with more time than me could provide a list of all hotels and other interests this man has in Thailand, so that we expats can avoid them, and advise our visiting friends and relatives to do the same.
  22. That was not the point. It was a male as opposed to a female and any other information about said person was irrelevant. Treat everyone the same...........kathoeys too!
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