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prakhonchai nick

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Posts posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. Penkoprod needs to bear in mind that in the UK, you pay general tax via income tax and VAT and NI contributions, They are SEPARATE,

    It is the NI contributions that pay for the pension.

    Anyone that has a full NI contribution record is entitled to the full state pension, and SHOULD have this uprated wherever he lives.

    It matters not that if he retires to Thailand, he is not contributing to the general tax fund via VAT, road tax etc etc. In all likliehood there is a personal pension which is taxed.

    Bear mind also that by not being in the UK, we are not a drain on the health service, we do not get free bus passes, and we free up accommodation for the immigrants who will be claiming child benefit and child tax credits for their kids who have never been to the UK.. Plus housing benefit, unemployment benefit etc etc.

    Think again PENKOPROD

  2. The ops planned trip is still a long way off, and a lot can happen in that time.

    I was planning on taking my wife to the UK some 7 years ago, but with just 2 months remaining she decided she would rather have a second child than go to the UK. Saved me a lot of money, and having just returned from the UK having taken my son, (the eldest) he has convinced his Mother that the UK is not a place she would want to go to. It's cold, the people, particularly in the south are unfriendly, and above all there is no somtam or pad krapow.

    Brits in Thailand miss the beauty of the UK, but it is very much a British thing and I suspect most Thai women would prefer the hustle and bustle of Thailand and the constant availability of their kind of food.And as for walking over the hills and dales!!! Forget it in most cases, No motorbikes to hop on even for 50 yard jaunts!

  3. You ask for advice on your query, but I cannot really see what this is

    You know what you want to do, have convinced yourself that it will all be OK, so now you must begin to put the plans into practice.

    The visa side will likely take some time to arrange, so best to start the ball rolling.

    No idea what your line of business was in the UK, but work at your age could be hard to come by. Consider also that the new UK government are tinkering with the pension, and you could have to wait till maybe 68 before you receive it.

    You say your wife has been to the UK before, but has she experienced the cold winters. Your health might be a problem in Thailand, but consider hers too. I was back in March. Bitterly cold. NEVER AGAIN!!!

  4. I agree. The Thais have no great regard for pets and dogs are raely cared for. I would suggest that the ratio of soi dogs to properly house trained mutts is quite high.

    God, this is tedious - can you or anyone else name any country that has such a high number of small veterinary practices or where supermarkets have such a large pet food zone?

    Of course "the ratio of soi dogs to properly house trained mutts is quite high." This has nothing to do with whether pets are held in high regard or not, but is because the widescale culling of animals, particularly dogs, is simply not acceptable in a Buddhist society.

    Whilst I hope the op finds a home for his dog, I must query your comment re culling of animals .

    Here in Isaan, every 2 weeks a caged pick-up truck tours my village and neighbouring villages, and either catches dogs in the streets or provides the owners of dogs they no longer want with a plastic bucket. These dogs are then transported to the Cambodian border markets where they are sold by the kilo for food which is a delicacy there -just as it is in parts of Thailand. Buddhist beliefs don't enter into it. It is just a means to an end!

  5. How many have closed because they should not have opened in the first place.

    Too many people jump on the band-wagon without first doing their homework. Some will open a bar, restaurant or guest house because their neighbour is doing it and has a few customers. Those customers won't just multiply overnight - they will spread themselves over all the available establishments and everyone loses out..

    To be sure the recent protests by all colours have not helped tourism, but neither they not the government can be blamed for all the tourism ills. There is just over-supply, through lack of planning.

    The government should not bail everyone out.

  6. In August Edinburgh holds it's International Festival. Lots of street musicians, theatre, the Tattoo and, supposedly, the Bangkok Ladyboy Show has been a sell out for the past 5 years.

    I agree with the others, Loch Ness has a strange, magical atmosphere and the Museum is interesting.

    Edinburgh is a beautiful city, and could be used as a base for travelling to other places over perhaps 3/4 days.

    But the Ladyboy show!?? YUK!!! For what? She can and probably does see ladyboys every day here in Thailand. Coals to Newcastle!

  7. I had intended to make a comment elsewhere, before it was closed.

    My advice to you, and to others as I have indicated before, is not to get involved directly. The in-laws are the responsibility of the daughters, not their husbands. They took care before you and the other farang came on the scene, so let them continue to do so. HOW? Give the wife/girlfriend a monthly allowance, and from that let her give to the in-laws and any other members of the extended family she may so wish. 1000,2000bt whatever suits her, as long as you make it clear that there is no more money from you till the end of the month.

  8. Probably cheaper (and she may enjoy it more) to give her 50,000bt, and book her into a decent hotel in Bangkok. And I think she can go to the races there too!

    PS Have I met you Cardholder??

    I doubt it, where are you from ?

    You have a very small pussy.

    I do not recall meeting anyone who would give their wife 50,000 Baht :lol:

    Thank you for your concern re the size of my pussy. For her age she is in peak condition.

    Maybe Mrs Cardholder, and indeed yourself would prefer something larger. May I suggest a visit to Loch Ness with a view to sighting the alleged monster. Mrs C would probably enjoy that as it is akin to the alleged monster in the Mekhong river- the Phaya Naga. And whilst in Scotland, unless you happen to be there around the "glorious twelfth" might I suggest joining a Haggis Expedition, which once caught stuffed and cooked will be quite a delicacy - although probably Mrs C will be pining for a somtam!

  9. The Public Health Ministry has issued a warning to people to protect themselves from infection by eating cooked and hot food, using a middle spoon and washing hands frequently.

    I presume that means a METAL spoon :whistling:

    Just noticed a large poster in Tesco Korat stating that a separate spoon should be used for serving food.

    The Thai habit of everyone dipping their spoon into the main dish is <deleted> disgusting!

    Is that a 'Thai' habit?

    Everyone I know here in Thailand, friends and family, all use a separate serving spoon for each dish.

    Don't know what part of Thailand you are from but here in Isaan, and indeed wherever Isaan people congregate it seems to be the norm. Also just 1 mug for drinking shared around is usually the case.

  10. The Public Health Ministry has issued a warning to people to protect themselves from infection by eating cooked and hot food, using a middle spoon and washing hands frequently.

    I presume that means a METAL spoon :whistling:

    Just noticed a large poster in Tesco Korat stating that a separate spoon should be used for serving food.

    The Thai habit of everyone dipping their spoon into the main dish is <deleted> disgusting!

  11. Please be careful about assuming the worst things about male foreigners when you see them with Thai youngsters. Many of us are in legit relationships with Thai adults and are related to the Thai families, including of course actual Dads.

    Very true

    I was bad mouthed by a Geman couple in a Jomtien restaurant some years ago when I was with my 14 year old daughter. Fortunately, she overheard, and reprimanded them. They left abruptly, but not before (as I was to find out later) paying my bill.

  12. There used to be a LEE TOUR on Soi Post Office - been there over 20 years, Is this the same outfit?

    I beleive it's the same one. They moved to Naklua Road a few years ago. I have dealt with them (and the owner Su) on several occasions as have several of my friends. None of us had any problems and in fact have been more than happy with the service. So it is with surprise that I read this article. If she did defraud her customers, shame on her. It is indeed very disappointing news given how she has been more than helpful to me. Sometimes I wonder if locals are equally at the receiving end of an incompetent police force whose actions exacerbate simple mis-understandings. I am not defending her and there is no excuse if she is guilty, it's just that it seems a pity she had to do this when she is a competent travel agent who speaks several languages.

    I wonder why those people paid and did not get some kind of confirmation from the airline booking system? I always received an e-ticket printout from her when I pay.

    I used Lee Tour many times in the past when I lived in Pattaya and always found Su more than helpful. In fact some 20 years ago, my friends and I regarded her as a friend as we often booked hotels etc on behalf of incoming friends and she sat us down gave us coffee and we all had a chat together.. If she and her husband are guilty then shame on them but maybe there is more to this.

  13. Having lived here since 1972. Married to my Thai wife for more than 20 years. 2 children with thai nationality. I speak, read and write rather well. PR for the last 6 years.

    I have PR. had it for 20+ years. Apart from not having to renew visa I see no real benefits. Why therefore may I ask are you going the whole hog for citizenship?

    People always like to ask this question in the same way that people who were happy with their NON-IMM visas used to ask why I was bothering to apply for PR way back when. Many of the same people later changed their minds and tried to get PR more recently but now can't get it. If you have had PR for 20 years, you already know very well what the difference is and have no real need to ask. It is a personal matter. Some people are happy with PR and others would like to be citizens of their adopted home. Among other things naturalized citizens can own land, work without a work permit, leave the country without a re-entry endorsement, get a mortgage, vote after 5 years and do many things like opening accounts or buying cars with just an ID and tabian baan for which PR holders need copious pages of copies of passport, WP, alien book, resident book, passport and tabien baan, not to mention of course going into national parks and museums at the Thai rate and just the pure enjoyment of seeing other Thais react to your Thainess. The price for all this at still only 5,000 baht (but going up to 10,000 soon) is a bargain. Most things for foreigners get tougher e.g. the process for PR that got harder and harder till it is now effectively frozen. So it is best to apply for whatever status you want and are qualified for sooner rather than later. If you are not interested, never mind.

    I suppose if you want/need to do all the things that citizenship makes easier then it makes sense (especially for just another 5000bt). I am quite content however with just not having to make visa runs, or renewing the visa every year. I don't want to work, certainly do not want the vote (not even for the extra 500bt!) and as far as entry to national parks etc is concerned, I never have a problem when producing my PR and Alien reg book.

    Good luck to all those applying.

  14. No curfew in Pattaya!

    If it's going to be meaningful then it should be nation wide ... otherwise any trouble makers can just go to the location where there is no curfew ... so it's not really a curfew!

    Are you going to lend them the money to go to another province to cause trouble, for sure as hel_l most can't leave their hometowns as they don't have 2 baht to rub together!

  15. I hope that the owners of this Mall sue the finacial backers of the Red Shirts for every penny they have!

    would be great if the red rioters build it back with backbreaking labor through blood, sweat and tears (unpaid) as community service.

    It is just a shop. What about the people who have been killed and hurt.

    Agree - but what about the thousands who find themselves suddenly without work? families to support, + rent and mortgages to pay. I bet many of them come from Isaan and would previously have been red supporters in spirit if not in deed. Hopefully no longer!

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