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prakhonchai nick

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Posts posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. What are the surrounding cities and provinces?

    How about Chonburi / Pattaya?

    I can't find any details. Not that I want to go out today, but maybe still do some shopping.


    I also would like to know details of the exact area covered by the Curfew.

    The curfew cover only Bangkok.

    No it doesn't.

    The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) has announced curfew in Bangkok and nearby cities and provinces in the North and Northeast earlier placed under emergency law.

  2. Jatuporn and Arisman Have Fled after Soldiers Reclaim Ratchaprasong UPDATE : 19 May 2010 More citizens of Montenegro?
    No surprise there!! It's been clear all along that these simian, paid Red firebrands are really ... Yellow!  :) Brainwash - and threaten - the 'cannon fodder' in order to get them to stay and confront the army, then run the <deleted> away yourself?    (.... well, 'waddle' might be the properverb for these porcine p***ks! :D ) This clearly shows how they really feel about the so-called  "marginalised, democracy-starved masses" they purport to represent! Shows too the real dark truth that's alwaye been behind this "Red" sham.  :D Let's hope these rats are caught real soon and introduced to a lovely firing squad.

    Obviously you and other posters criticizing the esacpe of red shirt leaders are not educated in protest or military strategy. Something akin to "hit and run" fighting or protesting. The leaders or fighters do not surrender but escape to keep the fight or protest going. The leaders are going to keep the fighters organized. Do you believe the leaders of militarized states (as in a war between two countries) are going to surrender in the face of an enemie's forces if they have the option of escaping? No...they will evade in order to fight again another day. I am amazed at the number of TVF posters who can not think logically. I am neither a red or yellow supporter...so save your ignorant hate for somone else. I hate Thaksin but understand why many people (red shirts, etc.) feel cheated by the removal of two elected PMs that were booted out by the yellow shirts. I agree with the few posters who are dismayed by the vile hatred and stupid comments regarding the situation in LOS. This situation might be the begining of the end to a country I enjoy. LOS could burn like LA during the Rodney King riots and the government/military is not going to be able to control rural cities, etc..

    A Captain normally stays with his sinking ship!

  3. In your heading you asked how long do you have to live in the UK to get a full pension.

    Basically it does not matter where you live - what is important is how many NI contributions have been made.

    Prior to 5th April 2010 44 NI contributions were necessary to secure a full pension for men (These could be from working in the UK or voluntary contributions). From 6th April, the number of contributions went down to 30 for both men and women, but only for those reaching retirement age after that date.

  4. Your brother is entitled to receive Adult Dependents Increase (ADI) regardless of where he or his wife live. Provided he claimed before the deadline of 5th April this year, the payment, when it eventually commences, will continue until 5th April 2020, unless his wife reaches state pension age before then (or your brother dies)

    The complication could be that your brother has claimed his pension from the UK and has not notified the pensions dept that he is living either permanently or semi permanently in Thailand. If he spends more than 3 months a year in Thailand, then he should tell the pensions dept, and his state pension would then be frozen at the current rate.

    Most Brits married to Thais (who are not with them in the UK) spend more than 3 months a year in Thailand.

    This aspect will need to be sorted with the pensions dept, but it will NOT prevent the payment of ADI. It will however slow things down.

    PM me if you require more advice

  5. :D Rice pudding in tins?? in the land of rice...c'mon man!















    Entirely agree, but you need "pudding rice". is this what is known here as sticky rice?

  6. I recommend BROOK or McGARRETT baked beans as passable substitutes for Heinz.

    Makro sell these + custard powder + blacker pepper.

    Not seen rice pudding anywhere ?

    Are you talking about Surin Makro, Ray??

    I think not.

    I think I can answer on behalf of Ray.

    It was I that introduced him to Brook baked beans and these along with everything else are available at Surin Makro. Beans not available however in Buriram Makro.

  7. I married to Issan girl, but no way am I going to live within Coo-ee of any of her family. We live in Chiang Mai, a nice 14 hours away.

    The main disadvantage to that is that they visit regularly, often without notice, and stay and stay and stay!!! And when they finally return (with a golden handshake) they just send others to replace them. :D

    Better to have them within spittin! distance! :)

  8. Ban Chiang heritage villages between Udon and Sakhon Nakhon.

    Phui Foilom Park, southwest Udon, Phu Phra Bat Historical Park, northwest Udon, and Phu Phra Bat Forest Park close by.

    Nong Khai, Ubonrat Dam between Udon and Khon Kaen

    The OP specified Lower Isaan.. Your suggestions are all Upper Isaan!. Interesting places though!

  9. There are many citizens of the UK who are not English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish.

    Hope that clears things up :D

    Far too many in fact! :) That's why I got out 20+ years ago.

    Now what's the name of that Dutch politician? :D

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