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Posts posted by codemonkey

  1. 5 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    The common cold does not kill or put you on a ventilator or leave long lasting symptoms. Covid can and does.

    Exactly, now you can see and understand how covid/omicron is NOT lethal, not that I am aware of. Can you show me where death rates are increasing recently, especially in countries with lower vaccination rates?

    • Haha 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    Really? Let’s see, 13 million diagnosed Covid cases in the UK. Looks like your numbers are off a bit.

    Oh, no doubt what-so-ever....most likely EVERYONE is gonna get infected with omicron, irregardless of vaccine status, thing is 98% will survive an infection that to this point is no worse than the common cold. So, until a vaccine can actually prevent the spread and protect against infection, you'll get to enjoy a case of the "common omicron" cold.


    But, if you are referring to natural immunity, there is more evidence now of the benefits of NI. Studies have reported on this.



    • Haha 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    Yep, Pfizer and Moderna protect well, even with Omicron.


    What are the protection levels for the unvaccinated?

    Ohh....about 98.9% survival rate give or take.

    Also studies have emerged now showing strong evidence of natural immunity.


    • Haha 1
  4. On 1/1/2022 at 6:06 AM, Trip Hop said:

    being vaccinated does not guarantee that you will not get infected

    No, of course it offers no guarantees nor does vaccination prevent the spread of covid, especially against omicron variant. Have a look at the recent case rate charts, USA, FR, etc and check the massive spread of covid despite high vaccination rates and ongoing booster shot programs.

     During clinical studies, both pfizer and moderna claimed VE (vaccine efficacy) in the 90% range, but in real world settings, (UK-HSA, detailed variant surveillance analyses) pfizer 2 dose vaccine effectiveness waned to 0% after 20 weeks, pfizer booster waned to 40% after 10 weeks, moderna held at about 70% 5-9 weeks after a booster. AstraZeneca (2 doses) recorded negative levels of protection after 20 weeks. (Technical briefing-booster Ve)

    Vaccine Ve.jpg

  5. 2 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    Clearly, you are not keeping up on current events. 


    Omicron filling pediatric hospitals

    Many children are hospitalized with covid, not from (because of) covid.



    Omicron numbers in a nutshell: cases up 60%, hospitalizations up 14%, death rates down 7% (all based on 7-day daily averages).

    The pandemic is losing power, and maybe transitioning to endemic status despite waning VE.  h-immunity, not a big topic as of late, not in the equation now?

  6. 35 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    would argue that vaccines are ineffective

    Those are your words, not mine, you are the expert on vaccines and the straw-man game.

    You need to see a MUCH larger picture here, and what omicron might entail to long term endpoint here, Now, go back and research what the stated pfizer objective is for their vaccine in the clinical trials and note the likeliness of meeting their design objective for the vaccine now that they are pushing the 3rd or 4rth iteration in the form of boosters.

    I never said vaccines were ineffective, but you did.

  7. 10 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    Omicron: Unvaccinated 60 times more likely to end up in hospital than vaccinated - study

    First death from Omicron variant registered in Australia
    According to the health department, the man had been vaccinated with two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine and had underlying health conditions.

    PS: Omicron variant accounts for 80% of all new covid infections. in AU. Of the 9,884 new covid infections on DEC 26 recorded in AU (80% prevailing omicron rate), only one death from omicron case in fully vaccinated 80's male in an age cared facility


    AU is 76% fully vaccinated, (almost 3 X the vaccination rate of S Africa), but has more new covid infections (309/M) than S Africa (250/M) on Dec 26th. Check the graph, try not to cringe too much.

    • Like 1
  8. Recent reports show omicron accounts for approx. 10% of all new covid cases now in Thailand and since the omicron variant transmits more, and escapes immunity built naturally and through vaccines more, the infection counts could rise rapidly in Thailand and with very low covid testing rates comparatively, many unreported infections likely.

    UK performs > 1.3M covid tests daily, Thailand does about 35K per day.  (data as supplied by Oxford )

    Covid infections average ~1,400/million people daily in the UK and  approx. 41/M daily in Thailand. The infections may be hugely under-reported there.


    • Thanks 1
  9. 24 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Doesn't appear too dramatic in this chart, Apparently World of Data reports 36 covid deaths and 24,785 new covid cases  on 12/16/2021 in RSA, during that same period estimated 175 persons died of fentanyl poisoning in the US.  A little context for you.

    And, potentially promising new covid treatment pending, think it's called paxlovid. May not need the 3rd, 4th, 5th, nth booster.

    No sarcasm, just advising and guiding you as you appear seem confused.

    • Like 1
  10. Omicron update:
    "South Africa Hospitalization Rate Plunges in Omicron Wave"


    South Africa, which is all of 26% vaccinated, not only has there been no surge in Covid deaths, they are the lowest they've been in 18 months, since May 2020.

     UK as of now has reported 1 Omicron death, and it was "with" the virus. Have any other Omicron deaths been reported anywhere? I haven't seen any.

    Good news--hope the media presents the news factually.

    • Like 1
  11. 47 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    You are proven to be posting misinformation

    Dutch authorities say "around 90%" of those that tested positive for COVID-19 were vaccinated. 100% who tested + for Omicron had taken the shots.

    "The infection rate among the passengers from South Africa sparked calls from Dutch health authorities for testing to replace vaccination status for flying."

    Makes sense given how covid is spreading so easily and rapidly amongst vaccinated.

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