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Posts posted by codemonkey

  1. On 10/30/2021 at 5:42 PM, ozimoron said:

    The conclusion is that vaccinated people are less likely to get infected in the first place and therefore less likely to transmit the virus.

    Insofar as design basis of covid vaccines did not include preventing spreading the virus, 3X "likely" is ok.

    But, I think now the real world data is showing a very different outcome and conclusion when one considers the substantial outbreaks in exceptionally well-vaccinated places like Israel, Malta and Vermont, **Singapore, and others make it clear that pushing up vaccination rates does not guarantee control of Covid-19, especially infection rates by anyone regardless of vaccine status.

    Breakthrough cases are sky rocketing as we speak and many fear grossly under reported by the CDC to avoid panic response.

    Vaccine waning concept is another pressing and very concerning issue.

    Tough sledding ahead with or without vaccination. I'm going to hide in the Alaskan wilderness or build an igloo in Tuktoyactuk or whatever it's called.

    ** Link considers comparison of viral loads, not vaccine rates.

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  2. 10 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    yes it does, it's more than 50% effective. stop trying to mislead people.

    The covid vaccine may prevent transmission and death, but just not very well as we see in the numbers now. Do keep in mind though that after everyone is vaccinated all new covid infections and deaths will be in vaccinated and there will be no more bias.

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  3. 5 hours ago, billd766 said:

    He most certainly does not live in my head. I am merely responding to a post that YOU made, and YOU are the one who believes that he is innocent, unlike the majority of thinkers in the world.


    I had to Google Quinnipiac polls as I had never heard of them.


    I then searched for their ranking on Google and it seems as though they rank at #148 in the USA school rankings. you think that I and anybody else, other than you should take them seriously?




    We are proud to be ranked among the best national colleges and universities in the country by leading organizations, including U.S. News & World Report and the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education.


    #148 is among the best?






    You are calling out Quinnipiac but know nothing about them, u need to rethink this and sharpen up your research methodologies.


    Quinnipiac is among the more credible non-partisan polls. Five Thirty Eight rates them as an A-minus pollster.
    It’s important to note that this rating is based on their Presidential polls.


    At any rate, u must know about CNN, so have a listen to Jake for a moment, as he tells it all. Biden is a flop, a failure and doing his best to break everything he touches.

    Also, check out NY Times and their comments on your savior Biden's failing presidency.



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  4. 34 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    And I suppose that you believe that Trump was a bit like George Washington, and never told a lie in his life?


    And was Trump's reelection really stolen from him?

    Trump's a billionaire and yet lives rent free in your head.

    Matter's not what I believe,  Biden's failures are a daily occurrence. America's had enough, he's out, go check Quinnipiac polls, your savior Biden is the worst ever.

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  5. On 2/27/2021 at 3:33 PM, billd766 said:

    He has done a lot in 5 weeks especially as he untangling the mess left by his predecessor.


    I was totally un-impressed by Trump and his team after 4 years.

    Considering how big the Biden catastrophe is so far in only 9 months I am very thankful he accomplished nothing in 48 years as senator. Biden is destroying EVERYTHING around him and thankfully is on his way out soon. Only thing Biden excels in is the blame game, oh, and lying to America.


    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    There have been 723,683 deaths from COVID since the first COVID death on Feb 6 2020 (609 days ago).


    That’s an average of 1,188 deaths per day or 50 per hour.


    If you had evidence of verifiable hourly reports  of injury from the vaccine you’d post it.





    A lot of covid deaths, you may have also noticed more people died so far in 2021 of covid than all of year 2020, and NO ONE was vaccinated in 2020.

    • Sad 1
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  7. On 9/30/2021 at 5:16 PM, JetsetBkk said:

    I just had a look at TrueVisions for the first time in several days (now watching IPTV) and this reduction in programs came as quite a shock.


    So that's it for me, goodbye True, hello Pulse-TV and/or HDprime - together are cheaper than True.


    I just hope I can get all the snooker.


    I watch snooker on SKY sports and FreeSports, and EuroSport 2.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Seems to be an ever changing landscape since there is so much to learn about the safety and performance of the mRNA vaccines. Too much misinformation, changing daily. NOBODY knows unless you "know". Pfizer seems to be under performing,  dwindling to 6 month protection now. But no worries, new vaccines could be on the horizon according to pfizer. Could become like 90 day reporting soon, get your jab every 90 days. Ted Nugent nails it in his recent interview, complete with the sheep impersonation.



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  9. 22 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

    Biden is just cleaning up Trump's mess, the border and Afghanistan for example. Both are just examples of Trump policies coming to fruition...

    Bidens over the horizon strike that wiped out 10 Afghans, including 7 children,....Trump killed Iranian terrorists, not innocent children. Trump sent "mean tweets" but kept a secure border, miss the mean tweets yet or do you prefer un-vaxxinated illegals pouring across the S. border and afghan's charged with sexual assault on children (pedophilia). Great job by biden and his admin!



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  10. 22 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

    Biden is just cleaning up Trump's mess, the border and Afghanistan for example. Both are just examples of Trump policies coming to fruition...

    You know biden has /is failing miserably when even the NY-times talks about this democratic failure who seems to create problems everywhere.


    NY times -biden failure-1.jpg

    • Like 1
  11. 22 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

    Biden is just cleaning up Trump's mess, the border and Afghanistan for example. Both are just examples of Trump policies coming to fruition...

    Hmm, ok, but just so you know that biden is quickly sinking, but no surprise. Also, whats the most common chant at college football games now...."<deleted> Joe Biden"

    Here ya are: https://news.gallup.com/poll/354872/biden-approval-rating-hits-new-low-harris.aspx

    Worst president ever, but VERY successful at breaking EVERYTHING that was not broke.

  12. On 6/19/2021 at 5:27 AM, Lacessit said:

    Trust was destroyed. You think Americans trust one another, after what has happened during Trump's presidency? You think the rest of the world trusted Trump, while he was President? The man made a yo-yo look positively somnolent by comparison.

    Biden is doing his best to restore America from the nadir it reached under Trump. If you want to mock a person for being not as articulate as someone who spewed lies and hatred on a daily basis, you are proving my point for me.

    You think the trust has been restored now that biden has stepped up and struck out ON EVARYTHING so far in 8 months.


    • Like 1
  13. 20 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

    Nice to be a citizen of a rational country.


    In America we have state governors who prohibit mask mandate let alone vaccines.

    The worst having been somewhat illegally jabbed three times already, the Texas Governor, gets a positive test , then demands and gets monoclonal antibodies even though he is asymptomatic. 


    He has spent the lasthow many days spreading covid-19 around, maskless of course


    Texas Governor Abbott. He  blames the pandemic on immigrants.

    download (1).jpeg

    Yeah, Cuomo is another example, but he's done now.


  14. On 8/6/2021 at 11:33 AM, placeholder said:

    First off,  Polio, Tetanus, Yellow Fever, Hepatitis, and Typhoid are all single dose vaccines. But the issue with multidose vaccines is intervals. The immune system needs time to be adequately primed by the first dose before a second is administered. And presumably the same goes for a 3rd dose. So it's not so much a question of safety as it is of potency.

    Since when did polio become a single dose vaccine?

  15. I have read good and bad for both your choices. My neighbor just got AZ and he is a bit woozy and sleepie 2 days post jab, but otherwise fine.

    But at the end of the day they all claim to offer some measure of protection from developing serious covid illness. The confusion now to me is that a seasonal "booster" vaccine shot will be required for which I am somewhat suspicious of. I suppose time will tell.

    Dosing interval is 28 days (please confirm) for Moderna vs 8 to 12 weeks with AZ so in view of your age, you may want to opt for Moderna.

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