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Posts posted by codemonkey

  1. On 7/19/2021 at 10:36 AM, WaveHunter said:

    Oh boy, another online registration scheme for expats is in the works, according to the CCSA Spokeswoman...to be released at an "undisclosed time".  Where have I heard that before?


    Also stated, in the classically vague sort of way that we've all come to expect from the CCSA, Inter-provincial travel through deep-red zones will now require "prior authorization", whatever the hell that means.  Of course they did not elaborate.  Does anybody have a clue what that means specifically?


    I wrote an email to PhyaThai asking if they could elaborate or provide some sort of travel document and am waiting to hear back from them.


    Register here for inter provincial travel:


  2. 3 hours ago, Eaglekott said:

    2021 07 19, Bangkok down to 20th place.

    @codemonkey Yes, I am very well aware of it might be an unnecessary column for some people. But I like the 100k population column as easier reference than total population column. I am not at all interested in daily delta at this point.



    Ok, hen hao. With rapid home antigen test kits available as of today in Thailand you may see a sharp spike in the daily covid positive tests?

    Where are your getting your covid stats / totals for all the provinces?  Some provinces are still reporting zero covid cases.

  3. On 7/7/2021 at 6:32 AM, Eaglekott said:

    2021 07 07, Bangkok down to 16th place, new on the list is Mae Hong Song, with their first 3 cases since I started this list, They are on place 66 so far out my top 20 list.



    Pop. 100k column is not required: use-(cases/pop)*100000: (if you want), also tracking daily delta (∆) might prove useful to you. Have fun despite all the covid doom & gloom.


    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, HerewardtheWake said:

    Hello, am in Pattaya. Where can I buy the Asus RT-AC68U router? Thanks.


    I sent a message to another poster about an AC-68U; it's an outstanding router but just not for managing OpenVPN as it is way under-powered and your connection speed will suffer dramatically.

  5. Vaccine registration has been working ok, it seems as my "agent" has completed no less than three (3) CONFIRMED vaccine appointments on my behalf (i meet all criteria for age, health, etc); one Moderna @SamitivejHospital (paid 3,300THB/2 doses last week) and one appointment with Phyathai-2 yesterday (CONFIRMED-appt: July 27) and a few moments ago at Medpark hospital (CONFIRMED: appt: AUG 11).

    I followed the ramblings and input from users found here on this website, (or rather my agent did) and by accounts it was very straight forward and seamless exercise.

    So, it is POSSIBLE for a foreigner (w/o WP or yellow books, and/or pink cards etc.,) to get a confirmed vax appointment in Thailand. I just did, that's 3 confirmed vax appts. in less than 7 days. Use this link.




















  6. 11 minutes ago, FridgeMagnet1 said:

    Has Thailand been on the ball and secured Novavax which had proved effective in trials and probably not needed in the USA? 

    asking for a friend 

    It's unavailable, mired in production problems, product quality issues, still in trials and not approved for use ANYWHERE.

    "April 13 Novavax says it could reach its production goal of 150 million doses per month by the third quarter of 2021"


    • Like 1
  7. Okay, my g/f JUST completed moderna vaccine registration (for me/foreigner) at Samitivej and paid online (3200THB / 2 dose's), with the appointment details to follow they say in the "next hour".

    I feel I have just thrown 3200 baht down the toilet, but time will tell.

    Their website (samitivej vaccine registration) is hosted on CloudFlare in the US and she used a vpn and Vivaldi browser, and just hung out on the puter and waited in the queue.

  8. 4 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    That is a very good question, and one that needs some research through the studies that have been done so far.  At one time it was only for over 60's here in Thailand and the Sinovac for under 60's


    I did find this from Australia, and its the most recent info



    I also found that there may be problems traveling to the US if vaccinated with the AZ vaccine as it has not been approved there, but then this article alludes to a different view by the PM of Canada


    There is no problem entering US with or without a vaccine, AZ included. If AZ is not the flavor of the month in the US, then don't tell anyone. Your comment makes no sense and is misleading.

  9. This entire over-hyped phuket idiot box catastrophe was doomed from the start and nothing more than an amateur attempt at propagandist approach to promoting tourism that totally failed as the country sinks deeper into the grip of delta and mired in ineptness!

    Very sad, but so pathetic and predictable.

  10. I am quite certain I had the same issue with ToT CG-NAT and all I did was call them and request they change that so that I could connect to my home network and they did. That was after I switched to bridge mode. No problem for years now. The ToT ISP service is fiber 900/200. Very suitable and reliable so far.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 20 hours ago, sirineou said:

    Yea I was kind of trying to avoid having all of my Wi-Fi enabled devises go through the VPN . Right now only my lop top is running the VPN which is good because I can suspend it whenever I don't want it, which is most of the time. 

    I can play content on my lop top while logged on to the VPN, but for some reason I am unable to mirror my lop top   to the TV or the Roku wirelessly . I have watched the how-to videos, followed all the steps, but in the end it does not happen. I guess I can hook up the lop-top to the TV , vis an HDMI cable, It's not like I watch a lot of TV anyway. 

    Anyway, Thank you for your reply. ????



    its likely you need to allow apps on the LAN to bypass the vpn before mirroring can work. Or as mentioned previously use "policy rules" on a router. Simple.

  12. On 6/10/2021 at 6:26 AM, placeholder said:

    Emulating Trump much? Huge difference  between Clinton's claims and Trump's. Clinton never claimed that votes were fraudulently miscounted. And Obama  never made personal calls on her behalf to reverse election results.

    Trump constantly makes demonstrably false claims about the election. He even put huge pressure on his VP to illegirimately reject electoral vote count.


    As for insurrection, despite what so many Trump supporters claim, I'm not aware that Antifa invaded the Capitol in order to stop the electoral vote count and trigger The Storm. Attempting to overthrow governance established by the Constitution of the United States is unequivocally insurrectionist.

    Zero prob. cause/evidence for insurrection case on JAN06, it did not happen, nothing even close. If there was and the left has nothing to hide there would have been 100's of charges of sedition! Alternate reality exploitation, nothing more.

    • Sad 1
  13. On 6/10/2021 at 1:43 PM, Yellowtail said:


    Yeah, "before" she was V.P.


    Maybe when she was in high school and drove to TJ to have her car reupholstered.

    The last thing biden /harris want to do is to pay a visit to the border with the fake news media in tow and showcase the mess they created there.


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