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Posts posted by worldexpress

  1. On 12/9/2021 at 6:19 PM, nikmar said:

    strange that you can get married and, presumably, have kids before you can vote or have a beer.

    It's a crazy world. Kids can be sent to fight a war straight out of high school before they can do any of that.

  2. You can't make this kind of **** up. A late night talk-show host would not run out of material, if they keep an eye on this forum. The government over reach is on a whole different level with these clowns, as if they got nothing else to do. Bangkok governor's office has a hand in this? Unreal. Don't they have a consumer protection agency of some sort? It's surprising they don't require people to check in with the government so often. Wait.. they kinda do... for us dirty people. ????

    • Like 2
  3. 4 hours ago, A1Str8 said:

    There's no such thing as forbidden. Show up in court in pants. That's all.


    It's not that simple. This is bigger than just pants. Pants are more symbolism for women wanting more even playing field in this male dominated society. It may not be forbidden by written rules but every society has understood social norms you're bound by; especially in a profession like law where traditions just don't budge. So your lady lawyer shows up in court in pants, following your advice. Upsets the older male judges with traditional mindset. How do you think your case will fare?

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  4. 2 hours ago, xylophone said:

    I have mentioned this before, because I don't believe that a lot of Thais know the significance of the zebra crossing (as we call it) and that they are supposed to slow down and stop when someone is on it.

    Zebra crossing as who call it? ???? It, along with "bonnet," are foreign words to most Americans. We can guess the meanings in their contexts but they are called "cross walk" and "hood." Cheers. (We don't say that either but I've picked it up here.) ????

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  5. 9 hours ago, mikebike said:
    13 hours ago, pattjock said:

    Most European countries publish everything in 15 to 20 languages.


    And are we in Europe now or a developing SE ASian country? Why on earth would you expect equivalence?


    Not much different in the US either. It's getting ridiculous. English should be the only language for government use. That is our language if you want to be in the US, take it or leave it.

  6. It's about time they're made legal. I got hassled so often in Pattaya, it was always an adventure getting one in and around popular areas. You'd have to be very discrete about pick-up. The security/traffic guards at and near Hilton & Central would always be on the look out and snitch to the cops. One time I had a lady Uber driver (before Grab) suddenly take-off on a cop that stopped us through the horrendous Second Rd. traffic. I though I was going to either die or end up in jail.


    It sounds like they are going to make sure it stays more expensive than meter taxis though. Probably needed to make the cabbies happy but I don't mind paying a little more to not have to walk down my quiet soi in hot weather to get a taxi.

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  7. I'm always amused how they pull these projection numbers. Do they ever hit any in the time frame they project?


    And I'm always amazed how they find translators in some of these languages. They'd have to be very very good or some serious international crisis can happen. I don't see any more than a handful of qualified Mongolian translators in Thailand.

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