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Posts posted by worldexpress

  1. Ah the DYKWIA syndrome. A seasoned enlisted Navy Chief would eat a sub-LT's lunch any and everyday in the US Navy. He must have watched McHale's Navy and got the impression Sailors are suppose to behave badly.


    On the side note.. why is the article keep repeating "navy man?" There are so many better words befitting the new century (Sailor, junior officer, naval officer, his actual rank, etc.). And no. I don't mean to be politically correct; only interested in more descriptive terms.

  2. 6 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    I thought Thailand was the medical hub of Asia...

    cut the defense budget in half, get rid of 80% of the generals/commanders etc etc and support the health industry.

    They have a better chance of going to Jupiter or wherever the h*ll they said they want to go than cutting down on fraud, waste, and abuse infrastructure.


    This is a country where a dog that mauled the owner to death is taken to his funeral to apologize and all is well. Can you really take anything seriously?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 6 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

    I haven't clicked this link, nor will I, but why on earth would you want to post a video of the moment five people died?

    I feel the same way whenever I see similar videos posted online, as if the prefaced warnings of graphic video somehow makes them OK. I have no interest in tragic videos of lives being lost. I've seen plenty in theaters. And I don't mean the movie/play kind.

  4. Both make valid points and I do understand the insurance is always underwritten based on risk factors. But all visitors, regardless of nationality, are admitted under assumption, via test/documentation requirements,  that they are COVID free when they hit Thai soil. Plus, I understand these Thai COVID policy has a wait period by which time quarantine period is over. If that's the case, the risk factors are even for all nationalities. Correct?

  5. Unfortunately, maximum exploitation is the business model the 'disruptor' companies are using to maximize revenues. Uber and Lyft drivers have been dealing with the same squeeze-more pay cuts over the years and the Amazon workers are subject to literally non-stop "intense work-out" during their shifts with just enough time to pee into plastic bottles. Of course, I am one of hypocritical consumers that enable and patronize those businesses, sadly. 

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  6. I cringe whenever I see babies and little kids on motorbikes. And the bikes aren't designed to be a family transportation. I've seen an entire family of 5 on a scooter in Vietnam on many occasions. My neighbor takes a very sleepy 6 year old to school on the back seat every morning and I told him to at least tie her to his waste and he started doing so. They should restrict to up to 2 riders with no one under 13 and zero tolerance on non-helmet use, at paved city roads and highways.

  7. 2 hours ago, Dialemco said:

    Unfortunately there is a world shortage of Covid vaccines also bear in mind 2 doses are required within a 4 week period. It is very unlikely Thailand will be able secure and administer sufficient vaccines by July better estimate would be end of this year at best.


    That's a good valid concern no one seemed to have addressed. How are they going to administer the second doses in  timely manner? ????

  8. I remember watching a 60-minutes story about 15 or so years ago about Finland being a notoriously sad and melancholic country with high suicide rate. Interesting how the survey indicates an about-face turn in the mood of the Finnish people. But then the same survey puts the US in the 19th place which to me is surprisingly high in the current political and social climate.

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