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Everything posted by Morch

  1. It is a fact that Zionism is comprised of many views. It's is a fact that many of these views do not conform to the description you chose in your posts. This is reflected in Israeli politics, Israeli attitudes, and everyday life in Israel. You choose to focus on extreme views associated with Zionism (which I do not deny) and try your best to claim that they represent the whole. What you posted, quoted and so on is along similar lines - a cherry-picked version of things, tailored to fit your initial bogus argument. So yes, 'untrue' holds. You can go on trolling with the 'antisemitic' nonsense. Guess that pointing out this concept is normally applied to Jews would result in more inane trolling about Palestinian being Semite, etc. Notably, you have not demonstrated a single comment of mine that even begins to be close to that, as expected. Try harder.
  2. So long as the Israeli Supreme Court is in place, and in it's current stature, not much chance of that. The requirement is that the country will have an independent legal system able to address issues - not that issues will be addressed to the satisfaction of those suing. What you imagine a matter of time seems to be a very long term prospect (if, indeed, the Netanyahu coalition government manages to pass the judicial 'overhaul' - which seems less likely now).
  3. Netanyahu was not alone in this assessment. It was aired by many other politicians, generals and analysts. The donations thing is hard to keep track of - initially comments were that budgets and donations would be frozen, then some about faces, then frozen again - it can get a bit confusing given that the money is actually funneled through multiple channels and to different causes (many under UNRWA's care). Historically, whenever things seem to come to the brink, the money goes through. Regarding 'starvation', I seriously doubt it. Recall how we were told water will suffice for 'x' more days, over and over again? How fuel 'ran out'? And so on and so forth. One may consider again, Hamas's role in both creating the current crisis, and the part played in diverting resources over the years.
  4. Are you his spokesperson? I don't envy you. And on your are again tossing about nonsense: Indiscriminate bombing? If that was so there would be far more casualties, way more destruction. Note that the casualty figures (controlled by Hamas) are more or less on par with citations of the number of bombs and munitions dropped on the Gaza Strip. That would make a rather odd ratio if one tried to claim 'indiscriminate'. You have no idea what you're talking about. As for 'no advanced warning' - wrong again. Civilians were given warning to evacuate weeks ago, and enough time to do so. You may not like it, but it's there. The number of child casualties is provided by the Ministry of Health in Gaza, which is controlled by the Hamas. Trusting these figures is a matter of choice. Notice how most serious media venues keep repeating the source comment? Yeah...that. You could also ask why Hamas chose to attack Israel knowing full well the consequences, why no warning was given to the populace, why no shelter provided, and why Hamas called on the population to stay put and face Israel's attack. You do not seem to care much about all this.
  5. And you are aware that Hamas does not agree with you, right? It's not just Israel Bad.
  6. Yeah. There's a bit of context to that which you left out - namely Hamas not releasing bodies of dead Israelis (or giving information about Israelis held in the Gaza Strip - and that's referencing events before 7/10). This 'policy' is not uniformly applied, though. Sometimes Israel hands bodies back, sometimes not. Less so when it comes to Hamas men, I think. Personally, I think it's a very touching peace of journalism - pity the subject is a terrorist who planted a bomb in a bus.
  7. OK....the as far as Netnayahu, goes, the UN post is usually reserved for political rivals he wishes to derail. Hence Danon, and hence the current numpty. It does not indicate wielding much political power, the opposite. As usual you go on with exaggerations, not bothering to support them with anything. There is no 'Nakba 2' plan. Northern Gaza is not 'unlivable' but in the same situation many urban war zones are. What Netanyahu wants is to go on being PM and not going to prison. All the rest is immaterial. His coalition and party, currently face polls in which they would take a massive hit in favor of the Centrist-Left bloc.
  8. Go out the window how? Did any of the countries involved renege on the agreements? Israeli President due to speech at a convention in Dubai (next week, I think, some climate thing). Israel invaded the Gaza Strip following the Hamas attack. Biden did not really 'bow down' to Netanyahu, other than in your post.
  9. I am posting about facts. You are posting about thing you 'believe' in, that do not conform to facts. No similarity. Your opinion is not based on fact, yet you present it as such. You want to call that misinformation, being dishonest or trolling - take your pick. I can certainly accept disagreement based on facts, which is not what you offer. You last line is unhinged. I haven't said anything remotely close to that. Guess another instance of trolling.
  10. Do tell how Trump was seen as non-partisan last time around.
  11. @thaibeachlovers Maybe it wasn't on AJ.... Israeli forces rescue soldier held by Hamas in special operation, IDF says https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/31/middleeast/idf-ori-megidish-rescue-hamas-hostage-intl-hnk/index.html
  12. There is no agreement between us, and no similarity. You claim something that is untrue, I do not. Also, you are trolling.
  13. Not exactly empty-handed, but not quite the hyped up version they made it to be: Abraham Accords https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Accords
  14. @thaibeachlovers No issues with Israeli kids being murdered by Hamas, or taken hostage. No issues with Hamas for starting this knowing the consequences. No issues with Hamas doing nothing to defend the civilian population, or even calling them to stay put. No issues with Hamas not letting them Palestinian kids into the safety of the Hamas tunnels.
  15. As far as I'm aware, that never happens. If the either breach the terms of release or retake terrorist activities, that's another thing. But they are not re-incarcerated again for their old crimes as soon as possible.
  16. There is no 'ditto', and we do not agree on anything. You are trolling, and posting things which are untrue. I'm not.
  17. @Neeranam So you can't even stick with your 'ignore' threats?
  18. @thaibeachlovers More of your anti-USA nonsense. Do you air as many objections when China or Russia apply their Veto right? Do they not protect their interests as well?And do tell - which parts of the UN are the 'useful bits', and what sort of international cooperation is expected from major countries under your new global plan?
  19. @thaibeachlovers There was not such 'equation', other than in the poster's allegation. You simply repeat it without any foundation. You don't seem to care much about Israeli kids, guess them being killed, hurt or taken hostage is legit in your eyes.
  20. @thaibeachlovers Next thing you'll claim that under the Hamas or the PA the situation of their freedom of speech rights is better. Unless you missed it, Israel is at war - often, such situations go with increased restrictions of freedom of speech regarding relevant matters. Not unique. Many of the Palestinians released during the last big swap (the Shalit thing) turned back to being involved in terrorism and such. As far as I'm aware, none were arrested just after release, though. Sounds like you're making things up again. As for your last comment - would be helpful if you provided a link, a name, or context. You do not, for obvious reasons. Some of the young Palestinians released were directly involved in attacks on Israelis. You may choose to ignore this, doesn't change facts.
  21. @Neeranam It is sad that when the going gets rough, one turns a cold shoulder to furry (former?) friends and spiritual guides. Alas, some people are like that.
  22. @thaibeachlovers Do tell how China might 'move the security council'. Also, quite amusing seeing you trying to portray Russia and China as champions of human rights.
  23. Cherry picked quotes from Wikipedia. I don't think it's hard to understand. Most of the base content relevant to your quotes ultimately relies on translations from Arabic and Hebrew as well - all will essentially refer to documents, ideas and notions in relevant languages. I'm sure you thought you had a 'smart' point there. There is no such equivalence as you falsely suggest. Zionism include many that would accept a compromise, recognize the other side's rights and not adhere to extreme ideas and solutions. If you could demonstrate something similar from Hamas, that would be great. So far, you either cannot or refrain from doing so. You can keep making your inane comment over and over again, doesn't make it less of a nonsense one.
  24. I don't think Hamas have quite the same global aspirations as IS had. There were instances were Hamas routed out IS/AQ cells in the Gaza Strip. Guess they didn't like the competition.
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