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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Cherry pick as much as you like, doesn't change the fact that even the article you quoted holds different views.
  2. Maybe you should check your statements with Hamas leadership and spokesmen. They tell a different story.
  3. There is no requirement for parity in casualties other than in your mind. Israeli hostages still held by Hamas, rockets still launched at Israel. The death toll would have been different if Hamas was allowed to act unchecked, which seems to be what you suggest. There were two Israeli Prime Ministers who made such offers to the PA, both offers were not accepted by the PA. Hamas is not in favor of a two-state solution the way you paint it. Basically, what you're after is rewarding Hamas for 7/10.
  4. That former official's anti-Israel stance was addressed on the previous main topic. That you treat his words as gospel and out of context is just the way you roll on these topics. The article you quoted contains other, more nuanced views - which you obviously did not quote.
  5. Israel does not have a duty not to kill Palestinians. Israel did not commit 'atrocities' this time around. Israel's supposed 'war crimes' will be addressed when the fighting is over, rather than decided by your propaganda posts. Israel did not steal any land in this current iteration. Interestingly enough, you seem to see the Palestinians as having no duties, obligations or responsibilities. A rather telling position.
  6. I doubt you'd say rockets are ineffectual if they were launched at your home. That Israel took measures (Iron Dome, shelters, warning system) to make it less of a threat is something that you seem to ignore. As for Hamas not doing more of the same - not because they do not want to, but because of current IDF action. Hamas leaders already quoted they would do it over and over again. Two-state solutions aren't a Hamas hallmark. The PA was also lukewarm on past instances when Israel's leaders were for it. That you try to spin things in a certain way does not change facts. As for believing stuff - you seem to believe all the nonsense you spew.
  7. That's something you can certainly claim, but have not demonstrated. Anyway, it would still imply that they have more confidence in Biden than in Trump. Biden is POTUS because he won the elections, and Trump lost them. Not too complicated.
  8. @thaibeachlovers 'Weak man', says poster who puts almost everyone who disagrees with him on 'ignore'.
  9. OP, first sorry to hear about your situation, and your wife's health issues. Not easy to deal with these things even without the visa thing. As far as I'm aware, legally your marriage-based visa is void if the Mrs. passes away. I don't know if there's a set time you are supposed to report this to immigration, but with the 90 days reports/annual renewal it's just a matter of time until it could be dodged. How things are addressed by immigration has to do with the local office attitude - some are more helpful/lenient, some less so. But in general, I don't think they go out of their way to cause trouble in such cases. I would take this up with your immigration office, and make things clear - easier than to deal with it solo, and with the added burden of funeral, grief and so on. Similarly, maybe time to make clear arrangements (if you haven't already) regarding will, inheritance and future help around the house.
  10. Meanwhile, in the real Thailand..... Facing financial challenges for the aged https://aseannow.com/topic/1312539-facing-financial-challenges-for-the-aged/
  11. Nobody how? Trump got the lead in polls doesn't imply Biden is at 0% support. Far from it. Some of Trump's court cases are directly concerned with political issues, and relate to Trump's own political motivations. As for 'pulling strings' just another nothing comment.
  12. Again, your opinion which you try to present as fact, or some generally agreed upon position.
  13. Israel does not, other than in your hate-filled, wild allegations posts.
  14. If you say so. But then, of course, for you compassion is a one way street.
  15. Thai builders sometimes have their own ideas. Like, they'll say ok to the 'crazy foreigners'' requests, then forget all about it and do it their way when actually building the house. Had some of that during our house build, but we were on site pretty much everyday and nipped most of it in the bud (or made him re-do stuff). I think it's more of a thing in the country, less so in major cities and towns.
  16. @thaibeachlovers No captives were released, hostages were. Soldiers may be classed as captive, none were released that I'm aware of.
  17. You said no war crimes were committed. That's a broad, strong statement - what do you base it on?
  18. Sometimes an anti-semite is just an anti-semite. Even if he's got an imaginary pet rabbit.
  19. If it's so clear, you could probably just point it out....
  20. Building another mountain on a single quote?
  21. You took a small bit of what he said, and referenced it out of the general context of the interview. He says a whole lot of things - which personally I don't agree with, or think them irrelevant.
  22. No, that's an indication of how many people are politically invested in something. It does not necessarily indicate general trends. Nice try, Paul.
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