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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @thaibeachlovers That would be you uninformed. There were links provided to Hamas religious leaders sayings, pronouncement regarding the struggle vs. Israel. There were clips of captured Hamas men saying they were given direction and indoctrination by religious leaders, allowing atrocities on religious grounds.
  2. No, more like you claim 'debunked'. That's not really the same thing.
  3. Take it up with your rabbit: Anti-Zionism and antisemitism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Zionism#Anti-Zionism_and_antisemitism
  4. No, not only in my world. It's rather more nuanced than you claim. Educate yourself, Jeff: Anti-Zionism and antisemitism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Zionism#Anti-Zionism_and_antisemitism Further, as posted, the comments for which you were 'branded' an antisemite were about Jews. I'm sure that you don't have a clear grasp of what you posted, other than tossing words and terms in.
  5. In your mind. Not according to this forum's rules, though
  6. I'm calling it as it is. You don't like it, then hide your antisemitism better. I don't think Hamas will take kindly to being labeled 'right-wing Zionist supporters'.
  7. I thought not, that it's just a formality. But some time ago when I was at immigration, there was a foreigner informed of a 'denied' result. He didn't take it well, behaved badly and was 'escorted' out of sight. Guess he made their point.
  8. With the rabbit, no doubt. Studying doesn't imply learning.
  9. No, you were branded an antisemite because you made several blatant antisemite posts - referencing Jews.
  10. Butchered is what Hamas did. There, now you know the difference.
  11. Maybe in your alternative reality. There were links put up just yesterday for EU condemnation of the Hamas, for example. Also, I don't think you know what 'fundamentalist' means. The 'eradicate' bit is, again, your own nonsense.
  12. Nobody said they were Hamas, although there were links provided about Hamas using Palestinian workers in Israel to get intel. They are enemy citizens in a time of war, and many of them tried to slip away, breaking the terms of their employment permits. That alone would allow their arrest, by the way. I don't give a hoot about your repeated claims to have seen things. We discuss what can be discussed here, not allegations raised by yourself. As for the rest of your nonsense - was any of the killed? and other than claims - was anyone actually tortured, health seriously endangered and so on? There were cases of abuse - acknowledged and under investigation. You grasping at straws.
  13. People from different countries view their respective police forces differently. In some cases, unfavorably so. It is not a given that people would feel safer being handled by their 'own' police. For example, given the many news stories and public perceptions about the Thai police - not sure that Thai tourists would be thrilled having to deal with that abroad as well. The language thing - yes. But this is maybe better handled by either incorporating more Chinese-speaking volunteers into the tourist police, or offering Chinese language classes to policemen.
  14. Indeed. That's why my post did not claim you did.
  15. No, that was just you posting stuff.
  16. Allegations are not facts. Israel already acknowledged that some violations did happen, and are being investigated (that included in the link above). i don't know why you'd expect them to be treated super nicely right after the 7/10 attack.
  17. Palestinian rocket arsenal is more extensive than that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_rocket_arsenal Regardless, the fuel issue is, I think, less about the rocket fuel, and more about electricity - which is required for launching them. Also used to ventilate underground facilities, run communications, vehicles and so on.
  18. Well, if the new policy of just constantly 'hiding' posts, endless warnings, and the occasional short suspension (wash, rinse, repeat) is on - this forum will probably need a larger moderator team. Not complaining about how they do their tasks, mind. Just that seems like on some topics 'disruptions' can go on for a quite a while until addressed.
  19. It's an an online forum for discussing news, and airing opinions. It's not an activist venue. Following your rationale, a whole lot of the posts on these topic could be discarded, including many of yours.
  20. I'm responding to your post, same way (but less aggressively) you respond to others. So, to be clear - when you employ virtue signaling its 'the truth', and when others do it it's not? Something like that? The topic is actually about the protest, which has ended, unless you missed it. I did comment about it up topic, more than once.
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