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Everything posted by Morch

  1. For @thaibeachlovers, anything goes.... How does murdering babies, raping women, mutilating bodes count as 'fighting'?
  2. And you care only about fodder for trolling posts.
  3. You seem to think it is, and that you're winning something. That's one of your things - announce that you 'won' an argument (on at least two recent topics). You post stuff, I reply. That's how forums work.
  4. What 'the people'? You do not speak for 'the people'. That there's 'no dispute' is also your opinion, rather than fact. Again, offering nothing much but drama and an extreme point of view.
  5. You don't have to reply to my posts, or to any other posters', for this matters. Your choice (unless you want to claim the Zionists made you do it....).
  6. That's a nice story, and a very dramatic presentation. If that's all you've got.....
  7. Calling Israel 'terrorists' is you choice, representing an extreme view. Most countries and governments, probably yours as well, do not see things this way. In fact, more countries label Hamas a terrorist organization (which it is) - I'd guess including your country as well. I'm not surprised the Palestinians 'rebel' - I'm disheartened that they do not have a leadership which could take them on a different, more constructive path.
  8. Exactly how? You're the one going on and on about it.
  9. @thaibeachlovers seems to alternate between taking everything Netanyahu says at face value, and presenting him as an untrustworthy liar. All depends on the 'argument' and narrative pushed. Netanyahu says a whole lot of things, but most time it's just hot air. He tends to fold under pressure, so long as he can justify it to his voter base. As per your nonsense above - there are constant reports about negotiations for hostage release which would necessarily involve a ceasefire. If Netanyahu was opposed to that, there wouldn't have been such negotiations. It's nice that you come out and justify Hamas hostage taking, just to be clear on where you stand. I don't know how that hostage soldier was killed, and neither do you, but of course you'd speculate and try to do so in a way laying the blame on Israel, not the terrorists who held her.
  10. The coalition partners do not have full control over Netanyahu, nor over his part. Much Influence, leverage - sure. You seem to be trying to make the case that they are all the same. As for the party slogan - answered already, if you can't accept it, that's up to you.
  11. You did not provide a link, and I'm not about to hunt down which Wikipedia page this is lifted from. The choices are there to be made, you want to treat it as some drama class, that's your choice. I don't see how the choices made by Palestinians better served their cause or made it more attainable. If anything, they had the opposite effect. As per your quote - a whole lot of the area allocated to the Jewish state was desert land down south, which was sparsely populated, not really prime real estate. Regarding acceptance of the partition plan being a 'tactical step' - even if you want to see it that way, it goes back to what I posted - that a pragmatic approach was applicable. The Palestinians could have made the same choice, they did not. I do not see Israel's formation as a 'terrorist land grab', that's your extreme view of seeing things. I most definitely do not support Putin, and also in the process of exercising my right for Ukrainian citizenship & passport.
  12. @thaibeachlovers So what birthday present did you get her, then?
  13. Sometimes the comments made aren't worthy of the energy, sometimes they are obviously troll posts which would only generate further trolling if replied to, sometimes the posters use the 'ignore' and wouldn't see a reaction anyway - and so on. Many reasons to use emoticons, then. What I don't get is why some people take them so seriously, or even notice them much. There's also a limited range of options, so not always easy to convey what was supposed to be meant by them, or to figure out why someone posted one. No use in trying to overthink it too much, IMO.
  14. @Neeranam I doubt many believe you care about any of the casualties, beyond what they represent as trolling material for you posts.
  15. @thaibeachlovers How so? On other topics your comments warn this could develop into a global conflict, or that global economy would be effected. Make up your mind.
  16. @thaibeachlovers Sucks on AJ's teat, goes on about 'biased' Western sources 'linked to governments'.
  17. @thaibeachlovers shooting himself in the leg again.... If you accept that AJ deleted some shots to 'prove one side's view', then you obviously accept it is neither objective, nor following reporting standards. As for your bomb to casualty ratio - take a minute to think about it. One bomb (or more) per casualty. Does that sounds like an efficient way of targeting civilians? Or of conducting a genocide? If anything, it makes the case for opposite claims.
  18. Because people die in wars. Even Children. Why did Hamas start this knowing the consequences? Why doesn't Hamas offer any protection to the civilians? Or at least the children? Why did Hamas leaders call on Gazans to stay put and face the Israeli attacks? Maybe it's because, in their own words, sacrifices need to be made. Not by them or their families, obviously.
  19. In your mind, perhaps. In reality, not so much. Think about the bomb to casualty ratio and you'll see how daft your comment is.
  20. @thaibeachlovers Are you aware that this is not true? The IDF managed to contact hospital management more than once.
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