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Everything posted by Morch

  1. How many of them are singled out, historically, consistently with bigoted opinions?
  2. Most of the Israelis protesting against Netanyahu's government are Zionists. Zionists does not automatically or exclusively imply right wing, religious, zealot, and so on. Posters are free to ignore it, or pretend otherwise, but the distinctions on offer are often not adhered to on many of these protests, or even posts on this forum.
  3. @retarius The truth is annoying to some. So are facts, when they don't square with false narrative pushed. As for being put on 'ignore' (or pretended to) by an antisemite? Somewhere between 'who cares' and a 'badge of honor'.
  4. @retarius Coming from an openly antisemite poster, such comments are to be treated accordingly. The Jews? All of them are down in Gaza killing Palestinians? All the Jews support that? Beyond the pale? Like, worse than what Hamas did on 7/10? Worse than things that took place in the Syrian Civil War? Under ISIS? Or yes, during WWII? The one who's beyond the pale is yourself. All the people killed in Gaza are innocent civilians? Seriously? Not a single Hamas men among them? 200+ hostages are 'a few''? Including a baby who had his first birthday in captivity? You're a disgrace.
  5. They are told to evacuate to another area within the Gaza Strip. Not out of it. Not quite in line with your argument.
  6. Get your facts straight. In 1946 there was no Israel. In 1948 Arab countries declared war on Israel, not the other way around. In 1973, Israel was attacked by two of it's neighbor countries. In 2023, Israel was attacked by Hamas. See earlier comment on this topic regarding posters airing their opinions without the benefit of knowing facts, or what they're talking about. I think there's a connection to the topic's subject matter.
  7. I read your post. I think I got it right. You do this sometimes - give an almost reasonable opinion, the the ending sort of spoils it. You're taking my comment to extremes. Which is understandable given your own argument is weak. The level of differentiation required in order not to be considered a bigot is not taxing, nor very complicated. You can guess 'we can agree' - but we don't. I'm not party to your simplistic, loaded way of framing things. Couldn't care less who's your neighbor. I don't discuss politics with mine.
  8. And then there are them facts. Was there fighting on this scale within a similar densely populated urban zone with similar set of circumstances? All them comparisons to other situations are great for making bogus points, I concede that - but they aren't really relevant. If Israel was about what you claim - there would be no warnings, no time to evacuate, and a whole lot more casualties. As usual you go for hyperbole.
  9. It was not USA policy up to that point. It was not considered a bright move at the time, and that's still the case. Jerusalem's status is not widely recognized internationally, nor are Israel's relevant territorial claims.
  10. @ozimoron No? Many groups constantly targeted for two millennia? Many groups being singled out in the teaching of two of the World's leading religions? Do tell.
  11. @ozimoron Again with the stupid blanket statements. There were people who outright supported Hamas on this forum. On topics which you partook in. You do this sort of thing on and on. Deny things which actually did happen. And there are many more, yourself included, who constantly broadcasts Hamas talking points, propaganda, posters who do their best to normalize, minimize Hamas's actions and agenda. It's hard to tell if you actually believe what you posted or simply lying. Doesn't matter all that much.
  12. Most of the Israeli protests related to the war got nothing to do with Orthodox Jews. The vast majority of protestors are either anti-government (a continuation of the months long mass protest prior to the war), or those identifying with families of the hostages. What you referenced were relatively small protest by an extreme faction within the Orthodox Jews, who opposes the very existence of Israel, and routinely identifies with it's enemies. Their nonsense is mostly tolerated in ordinary times, coming on the heels of 7/10....understandably less so. By order of Netanyahu? Very doubtful, as he's not the one dealing with this sort of things.
  13. The ICJ did not give a final ruling on that. Guess 'clear' means something else in your world.
  14. If it's not so much about Jews, then why bring them up? Genocide? That's a loaded term, and one that's mostly used in the propaganda sense. Zionists? There are pro-peace Zionists, far-right Zionists, religious and secular Zionists. People often toss the term about, without having a clear idea what it means. It's a wide definition, and encompasses a whole range of views.
  15. The 27,000 figure includes Hamas men. It's not just civilians. Lumping them all together is a Hamas propaganda talking point. Murder implies intent. If Israel was bent on killing Palestinian civilians, if this was what it was about - there would have been no warnings issues, not time to evacuate offered, and there would have been a whole lot more casualties on the list. And again - Jews. Israel. Israeli government. Not the same.
  16. What 'behaviour' would that be? And do all Jews bear responsibility for the fighting in the Gaza Strip? As for your 'disregard' bit - Hamas's own leaders welcomed civilian casualties, labeling them as 'necessary sacrifices' for the 'cause' (and worse).
  17. @ozimoron The issue is people conflating these things.
  18. The thing is, bigotry toward Jews is probably one of the oldest recorded (and long lasting) instances of bigotry. It is also one which, time after time, had actual severe negative consequences for that group. Saying it's just like anyone else is fine, but not accurate. Given that a massive part of that got to do with the two of the World's most popular religions, it's an issue. Your 'carpet bombing' comment is exactly what I was referring to in my previous post - people commenting strongly on related matters, but without the benefit of knowledge.
  19. My heart goes out to you. Seems like them pesky Jews are forever tormenting you. As for the comment you replied to - try that 'context' thing. Topic was in relation, I think, to the current situation. A whole lot of people comment on things, or protest or whatever - and do so decisively. The level of their actual knowledge regarding things is often minimal or non-existent. Doesn't stop them from pronouncing their 'opinion' as gospel. I think there's at least some relation with that, to the issue of bigotry.
  20. In short, you are making the case for legitimizing antisemitic views. That's what your last line and 'conclusion' are about. And no, it is not that difficult to keep things apart. It's hard to do only if one comes with some 'welded in' bias, bigotry and so on - which a whole lot of people do. This is usually kept under wraps, comes out when discussions get a bit heated. But it's there - vs. Jews, Asians, Muslims, Blacks....whatever.
  21. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/tuckercarlson-com-bias/
  22. Reminded me of Martin Amis's novel - Lionel Asbo: State of England.
  23. Snowden worked for the NSA. Assange is (a) not a USA citizen, and (b) was publishing information damaging to USA interests. Read that part about 'private citizen' and 'not engaging in anything untoward'.
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