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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @ozimoron these aren't mutually exclusive propositions, at least with regard for some of the factions involved.
  2. Levy represents a minuscule extreme-left, anti-Zionist fringe. His 'ideas' are not so much about what can actually be done, but are aired with the purpose of having a go at the more mainstream left (which he objects to more than the right wing zealots...). Taking what he says seriously, or consideration it acceptable, realistic - is a choice.
  3. Because it's not 'their' land. Not their homeland. And the Jordanians (whether Palestinians or not) may feel differently about this. Resources? You must be kidding. What 'resources'? They even need to buy water from Israel. There is no justification for displacement of millions of people, to accommodate others, and at the expense of a third party. You're way out there.
  4. The North/South bit doesn't have anything to do with anything. It simply maximizes the negative issues, and introduces more chaos. There would be far more people displaced if this was to be seriously considered, which it won't. The current framework is the one most likely to have any measure of success. And it mostly involves displacement of Israelis (them illegal settlers in the West Bank).
  5. @ozimoron Got to love how to seriously uninformed posters 'discuss' things among themselves. Do you two seriously think these issue never came up before? That no solutions were discussed? Offered?
  6. Maybe consult past offers made, and suggestion regarding access between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank before trying to come up with nonsense 'solutions'.
  7. Christians persecuted Jews for well over a millennia. Kindred spirit.... Maybe get a clue as to the creed preached by evangelicals to get a handle on things.
  8. @Neeranam actually not many people support what you allege - that's just you making up stuff, bordering on defamation. Kinda risky being a Thai citizen, but some people like to live on the edge, I guess. The usual baiting comments about 'Israeli supporters' are rubbish, but expected.
  9. We hear a whole lot of talk from faux 'pro-palestinian' posters here about how UNRWA's workers dumped for involvement with Hamas's 7/10 attack are 'a few rotten apples' (or some such). By the same rationale....
  10. Why do you think it 'needs' to be part of a much larger agreement? How does such a comment is anything but endorsing hostage taking as a legit negotiation practice? Your 'proposal' is nonsense.
  11. But this wasn't about 'a few bad eggs'. Deeper and wider than that. Israel (or at least, the IDF) did not seem to plan this, as detailed in another recent post. And all of your nonsense does not address this - if there's nothing to it, how come all them governments of donor countries acted the way they did?
  12. This topic is about Hamas's 7/10 attack, and atrocities committed. As expected, the usual suspects will do their best to discuss anything but, and try to pivot it to Israel Bad instead. Your understanding of allowed sources is lacking.
  13. @mooping20Baht Hamas are terrorists. Check the list of those who describe them as 'Freedom Fighters'. Compare with those designating them a 'terrorist organization'. Draw up your conclusions.
  14. @ozimoron I can see Blumenthal's appeal for the likes of you. Past times, and even earlier on these topics, mentioning him was one way of a post disappearing. Maybe things changed. For general information: Max Blumenthal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Blumenthal The Grayzone https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Grayzone
  15. More details about how this started and how things developed: Original story from the NYT: The 8 Days That Roiled the U.N.’s Top Agency in Gaza https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/03/world/middleeast/united-nations-gaza-unrwa.html And the Haaretz version (which does not require signing up/sub etc): Israeli Military Surprised by Leak of UNWRA Accusations, Report Says https://www.msn.com/he-il/news/other/israeli-military-surprised-by-leak-of-unwra-accusations-report-says/ar-BB1hJ2CB
  16. Maybe with catchier names, though. No one's going to make a movie called 'Schulte'.
  17. Oh, look - the outed antisemite is at it again. Blame them nefarious 'Zionists' for distracting you from editing and covering the evidence, easy. You've already posted pretty much the same, on past topics, with 'Jews'. Not fooling anyone. Probably how? Jeff here already made his views known in the past.
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