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Everything posted by Morch

  1. I wouldn't be so sure Iran approved the actual attack, or had clear knowledge it was about to go down. I think if that was so, their responses would be better organized. US diplomatic efforts in the ME would be one obvious target. Others may be striking back at Israel for many past incidents, weakening Israel's image on a global and regional level, and promoting further internal divides among Israelis. I also think that the original Hamas plan was much more ambitious - with intentions of invading deeper into Israel, and even holding out at places (probably with hostages). If that would have been successful, Iran might have been further encouraged to do more. I don't think that, ultimately, the war (death toll and all) would serve to scrap Saudi Arabia-Israel normalization of relations. Delay it for sure, but not completely take it off the table. If anything, probably scared the Saudis even more from what Iran might do, while demonstrating it cannot be trusted. The Gaza Strip is not the main obstacle on that front, the West Bank is. It is no secret that Hamas agenda calls for 'sacrifices' (mainly of non-leaders) for the 'cause'. It's a religious movement, so no surprises. I think they did, however, miscalculated with regard to their own prowess, regional support, and Israel's response.
  2. Everyone's a critic... For someone earlier complaining about other posters being too sensitive, that's quite funny. As for adding nothing useful to the topic.....you're amusing, I'll give you that.
  3. Yawn. I've addressed this twice just above. If you insist on ignoring my point, that's up to you. Pro-hint: It's not about how Israel, you, or I see things.
  4. You cannot think that the USA may want the Hamas gone? You cannot think the USA might be a tad pissed about US citizens being killed, abducted, or denied exit from the Gaza Strip by Hamas? Talk about blinkered....
  5. Your previous comment was all encompassing - 'anyone', 'anything'. I question the validity of that - especially with regard to the topic at hand.
  6. One would expect someone making such a comment to have more to say on this. Since you do not provide anything of substance relating such an 'understanding' I agree your comment is pointless.
  7. As things stands, I agree no upside. But they lose a whole lot of credibility (both Iran and the Hezbollah) basically sitting it out, what with all the hot air on offer earlier. Arab social media is having a ball with this. I don't know that the political strain (if that's what they are, and if they're significant) play especially well for Iran. Maybe the opposite.
  8. I have addressed that. Hamas contributing more than its fair share for the population's misery is one thing. Israel being the direct cause of daily suffering in the Gaza Strip is another. I'm suggesting it's quite understandable Gazans could have issues with both. Claiming Israel doesn't do anything 'bad' there is laughable. Israel may have it's reasons (and I think they are good ones), but there's no need to ignore the effect on the population or how this is seen by Gazans.
  9. There's that. But then again when it quacks like a duck...
  10. Are you serious? The reality of life in Gaza is dire. Sure, the blockade put in place and airstrike carried out by Israel may be a response to Hamas actions - but as far as the local population is concerned, and whether they hold Hamas responsible or not, it's still things Israel does. In my experience, people are quite capable of blaming more than one party for things.
  11. The moment you start going on about 'the Rothschilds' is when your post becomes suspect. The other group could have made better choices at many historical junctions. Almost always, they took the wrong turn.
  12. Western media routinely carries out reports on Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip, often highlighting Palestinian suffering, and allegations of Israeli war crimes. That you say 'total support' is simply not true. Maybe what you mean is that they don't have enough sensationalist headlines or that criticism vs. Israel is not as vehement as you'd like.
  13. From what I noticed, most of the deaths reported are due to Israeli airstrikes. Don't see how reporters (and looking at list, I use the term loosely) could be singled out and 'protected'. There would be no way to guarantee their safety, as was acknowledged and warned by Israel.
  14. Given their protests are rarely 'peaceful', that's a bogus question. Police are allowed to apply violence in almost all countries. Unless you missed it, Israel is at war - different rules apply.
  15. I'm sure that you can provide a link to your claims - why don't you? As for your closing remarks - one would have to be quite twisted putting the onus on praising how the elderly woman was treated, rather than on the fact that she was abducted. Her husband, by the way, is still held by Hamas.
  16. Remind me which nation did the USA manage to bring down in a week? Granada maybe? Iraq was weaker than Iran, the USA had more international support and it took way longer.
  17. It is widely acceptable that Hezbollah's regional policy is controlled/dictated by Iran. So when things are said by leadership, they reflect Iran's views. Guess you missed the parts of the speech where it was said this war was a 100% Palestinian thing, not a regional one. Or the distancing of both Iran and the Hezbollah from direct involvement in the attack or having previous knowledge. Guess you can still hope, though.
  18. You seem to believe the worst about nations, people, parties and whatnot you do not agree with. It's part and parcel of your posts across many topics.
  19. A whole lot of such unwarranted accusations, for sure. But hardly at 'anyone'. That's hyperbole, and I think you know it. It also doesn't imply all those 'disagreeing' with Israel etc. aren't. I don't tend to blame posters of antisemitism much, save it for the obvious cases. There were more of them than 'usual' the last three weeks, some very obvious. You want to complain people are overdoing it, I'll agree. You want to claim there's nothing here to see - you're wrong.
  20. USA uses different drones - different capabilities. One would expect it also gives the USA a better handle on what the IDF is doing in Gaza, how things are on the ground in terms of Hamas control and humanitarian issues. Maybe it goes to show they do not blindly trust Israel and/or Netanyahu. Not to question your 'knowledge' of Palestinian politics, or taking politicians' statement at face value - but maybe consider that Abbas is in place for a long time now. Palestinians did not make much of an effort to remove him, despite how he's perceived, and it's not like he changed his ways much either. In all likelihood, the old man is secretly happy with political rivals Hamas taking a beating, and just maybe removed from the game. He just can't show it publicly as it ain't politically correct. Same goes for assuming control of the Gaza Strip. It's on so long as it can be painted as him doing it 'for the people' etc. Nothing very sincere about it. Of course, he'll use this new offer to leverage whatever he can. That's normal.
  21. You are welcome to look at my posts referring to Netanyahu. None are sympathetic, most critical. Same goes for many other Israeli politicians. I don't recall being called an antisemite over that. Of course, with so many people on ignore, it would be interesting to know how you're aware of such things.
  22. More details about the captured Hamas men and investigations: Detained terrorists: 'Hamas has become akin to animals; they've become ISIS' https://www.ynetnews.com/magazine/article/hjnc0ysx6
  23. Some more details on what the IDF found in Gaza so far: IDF shares footage of troops finding rocket launchers near Gaza playground, pool, homes https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-shares-footage-of-troops-finding-rocket-launchers-near-gaza-playground-pool-homes/ IDF says troops found Hamas rocket launchers near playground, swimming pool in Gaza https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-says-troops-found-hamas-rocket-launchers-near-playground-swimming-pool-in-gaza/ IDF says troops uncovered weapons, military equipment at homes in northern Gaza https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-says-troops-uncovered-weapons-military-equipment-at-homes-in-northern-gaza/ IDF recovers intelligence information from a captured Hamas base https://www.ynetnews.com/article/hjgrx6f7t#autoplay
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