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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Hamas are Palestinian, dear. There is no 'and'.
  2. About as believable as @Neeranam's rabbit friend.
  3. Too late to deny, Jeff. You've already made your Jews-control-the-world outing post.
  4. That does not seem to prevent Hamas from using them as human shields.
  5. Yes, and we just ruled out one. Hamas Charter does not align with your new line of nonsense. Maybe sort this first, then get back to the topic.
  6. No, you are against Jews. Made it blatantly clear already, Jeff.
  7. Hamas does not seem interested in this.
  8. And antisemitic pretentious cooks.
  9. You're fishing. It's almost cute. You'll be called all that, plus a troll. Never Forget.
  10. Yeah, that I why I asked the poster. Not that interested in your 'interpretations' . As for your first line, I'm aware that you're all for appeasement of terrorists, thanks.
  11. It may come as a shock, but the situation in the south is not exactly major news around the world. Met more than one Muslim who had no idea that there were Muslims in Thailand, never mind the south. Edit: Even if they were that aware, it doesn't follow that they'd feel that strongly about it.
  12. I thought it was implied well enough in my post. The question was if the PA can stifle terrorism - and the answer was that it already does, to a point. It could do more, at a cost. But, of course, this last bit of exchange is just one of your usual nonsense arguments - see my original comment on this and note how you take things out of context. I mentioned 'no terrorism' as the sort of precondition to negotiations which would inevitably cause them to stall. A mirror image of the hypothetical condition you set in your original post.
  13. When you say 'manufactured' is this some conspiracy theory thing? Or a language issue? If the first, I think we had enough of this nonsense, if the second, please explain. The opposition members who joined the government did so for the duration of the war, and are not receiving extra salaries or benefits associated with position. This was detailed on local news many times. The rest of the mini-rant lacks focus and his just more of the usual nonsense.
  14. One, Israel's policies in the West Bank are part government, and part illegal settlers doing their thing to the extant the government lets them. This government is the most right wing Israel had, hence. Two, the PA is often described by Palestinians as collaborating with Israel, especially on security issues. There's quite a lot of arms, equipment and training going into this. So yes, it does have the power to stifle things, or to let them loose - a card which the PA often plays, or threatens to play. It could do more, of course, but at the price of clashing with either Hamas or local clans. So the level of control it can exert is somewhat location dependent.
  15. There is no real talk about destroying each and every Hamas member in the Middle East. Realistically, the goals are limited to breaking Hamas hold on the Gaza Strip, dismantling most of its assets, and making it much less of threat. There will almost definitely be a follow-up operation in the West Bank, to uproot Hamas terrorist infrastructure and outfits. Not on the same scale as Gaza, of course. Netanyahu does not want to kill all Gazans' other than in your imaginations and posts. It will do him no favors anyway.' If Israel succeeds taking down Hamas, I guess there will be a period of negotiations resulting in the Gaza Strip being managed by the PA and/or international parties. Security issues will be mostly handled by Israel. There would be a whole lot of money pouring in for rehabilitation and reconstruction - perhaps without Hamas, it would be properly used. Nothing will be 'done' about him. There's no such international mission to do something about him. The most that can be hoped for is that he'll lose his political power, and his trials - maybe go behind bars for a while.
  16. Other than what you present is a variation for all or nothing (which I doubt is ever a good position), I'm not sure it actually represents actual Palestinian positions. If it's your opinion, then it sounds more like a theoretical, moral argument from a (far?) left-wing wing point of view. It does not really offer a way out of the mess, but rather focuses on being right, or righteous. It's not pragmatic, and it cannot lead anywhere much. People do not always negotiate because the circumstances are quite as they would like, or even fair. People often negotiate because there is not much of an alternative, or other options being worse. It could be mirrored by some Israeli positions who see negotiations with the Palestinians as dependent on no terrorism, renouncing major claims from the get go and so on. That too probably leads nowhere, and same as your position, basically serves to stall things further. Setting up unrealistic conditions is like that.
  17. Consulted two doctors here, two back home (both familiar with me and family). None had reservations on the level you describe. I'm not an expert, and not saying what you posted is not true, incorrect or anything like that. Just giving my experience.
  18. You should really have a look at them 'community standards', Jeff.
  19. They only reason they need to 'defend' themselves is because Hamas started this, taking the decision to sacrifice them.
  20. Yeah, that. I'll worry about it when I'm 6' under. Or, I'll come here whining for advice later on. One or the other.
  21. So, your profile picture....couldn't resist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhQSnDCPF10
  22. I had a double serving of Bacon this morning....not worried much about any of this diet stuff. Make changes when I have to, enjoy while I can. Just remembered seeing that headline on here, after I read your post. Frankly, don't put much stock in all this eat this herb, this spice and so on.
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