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Everything posted by Morch

  1. I'm not 'confusing' anything. I've made the point about 'investigations', especially on-the-spot ones, carried out by human right groups and organizations on more than one past topics. You seem to have a need to rehash it over and over again, or pretend it's the first time it's discussed. You choice to accept their 'findings' without question.
  2. You often do these rant posts. Never bothering much with detail and facts. Attacking a refugee camp is not necessarily a war crime, not unless the entire refugee camp was attacked and civilians were either targeted or mass killed indiscriminately. If a military target (such a a Hamas command outpost) is located in refugee camp, it may be attacked. Also, refugee camp is a somewhat misleading term. This isn't a bunch of tents in the desert or something, but an urban built up area. The blockade on the Gaza Strip was put in place for a reason - Hamas actions and policies. It was not always in place, and not as strict. There was no killing of all the population other than in your mind. Netanyahu is yet to be convicted of any war crimes. The UN does not have an army of its own, and cannot put a force into place. That's not how it works. You always do them long rants about Israel, can't seem to have much interest or information regarding the other side.
  3. No, that's not what you're doing at all. There are different explanations, they are not all the same, nor do all rely on reason or reliable information. In the post above you manages to allude to three conspiracy theories, and hint at another. That about describes your posting style and posting history on these matters. You're not here to 'learn' or 'grasp' anything.
  4. Hamas tried to send fighters to Egypt in ambulances for wounded Gazans — US officia https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-tried-to-send-fighters-to-egypt-in-ambulances-for-wounded-gazans-us-official/l Something I mentioned as a major Israeli concern on several posts. There are other reports (not sure if the relate to the exact same ambulances) about Israel attacking an ambulance convoy in Gaza. Claim being it was used by Hamas as transport. Wouldn't be a first time Hamas did that.
  5. Palestinians are willing to risk death while 'resisting' Israel. Not so much when it comes to Hamas.
  6. And yet, you seem happy enough to keep on 'wasting' your time on here....
  7. Not 'Pavlovian'. It's what you do on many topics and it's the way you 'debate'. Nothing new. You can go on about Amnesty being pure as snow, and all that. We've been over such things in the past, not seeing the need to rehash it to address one of your trolling/derailing attempts. I'm not suggesting that all comments on war crimes are unfounded, or that all are equally suspect. You keep trying to put words in my mouth, and that's understandable, seeing as you haven't got much to go on, but still need to put in a word.
  8. There were such warning about imminent shutdown of hospitals since the first few days of the attack. How much of that actually happened? Same for the assessment about food and water running out. There is fuel in the Gaza Strip. It is controlled by the local government, namely Hamas. Somehow there aren't many demands leveled at them to do something about it. There are at least three recordings released by the IDF (some posted on these topics) of Hamas men discussing issues regarding to fuel, some with medical staff/management. If Gazans specifically, and Palestinians in general (also, by extension, Arab/Muslim states) are so concerned about the situation how come they do not air their complaints and grievances vs. Hamas? I suggest that Hamas holds the population hostage, and the population plays along with it. Palestinians demonstrated they can resist, protest, carry out attacks and be outspoken when it comes to Israel. How come they are 'helpless' vs. Hamas?
  9. Sounds like you're posting from an alternate reality topic....
  10. You're reading his post out of context, go back a day or so up topic. Rather amusing.
  11. That's not quite what I said, though. You want to try to nitpick and twist this one as well? If that's what you're on (quite obviously, picking a one liner reply going back a couple of days and hundreds of posts), not interested in your usual games. I do not share your view that Amnesty is unbiased, or of the opinion that their methods of investigation are infallible. Not the first time we disagreed on that, even. I suggest people differentiate between alleged war crimes and war crimes.
  12. Seems like the one speculating is yourself. I did not offer any 'speculation'.
  13. Last I checked, Amnesty was not the arbiter of whether war crimes were committed. Also, note that nowhere did I claim no war crimes were committed by Israel - actually posted that there probably are/were such instances. I differentiate between claims of war crimes, actions that seem to be war crimes and legally confirmed/agreed upon/what-have-you cases of such.
  14. The last bit is what I think people need professional help with. It's easier to address physical issues, there's a clear pathway, 'manual' and ladder of achievement. Mentally, it's a more ambiguous struggle, and not always easy to be honest, introspective and constructive at the same time.
  15. Projectile damages AFP’s Gaza bureau; IDF: Strike nearby may have caused debris https://www.timesofisrael.com/projectile-hits-french-news-agencys-gaza-bureau-causes-damage-idf-says-not-involved/
  16. The Hamas has been in control of the Gaza Strip for over 15 years now. It doesn't exactly matter how you try to spin things, but the fact remains that even if the people (yeah yeah - the adult, all right) are not all that supportive of it, it's not like they actively did much to change things either.
  17. On another note - Mrs. and I were well aware of this being a (hopefully) distant future issue when we built the house. So went for a ground floor design, wider doors, corridors and a passages. Same for bathrooms, toilets. Some stairs at the entrance, but with enough space for adding a ramp/elevator. Other stuff (electric fixtures) we didn't bother much with (except in MIL's room), as it's easy to convert if needed.
  18. I don't think it's that. Since the 'earnings' are rather slim (tax is low, and many seem to ignore it), local authorities don't prioritize it much. They did this 'survey' thing here some years ago, probably again when someone notices discrepancies or a new broom gets a position.
  19. There are rules, many times not followed or enforced.
  20. Yep, but it's peanuts. Also (at least outside of Bangkok) it's not a big deal if you miss the yearly payment - just added next time, maybe with a small 'fine'. After 5 (or 10, I forgets) years you'll get a warning - but not much of a fine either.
  21. My Mom and my Thai FIL were, in turn, basically wheelchair bound for the last year of their lives (on and off before that). Neither took to it very well, made much effort to adjust or anything. Both were angry, depressed and frustrated at this coming on top of already troubled health circumstances and old age. On the other hand, one of my sister's close friends is in wheelchair since his 20's. Totally different - guy is rarely down, married, kids, athlete. So guess a whole lot depends on one's basic attitude to life, how quick the initial negative reaction can be overcome, and at which point in life it happens. There was (is?) a longtime poster on here who was in an even worse condition (Collin something, sorry forgot exact handle) - again a case of someone coming to term with his situation, laughing about it and making most of things. If it's relevant and applicable - I'd say getting some professional aid for the mental side of things is not less important than material support.
  22. The current visuals from Gaza overtake previous ones of Hamas atrocities. That's expected. The new images are hard to take as well, and are easier to understand and relate to. Familiar sights from conflicts all over the world. Add commentary going on about same issues, often in a rather shallow way, toss in it's emotionally easier to identify with underdog, and that goes toward explaining much of the sentiments on display. I'm not saying that things in Gaza aren't awful. They are.
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