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Everything posted by Morch

  1. There is a difference between individuals carrying out such actions, getting sentenced and punished - and between what Hamas did. Not complicated.
  2. So why don't they? I mean the Palestinians. Eradicate Hamas. On other posts you alleged that's far too dangerous. Riled against suggestions to that effect.
  3. More inane deflections. Do you know of any country in which the armed forces represent a majority or even a very large part of the population? It's the same everywhere. All the more so when counting actual combat troops. You'll have to work on your trolling.
  4. Ummm.... @Neeranam is Thai, don't give him any ideas.
  5. So once again, Hamas not responsible in your book. Gotcha. As for the second part, though so. You keep making up stuff about regional stuff, and can't back it up with anything. Guess you don't really know a whole lot about that.
  6. Not that I'm aware of. And even if they did - all are currently not much of a threat.
  7. Seems to me that there was a link provided earlier with the 5% figure, whereas the 45% has been alleged but not linked to a credible source. It could very well be that 45% relates to buildings damaged (any level of damage), that's more realistic.
  8. Be so kind as to follow the topic (and parallel ones). Maybe spend more time actually reading what people post instead of constantly haranguing, moralizing, abusing and deflecting.
  9. There is no such plan. You're constructing a mountain of vitriol based on a non-story. Nothing new.
  10. The kidnappers were sentenced to long prison terms. They were not sent by the government. Kinda makes a difference.
  11. Seems like your usual act of pretending not-to-know-much while pushing anti-Israeli agenda. Israel does not recognize the the ICC's authority. So do other countries. Given the UN's standard bias against Israel, that's understandable. Hamas usually does a charade of accepting investigations, then limiting access of investigators to information, witnesses and sites. Away with you and the 'seems odd' nonsense.
  12. The Sky Is Falling, Says Poster.
  13. I take it that you are not aware many Palestinian can pass as Europeans. Or that there are Palestinians who are Christian (albeit less of them in the Gaza Strip nowadays).
  14. One some topics you make it as if Hamas is winning and all of the Arab world unites against Israel Then on others Hamas is a weakling outfit. And no, Israel does not have a plan - you posted some nonsense bit of news lacking insight and context, that's all.
  15. This was discussed way earlier in the topic. The ministry in question is meaningless post, with no authority. It was created as a political tool to reward politicians, nothing more. The minister in place is one Gamliel, a Netanyahu loyalist, and not the sharpest tool in the shed. As far as I recall, the minister (or at least the current one) does not actually even get full access to intelligence assessments and reports, nor partake in decision making government forums relevant to the war. It's more of a nothing-burger, but expect you'll milk it dry.
  16. Israel can, with effort, dismantle Hamas military capabilities, and send it's political apparatus into a state of disarray. I think that's the scope aimed at. The only ones going on about total victories are politicians and those hyper invested in either sides' rhetoric (yourself being a prime example of). Worked with Fatah. Worked with AQ. Worked with IS.
  17. You keep going on about Israel this and Israel that. Very little of substance about Palestinian positions, actions, politics and so on. One would have expected a 'pro-Palestinian' supporter to be better informed regarding his pet side.
  18. Even by your own account, Hamas basically chose to sacrifice all them babies and children you pretend to care about. As for, going exactly according to plan - the Arab world is not getting involved and does not really wish to.
  19. Do you see any actual, effective effort on the Palestinians' part to achieve that?
  20. I'm appalled at the level of discourse on offer.
  21. Some Israelis want peace. Some Israelis want it all. Not too hard to understand.
  22. Yawn. Again with your pronouncements? Who cares. What do the Palestinians want? What have they done to achieve it?
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