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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Already addressed and discussed earlier. Said ministry is a political prize, not a body with any authority. A nothing-burger.
  2. Went looking for him, not in the previous spot. I don't know if that's a good sign (got enough energy to move), or bad (off to sleep eternal on his own). Check again in the morning. Hopefully he's still around.
  3. You only got seriously whining after Palestinian bodies started piling up. No one takes your virtue signaling seriously by now, why bother?
  4. Of course it is. There, there. Its amusing to see the almost exact repeat of nonsense tossed about. Saves a lot of energy. So far it seems like the trend in the ME is to make friends with Israel. Pop. Sorry about that bubble of yours. Ah, so this is the USA-as-savior phase. Good, good. Already expecting the anti-USA rant a few days down the line, when something less appealing is said by US officials.
  5. I think that it depends how the question is framed and what people imagine when they say two-state solution. IMO there are at least as much support for this among Palestinians as is among Israelis - meaning sizeable, but not a majority. Not when it comes to the actual nitty gritty details, that is. The Palestinian version of a two-state solution may include things Israelis would find unacceptable and vice-versa. That said, I do think there's an issue with letting go of claims. As in accepting a two-state solution, but hanging on to the notion that really all belongs to us. This cuts both ways. Regardless of all that, hard to see Israelis having an easy time accepting something like that post 7/10. Not with the rhetoric used by Hamas, anyway. For both sides, the main issue to sort before that is settling respective political divides.
  6. Are they? Officially it was said they are in Israel. I wouldn't be surprised if they were in Gaza, but the potential for friendly fire incidents seems way too risky.
  7. It's like this - if you were surprised, then maybe go do some reading before coming up with 'ideas'. If you weren't - then it's just the same old as earlier. Neither option puts you in much positive light. The US will 'fix' the Constitution to align with your politics? I think not. Further, if you're not aware of what 'fixing the constitution' entails, you got some extra reading to do. I doubt that what you think the USA is keen on matters much.
  8. This wad discussed earlier on this topic, and on parallel ones. Got to love how some posters criticize and ridicule Biden when it suits, then cheer when something to their liking is said. Had a lot of that on here with Obama and Kerry, at the time. Biden can say a whole lot of things, and maybe he even means it. But it's not something he could make happen if sides aren't into it. With both sides supporting respective political divides, mistrust of each other, and licking wounds of the current war - hard to see how this will pan out. As for your 'likely' nonsense - sure....
  9. Yeah, there is a difference. Not cutting off babies from pregnant moms is a clue. I do not usually defend Israel's actions and policy in the West Bank. I think most of that is wrong. I do not have as many issues with things Israel does in the Gaza Strip, though. Not same same. Honestly, didn't go over all the accusation you put up. One reason is your usage of loaded words, the other being that your posts are hard to follow. It's a language thing.
  10. Considering the level of your indoctrination, allow me to laugh at the notion you're not aware of Israel's positions. Just more of your dishonest style of posting. I do believe that you are clueless as to many aspects pertaining to cultural, political and social aspects of the people you 'support'. For the sake of accuracy, in essence it's not so much support of the Palestinians, with most of you guys (you wouldn't want to live in a free Palestine, or an occupied one), but more to do with Israel bashing - whether issues are with the country and people, or whether it's the 'anti-colonialist' nonsense bit.
  11. I think you have been shown links, up topic, as to the background and views of the UN official who just quit. Does he sound 'objective'? 'Fair'? 'Balanced'? I'm saying that on some issues the UN is definitely biased. The amount of time and energy the UN invests in criticizing Israel is not proportionate. The composition of UN human rights bodies etc. often include countries who are major violators. You want to believe it ain't so? Up to you.
  12. Newly released footage shows Palestinian driver in Hamas hands before Oct. 7 slaying http://Newly released footage shows Palestinian driver in Hamas hands before Oct. 7 slaying Poor guy. Maybe thought he had a chance to get out alive....
  13. No facts were offered, but an opinion. I do not agree with it. No lapdogs, but I do have a dog topic open if you have some insights to offer.
  14. You are missing the fact that his topic is about current affairs, rather than an ideology/history class.
  15. Yada yada yada....colonialism.....yada yada yada....Zionism...... Yawn. You need to review your views.
  16. Not sure what he's down with or I'd bring him in. Don't want to put our girl in danger if it's something contagious. Owner of the field next door is the former assistant headman and a good bloke, we'll see what he says tomorrow morning, then maybe bring the vet.
  17. Top Hamas official declares group is not responsible for defending Gazan civilians https://www.timesofisrael.com/top-hamas-official-claims-group-is-not-responsible-for-defending-gazan-civilians/ Sounds suspiciously like something some on here would claim....
  18. It is good to me as well as that.
  19. Oh, wow....loses credibility, says poster. Maybe the 'credibility' on offer is not worth the price of biased investigations. Also - US, Russia, China....none of them are much into the ICC. On the other hand, the Palestinians are - does it make them 'credible;?
  20. Ambulances with Gaza wounded enter Egypt through Rafah border crossing https://www.timesofisrael.com/ambulances-with-gaza-wounded-enter-egypt-through-rafah-border-crossing/ Better than nothing, I guess. Hope they are thoroughly searched so Hamas leaders and/or hostages cannot be smuggled out.
  21. Foreign passport holders start to leave Gaza through Rafah crossing for 1st time since start of war https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/foreign-passport-holders-start-to-leave-gaza-through-rafah-crossing-for-1st-time-since-start-of-war/ I don't know if this excludes US citizens, or whether there are restrictions as Blinken said. Things seem to change from day to day on this issue. Glad for those who finally managed to get out.
  22. There's this apartment/room for rent up the road. They (or someone there, no idea) got a bunch of dogs. Get a little food once/twice a day, kids play with them as puppies, that's about it. Most times they hand out front, or on the road. They aren't bad looking dogs, but never saw them being treated when they catch some disease or are wounded. Our girl hates them all, except one. A nice mix of Thai dog with something, white, good sized, weary of strangers, playful with other dogs. Maybe 5-7 yo. They are quite friendly with each other, was even in the garden a couple of times, accepts food and rarely allows a pet. Used to come by at nighttime stick around near the gate with her, get some dog food, and accompany us on the walk. Haven't seen him for a few weeks, then this evening he showed up, skinny as anything, unstable on fit, slow, dirty as well. Hid himself in the tall grass outside, looked miserable, hardly ate but drank water. Now.... If he can be patched and healed, I wouldn't mind having him. Good company for the girl and he's got potential. What I'm not so clear/worried about is - 'Owner' reaction. In my mind, they ditched him. Guess Thai style maybe different thinking, depending on his condition. - Say we take him in , heals all's well - previous owner and pack mates not far, maybe some confusion issues for him with that. - Call vet to have a look, then if need to take him to clinic, but not 'my' dog - any problems there? - Mrs. not averse to the idea, but worries people will think I'm a softy and start leaving pets at the gate. Any thoughts? Ideas?
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