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Everything posted by Morch

  1. In Israel, that's more of a semi-political job. So some appointees are not necessarily 'the best', but sometimes the most connected, or compromise choices. There are often other rabbis considered higher a higher authority on matters moral, religious and so on by believers.
  2. It's an article from 2007. Not a current one. What you imagine that nutjob saw has no relevance and defending his words is sickening.
  3. 'Israelis are keen.....' - Another general unsupported statement from an outed troll. 'A minority of armed militants' - Yet another attempt to minimize Hamas. What's weak is both your argument and your trolling. You'll have to do better.
  4. Or let them into the safety of it's tunnels. Or not start this to begin with.
  5. I think there's a gap between what's said for public consumption and what's actually done. Also, it appears that Israel's assessment of supplies available within the Gaza Strip was more realistic than the initial alarmist versions of the UN, Palestinians and Aid organizations. That's without factoring in the supplies Hamas possess.
  6. No, that would be you lying, again. The figure (unclear who supplied it) was a reference to all those presumed missing.
  7. He actually did. Maybe not on this topic (and let's admit it - it's a shambles of a 'discussion'), but on parallel ones. Not necessarily agreeing with @bobbin on things, or much, but that's beside the point.
  8. You go on and on about one sides' babies. As I recall it, early in the topic when babies killed were mostly Israelis, you were less publicly upset.
  9. Do you bother reading the articles you link? It doesn't say what you imply, quite the opposite.
  10. Again, you're using irrelevant graphics (pic) to try and make something stick. What you see in the pic is how bombing in urban areas look. That's not what carpet bombing is about. Reports yesterday (appeared on one of the many articles linked) suggested that 5% of the buildings in the Gaza Strip were demolished. When put like it like that - still sounds the same?
  11. That's a lovely story. So what made you become an anti-Semite, then?
  12. I doubt you read much that's not in line with your point of view. Or at least no in-depth reading beyond searching for anything that could be used as a counter-argument. Considering your own warped, extreme views, it is hard to imagine you'd accept anyone not supporting your way of thinking and rhetoric as 'informed'. This was demonstrated on this topic often enough.
  13. Nope. Carpet bombing is a concept. Not something mojo gets to decide about. The definition does matter, because your usage of incorrect terminology is calculated toward pushing an agenda. For example, some concept or terms you reject outright, even though they exist - simply because they don't fit well in your narrative: "collateral damage', 'precision bombing' and others. You don't get to re-write the dictionary of terms relevant to the topic and dictate it to others. Terms used relate to legality of actions, so falsely labeling things as something they are not, goes toward misleadingly painting them as 'war crimes' and so on.
  14. You're constantly babbling about your 'personal' definitions, which are neither accurate nor generally accepted. You constantly post materials, comments and 'facts' based on dubious sources, or not sourced at all. When these are (rightly) taken down, you whine.
  15. And this from a poster going on and on about how important 'accuracy', 'facts', and 'truth' are. So, you're not sure because you're not not aware what it means - but you know it's what's done by Israel. Great bit of logic work there, mojo. Your personal definitions of things are of no interest or importance. Same goes for them self pats on the back, and virtue signalling. No one is impressed. No one takes it half seriously. If you don't like that there are difference in bombing types, tactics and so on, go and campaign to change relevant international laws.
  16. It's a 2007 article. His words were denounced at the time (not by all, obviously) and not acted upon - because Chief Rabbis do not hold that sort of power in Israel.
  17. That's a 2007 article, Jeff. And yes, no one claimed there are no extremists and loons in Israel. Chief Rabbis do not hold any effective authority on these matters, though.
  18. How can the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah 'confirm' anything? It's not like they anywhere near the Gaza Strip, nor have access.
  19. Even on a good day, Netanyahu cannot 'unilaterally' order an attack against Iran. That's not how things work in Israel. On top of that, he's not known for making big risky moves on his own, or being very decisive on such matters. I agree that the JCPOA was a step in the right direction, even if seen through too much rose tinted glasses by some. Your 'Israeli disinformation' claim would have to be supported by something other than your words (and that's probably outside the scope of the current topic, anyway). One issue that I thought was problematic with the JCPOA was the over reliance on video and signal surveillance as means of control, while the inspections element was somewhat dependent on Iranian goodwill. As the 7/10 attack demonstrated, such measures could be overcome quite easily. Not even sure what you're on about with the bit about 'after the mullas die'. It's not like there's a limited stock.
  20. Again, your idiosyncratic logic is of no interest, nor does it imply general acceptance.
  21. Go to page one and look from there, it's somewhere between 1 and 180, I think. There is no 'carpet bombing' it's just propaganda catchphrase for you. It was said from the start that an aerial bombing campaign will no be enough to dislodge or destroy Hamas. That's not quite what you alleged, though, is it?
  22. Maybe no skin, but you're giving an obviously biased 'review' of things. Neither the Stern Gang, nor the Irgun were mainstream actors at the time. That's one difference. Right after independence, government dismantled these organizations. Here's your second. It was actually two of them that became Israeli Prime Minister. One signed the peace agreement with Egypt. You're conveniently ignoring that the Palestinian leader was for years a (former) terrorist himself, namely Arafat. Or that the current leaders of Hamas are, and that the old timers of Fatah have similar backgrounds. There was also a whole lot of Palestinian terrorism before the British left, somehow not an issue for you. As for Netanyahu - he's neither an extremist, and probably not a psychopath (his wife and eldest son, that's a different story, and they have a lot of influence on him). Most times, he will not choose a decisive action or anything which makes him over-committed. Keeps options open, minimize his own political risks. The easiest way to think about him is as a smarter version of Trump. He's about himself, with ideology etc. playing a secondary role.
  23. Allegations are not crimes. If you check previous iterations of the current war, it always start with a long wish list of 'alleged', considerably shrunk when the fighting is over. Not saying all Israel does is right, and that there are no violations - just that they aren't complete idiots on these matters. Operations decisions from a certain command level are routinely accompanied by legal advice.
  24. Some years back (well, more than 'some') these was one of these Israel-Palestine topics on, with one of the sub-issues on the menu being Israel's change of ROE with regard to stone throwing. There were a lot of negative comments on that from posters. About a couple of weeks later, there was a string of stone throwing at cars near Ayhuthaya, with several accidents resulting in injuries (possibly a death, can't recall). There were many calls for capital punishment or treating it like attempted murder from the forum's patrons. Sugar pie, may your car never be hit with a half block while speeding. May the other half block not be lobbed at your precious head with the resulting consequences. Then again, hardly likely to be a risk factor for a keyboard warrior.
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