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Everything posted by Morch

  1. The sweets celebration thing are a pan-Arab thing, not limited to Palestinians under Israel's control. That you try to minimize and excuse such behavior says all there is to say about your position and bias. Your interpretation of the the call your referenced is partial and biased as well, the family actually congratulates him. The Parents do not sound 'unhappy' with him at all. Excuses, again.
  2. Earlier, you rejected a comment I made about Hamas attack getting less backlash had the atrocities been left out of it. As for 'limited impact', how would you know? All in good time.
  3. I asked a source for your original, unattributed quote. You gave a link to a different quote from a different source. Someone else provided the source for the original quote - quite clear why you didn't wish to post that yourself. What I don't like is people trying to mislead in daft ways. I haven't partaken much in the Murray thing, because it's not very interesting, and more of a diversion.
  4. Try again. I'm talking about the Israelis aerial bombings. What triggered them? Are you trying to imply Israel did? To gloss over Hamas actions? Justify atrocities carried out on the 7/10 attack?
  5. But Mojo said.... https://aseannow.com/topic/1308598-israel-is-at-war/page/192/#comment-18460645 Surely it was not his intention to mislead? Perhaps a mistake or misunderstanding?
  6. As far as I can tell, this is not where you lifted the previous quote from, so not the source.
  7. After the first and second waves of 'proper' Hamas men, there were mobs of Gazan citizens coming in to murder and plunder.
  8. No, not the same. Claiming it is 'just as' is your opinion, not an undisputed fact.
  9. You've posted several comments in the same spirit - all directed at posters generally supporting one side. Just saying. Going on about 'what if' is a two-way street as well. Highlighting one sides' sins is not very conductive to understanding the present.
  10. An unattributed photo is not an evidence. Picture of a dead person is not an evidence of 'carpet bombing'. Carpet bombing does not mean any bombing.
  11. Each venue got 'house rules', some posters have issues expressing themselves while adhering to them. That's how things are pretty much anywhere. You can try and paint it as 'both sides' etc., but here (and elsewhere on social media) the main body of misinformation, hyperbole, conspiracy theories, bad language, fake news and so on firmly rests with the so-called 'pro-Palestinian side. Same thing on these forums. Don't see you reproach or criticize many 'pro-Palestinian' posters, though. If you wish to excuse or justify the 7/10 attack by listing past woes, that's your choice. It's a bold one, considering even the UN chief didn't quite go there. It also makes your moral stand questionable, IMO. There is a right to resist oppression, it does not include carrying out the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas on 7/10.
  12. Your idiosyncrasies are not the issue.
  13. You are right. I was actually looking in my files for my old avatar, but can't find it, and can't be bothered cropping it again to fit forum software. Time for a change anyway, I suppose, just no ideas so far. Suggestions by PM are welcome.
  14. You could use the 'ignore' button if you're so triggered.
  15. The poster you replied to commented on 'Palestinians/Hamas'. Your reply deals with Hamas alone. This is a cop out. Why don't Palestinians speak against Hamas? Why aren't they expected to?
  16. That's your opinion, again. What I posted regarding them two posters was fact. The 'playing field' depends on the venue. I get it you are not happy with this not being an all out Israel bashing one. You could try and make your point within the bounds indicated - if even half of what you claim is true that should be enough to do so. I did not blame all posters opposed to my views as being anti-semites, though. I limited such comments to obvious cases of, as in said two posters. Normally, it's not an accusation I freely toss about. You're either lying or confusing me with other posters. What you' pretend getting flashbacks of in of no interest, just your usual hyperbole.
  17. The boundaries of the debate are controlled by the OP and moderating team instructions. These have been posted repeatedly. So not 'baseless' claims. More like you ignoring them. Where did I say them dead Palestinian children were off topic? I offered that your posts on this are repetitive and lack context. As for all the rest of your babble, I think the word you're looking for is 'projection'.
  18. Israel Should Love Palestinian Children More Than The Palestinians Do, Says Poster. In other news....
  19. Brethren? Don't get carried away.
  20. Could you possibly supply a credible link to the Netanyahu relocation story? Preferably one supporting the interpretation above.
  21. You have no idea what carpet bombing actually means. It does not imply a situation where only 5% of the buildings in Gaza were demolished. This was discussed extensively on this topic and parallel ones. If you'd only apply that desire for 'learning' you go on about, maybe you wouldn't be confused as you obviously are.
  22. At least one of your 'buddies' came out with blatantly antisemitic comments. Another borderline, but not fooling anyone. Considering not too many people participate, that would make a significant chunk of your 'side's posters.
  23. More hyperbole. If the IDF was to kill a million Palestinians, there would be many more dead by now. I think there's a good chance this will drag well after Christmas, though.
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