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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Ignored, no. Considered in context, yes. Since you refuse the latter, there's little point to your constant banging on the issue.
  2. Nope. That's exactly the opposite of the point I made.
  3. While you do your best to support Hamas by minimizing it's capabilities, intentions and actions carried out, this doesn't wash. Hamas managed to murder a whole lot of Israelis in a single day, even if allowing for your apologist misinformation. Reality Hamas is well organized, possess a large stock pile of rockets, anti-tank missiles, funds and supply. Some of it's men train in Iran, or with the Hezbollah. Quite enough for a 25,000-40,000 strong outfit. Almost all of what you claimed Israel is doing does not happen in the Gaza Strip, where Hamas rules, but in the West Bank. The 'of all the people' bit if more misleading nonsense - as a group, Jews were not invested in violent struggle aimed at destroying countries they were citizens of. Jews were not a threat. Had no inspirations of destroying and overtaking countries.
  4. For the atrocities committed? No, no justification. And those without blinkers on would accept that at least as far as the Gaza Strip goes, a whole lot of what Israel has been doing over the years is directly tied to Hamas's own actions and agenda. People in the Gaza Strip would not be dying in the thousands had Hamas not carried out the 7/10 attack.
  5. Again, you don't do links to claims you make, so hard to tell if you're not aware of context and details, misleadingly ignore them or whether it shoddy reporting by AJ, your sole source of information. Dagestan in a Muslim majority area, with Islamist insurrection issue. Even at normal times, passengers on Israeli flights are separated at the airport. No idea who thought it wise to continue flying there at this time. Oh, and the mob was actually calling out for Jews, not just Israelis. Rioters storm airport in Russia’s Dagestan in hunt for Jews aboard flight from Israel https://www.timesofisrael.com/rioters-overrun-russian-airport-in-hunt-for-jews-aboard-flight-from-israel/ Given the local population's leanings and views, hardly much of a tide-is-turning thing, more like expected. As per you usual thrust with this - consider that international terrorism is frowned upon by most countries of the World. Going that way may not exactly do much favors for the Palestinian 'cause'. Don't think Thais were more receptive to things following past incidents, the 2012 Bangkok bombings, for example. I'm pretty sure most national leaders have a better grasp of public trends in their own countries than you do. If public opinion was as overwhelmingly decided they way you suggest, their reactions would have been different. Then again, you keep ignoring the fact that the Hamas 7/10 attack resulted in foreign casualties and hostages.
  6. It would be helpful if provided links to some of the things you post. A 'local radio station' can mean anything, and does not make the report correct. As per hospitals in Gaza, there were details released by the IDF (and I think acknowledged by Western intel services) regarding Hamas HQ being located right under Gaza's largest hospital. Many links relaying relevant information on these topics, maybe AJ did not cover that so you wouldn't be aware. The hyperbole you spew is nothing new - 'uninhabitable'? Do tell.
  7. I can see Elon Musk raising his hand, eager to answer that one.
  8. I don't think anyone blames this on 'Palestine', or even all Palestinians.
  9. What...they were like asking for the cashier to 'wave' their instant food and he went berserk?
  10. Generally speaking, the figures originate from the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza, which is controlled by Hamas. Traditionally, they do not report how many Hamas men were killed, or even how many men of fighting age were killed. They lump it all as civilians, and highlight women and children. When the war is over, the death toll figures remains in public memory as 'civilian' casualties, while in fact including Hamas men. I have no idea what 'sympathy' you have or pretend to have, and I don't really care that much - it's emo stuff. Going by your posts, though, it's quite easy to see why people would call you out on this.
  11. Maybe he's got them on 'ignore'....
  12. In general, you are correct. Reveling at such things is more the Palestinians' thing. Pin in culture, on oppression or whatever - it's still there. As far as Israelis go, I think even when there are such reactions, they are usually less 'celebratory'. There was one infamous instance in which such expressions of hate and vileness were expressed - which resulted in wide condemnations in Israel, and (minor) penalties for actions. As can be expected, these were hardcore, right-wing religious zealots from the illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank: Israeli settlers at a wedding party cheer burning of Palestinian baby https://mondoweiss.net/2015/12/israeli-settlers-wedding-palestinian/ Israel convicts 7 over wedding where murdered Palestinian baby was mocked https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-convicts-7-over-wedding-where-murdered-palestinian-baby-was-mocked-2022-04-27/ But horrid as this may be, it also highlights that in Israel, this not a widely accepted behavior. Legal and public reactions being very different from the jovial street celebrations and distributing of sweets, customary among Palestinians after 'successful' terrorist attacks (nevermind the scenes in Gaza streets on 7/10). I'm sure that there were other such incidents (if less headline makers) among the same 'crowd'. But maybe the point is that if one can clearly recall a specific one goes toward demonstrating how uncommon, or unacceptable this is.
  13. Such maps are routinely posted on these topics (these ones included), guess that would fall under 'others'. Again, you're trying to make much of relatively minor incident.
  14. The Gaza Strip: Thousands break into UNRWA warehouses in Gaza, taking wheat flour and basic items https://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/news-releases/gaza-strip-thousands-break-unrwa-warehouses-gaza-taking-wheat-flour-and-basic That does not bode well for the next supply convoys.
  15. Oh, you're doing the everyone-in-the-pic-thinks-exactly-like-me-thing?
  16. International law does not support your point of view. Governments do not support your point of view. Hamas doesn't support your point of view. It's pretty much you.
  17. Never is a big word. Most of the 'nevers' above actually happened, at one point or another over the years. Such is the way of armies and wars. If your comment was limited to the scope of the current war, or even previous iterations of it vs. Hamas, then it is much more accurate. The Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip, in place for very good reasons, does not allow the transport of all goods to the Gaza Strip. This is false. There's an extensive list of forbidden items, controlled and restricted items. Again, maybe good reasons for it, but no wholesale free passage as stated above. Electricity and water are supplied, but not on a level addressing the Gaza Strip's needs - this is a complicated issue though - has to do with a whole lot of intra-Palestinian politics, legal responsibility issues and so on. As said in a previous post, no such thing as Hamas-Isis. Other than that, again, mostly agree with your post. @billd766 can be labeled many things, but terrorist fanboy is not one of them. Give it a rest. Also, he's the master of 'the beast'....
  18. There is no such thing as Hamas-Isis. It's a recent Israeli propaganda meme. When IS tried to set up shop in the Gaza Strip, Hamas dismantled it pretty quickly. Granted, it was more to do with fearing the competition. The atrocities committed were similar, but such were seen in other places too (say, Rwanda). It is not true that 'the IDF never stopped anyone from visiting Gaza before October 7/10'. There was no such free access, and entering the Gaza Strip from the Israeli border posts always required permits. As far as I recall, there were several incidents over the years where Israel prevented visiting foreign politicians from visiting the Gaza Strip this way. I agree with most of your other comments above.
  19. I think that argument was addressed by pointing out that these agreements have been in place for many years, despite being unpopular. The notion of Arab or Muslim unity is a common meme among the uninformed. The Arab and the Muslim world may mobilize for something, but not for the sake of the Palestinians.
  20. Hamas chief’s niece has been hospitalized in Israel for over a month — report https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-chiefs-niece-has-been-hospitalized-in-israel-for-over-a-month-report/ My my....Israel so Bad.
  21. Not as many as expected, a lot social media comments from Gaza Strip (and the West Bank) lamenting lack of significant Arab/Muslim support. Same thing every time.
  22. Israel got long standing peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan. So far not a word regarding cancellation, review or anything. Similarly - relations with other Arab and Muslim countries with different degrees of diplomatic and economic ties. Again conflating Palestinians with the entire Arab/Muslim world.
  23. So, in your mind Hamas = the entire Muslim world? Do go on about how informed you are etc.
  24. Israel reopens 2nd of 3 water pipelines flowing into Gaza Strip https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/israel-reopens-2nd-of-3-water-pipelines-flowing-into-gaza-strip/ Interesting comment inside - to the effect that Hamas actually supplies hospitals with fuel, so that they keep running, thus providing shelter for Hamas facilities, bunkers etc.
  25. We'll have to disagree, but then I've been on this topic since the start, and know the ways of some participants for years now....
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