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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Being 'accused' of something is not quite it. You 'accuse' Israel, and the West of multiple sins on a daily basis. Doesn't mean a whole lot.
  2. Yeah, but you not knowing stuff isn't very surprising. In your mind, Israelis might have some hive-mind, and Israeli politics have only one facet - reality is different. The one-state solution is not a popular one for many obvious reasons - some of them evident if looking at Israel's neighbor to the North, for example. Also. requiring Israel and Israelis to commit suicide seems a bit contrived even for your nonsense posts. Do tell about the many Palestinian politicians who are in favor for this. how much traction they represent, how they envisage such a unified state, and how realistic their takes are. You won't because you can't.
  3. How do you mean 'does not know'? Also, you weren't called 'stupid', your post was.
  4. So basically, you're back to rewarding terrorist actions. If you wish to claim Israel is 'more civilized' than the Palestinians, or Arab countries, or Iran - that comes with some implications as to the prospects of reaching a more comprehensive solution to this conflict. Can't have it both ways.
  5. It's interesting that your posts often insist on a differentiation between Hamas and the Palestinians, Hamas and the civilian population, or whatever. I'm not getting into how accurate these assertions are. What wish to point at is the lack of such distinctions when you discuss Israel, supposed Israeli policy and so on. I think you're more aware of Israeli politics and political structure than that. There is no such overwhelming sentiment among Israelis corresponding to the 'river to the sea' paradigm. Not in the way you seem to imply. There is more support for something like that (from right wing and religious elements) with regard to the West Bank, but the Gaza Strip is a different case. As for the first part of your post - Israel does have extensive intelligence on Hamas, and obviously some of the attacks would be targeting rocket launchers (which can be mobile, though most aren't), movements of Hamas units and so on. To claim that all targets attacked were legit - probably some weren't. But again, that was already discussed many times on here - what people imagine international law to be and what it actually allows for are very different things. If the bombing were totally (or even mostly) indiscriminate, you'd see even more destruction and death around. War is never pretty.
  6. In daily life, most rational people are able to grasp that things are often not black and white. You, apparently, hold that there's only one side responsible for everything to do with this mess. I keep demonstrating it's a wee bit more complex. Funny, that.
  7. That's not quite what I said, though. My point was that there are at least two paths which would make this 'prison' thing go away. You can't have it all. Can't be a terrorist entity and ask for the same treatment as a state. Hamas chose a path which created these conditions, Hamas can choose to change that. Same thing with the current death and destruction - they have a choice.
  8. You lost the thread of the discussion again. To recap - We were talking about Gaza's situation in general, with you claiming the Gaza Strip is totally dependent on Israel for supplies etc I pointed out that this doesn't have to be so - they can either get everything from Egypt or Hamas change policy and then the blockade might be lifted. You then jumped back to the current situation and my comment was to that effect. I was pointing out that none of the aid efforts had much to do with Hamas, the effective government of the Gaza Strip. If you go on about aid convoys etc. you need to ask yourself, why Gaza doesn't have an open border to begin with....
  9. Links provided earlier (maybe on parallel topics, could dig them again if really necessary) detail a plausible version of Israel's plans. Basically, it does call for military action vs. Hamas, followed by security arrangements, transfer of authority to either international, PA or whatever can be agreed upon, pulling out and shutting the door. Now, that might not be the comprehensive long term solution you seem to go on about, but given recent events and political realities - that's about it. I don't think that there's any serious talk about some general peace talks (at least not as far as Israelis and Palestinians are concerned). Expecting it to be otherwise is not realistic. If you consider the Hamas to be a terrorist organization, you'll have to contend more seriously with the implications of the wide support it garners. I don't think there's any easy or sure way to change that, not as long as Hamas's military capabilities remain. Holding Israel to higher standards than other nations is cute, but countries and government tend to act strongly when something like 7/10 happens. I don't feel strongly about emojis. If they bother you that much, I'll try to refrain when reading your posts.
  10. If you think that there's something Israel can realistically do to get Palestinians to shift their support (to whom?) within a reasonable time frame, you're deluded. I think that, by now, it is up to the Palestinian people to realize that something is wrong with Hamas's paradigm. There's this tendency, more so among Western 'pro-Palestinian' supporters to treat the Palestinians as if they are passive, clueless children who require everything handed to then. I do not agree with this condescending point of view. People who aspire for independence, sovereignty and so on should be able to take charge of their affairs.
  11. Let's not forget that Hamas is also a major political party, a social welfare network and other stuff. Or maybe that wasn't on AJ? There you go again about how Israel should care more about Gazans then their own government.....
  12. What about the Hamas government. Don't see you complaining that much about that. After all, they didn't do anything to protect their civilians, called on them to remain and face deadly attack, tried to block them from evacuating, launch rockets from residential areas and whatnot. Somehow, in your odd world, they are apparently less responsible for the welfare and well being of Palestinian civilians. Go figure.... How about the Palestinians trying to win the hearts and minds of Israelis? Do you seriously expect Israelis to embrace Palestinians after 7/10? How realistic is that? Don't think it's human nature to forgive and forget, call bygones that quick. For some reason you seem to hold Israel to unrealistic standards. I'm acquainted with both editions of AJ, my comments stand. I
  13. Yawn. If you think Al Jazeera is not biased in it's coverage, analysis and commentary - guess you live in bizarro world.
  14. Should the Israeli government care more about Palestinian lives than the Palestinians' own government?
  15. Me too, I just buy the large expensive organic ones. How did I deflect? By pointing out, again, that your choice of information source is flawed?
  16. I liked 'community insulter' better.
  17. You can certainly cherry pick, but I think you got the point. As far as I'm aware, anything that's not labeled 'questionable' is acceptable on these forums. And, of course, there were other comments regarding Al Jazeera's credibility in the context of current events - you choose to ignore them.
  18. You funny.... Al Jazeera – Bias and Credibility LEFT-CENTER BIAS These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor liberal causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information but may require further investigation. See all Left-Center sources. Overall, we rate Al Jazeera Left-Center biased, based on story selection that slightly favors the left, and Mixed for factual reporting due to failed fact checks that were not corrected and misleading extreme editorial bias that favors Qatar. Detailed Report Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: MIXED Country: Qatar MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: LIMITED FREEDOM Media Type: TV Station Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic MBFC Credibility Rating: MEDIUM CREDIBILITY
  19. All of the dream, how does it mean?
  20. Oh, you're doing the bogus analogy thing, again? How interesting. Basically, what you're on about is that the Palestinians are eternal victims, clueless children, bumbling about in search of freedom and so on. I'm not sure Palestinians (at least the ones I know) would take kindly to such descriptions, never mind implying they are women.
  21. Noticed you chose to chop my post. Usually a sign something is avoided. Never mind. Do you suppose them Hamas guys face starvation on their tunnels? And water, how long can people last without water? Because that was said to be almost out as well, for many days now. Guess that when you wish to believe some narrative, you can - no matter that facts don't align quite right.
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