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Everything posted by Morch

  1. She's informed, alright. This isn't about her being ignorant. She's just saying what (a) she politically have to say, and (b) what suits her sentiments. You could say she was disingenuous, spreading falsehoods, pushing a narrative or any other thing. But uninformed she is not. IMO, makes it worse.
  2. When Israeli and Western leaders say something, you often go on about it being dishonest, covering some hidden agenda, directed at their base and so on. The interests in Queen Rania's case are far more obvious. Yet somehow, you manage to take her comments at face value.
  3. Can't wait for you to realize that Saudi Arabia and the UAE are not Hamas fans.
  4. You are lying, again. There was no deceleration of all southern Gaza being a safe zone. There were specific designated areas at the south declared as such. Ample time was given to evacuate. Hamas leadership urged the population to stay put and tried to hinder people from evacuating. Sure, all the Israelis don't care. Guess you missed out all them pro-peace folk that were murdered on the Hamas attack.
  5. Don't recall you having that many issues with Israeli children killed or taken hostage by Hamas. Don't recall you every having a bad word about Hamas leadership instigating this knowing the consequences.
  6. You keep pushing this 'we don't know' misleading nonsense bit. There are plenty of clips, plenty of pics, plenty of evidence - and it's not like this is the first time this happened. You want to disbelieve anything that doesn't fit with your set ideas - that's up to you. But it's not like 'we' don't know. That's a false narrative.
  7. The disparity is nowhere as high as you portrayed, but it's still there nevertheless. I am sure that the death toll is in the thousands - but maybe not as high as Hamas claims, and same for divisions like children, women, adults. Note that the figures rarely include a reference as to how many Hamas personnel were killed. The fuel, water and food issues are the same thing. Hamas hunkers down in underground facilities - this would require light, ventilation and so on. Obviously, need to feed its people, take care of wounded etc. So they are bound to have stocks (in part, no doubt stolen from civilian organizations) of the necessary supplies, denied to the populace. Exactly the same way they do not let them ordinary folk take shelter underground. The other thing about the diminishing supplies meme is that if one checks the timeline, warnings that these would run out in a few days were on since the war erupted. The war has been going on for over two weeks now. If the reports were correct, the whole population will be dead of starvation and thirst by now.
  8. Because international relations don't work in the simplistic way you pretend them to be.
  9. Yes. While such things were always on, the intensity increased with the ascent of the current Israeli government, and even more so since the war in Gaza erupted. Some of this is no doubt, taking advantage of public eyes mostly focused elsewhere. For the hardcore 'settlers' the main thing was always the West Bank, rather than the Gaza Strip. I think that in a vague, militaristic way, they would love seeing the Hamas take a beating, destroyed and even the expulsion on the Palestinian civilians - but it backseat stuff as far as their ideology goes. In their priority list, 'gains' in the West Bank outweigh the damage done to Israel's efforts vs. Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
  10. Casualty figures are reported by the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza, which is controlled by Hamas. I think that's mentioned in most reports. It's not like the BBC can verify these figures on its own. The reliability of casualty figures by Hamas has been contested many times in the past, including by UN and aid organizations. Try to understand that what you call 'indiscriminate' does not necessarily conform to the legal, official or operational application. This too was already extensively discussed on these topics.
  11. Hamas is embedded within civilians. It is not like there are a whole lot of Hamas 'military' targets out there in the open, and Israel bombing civilians instead. If Israel was after killing civilians, the death toll would be way higher.
  12. You trust Al Jazeera - owned by Qatar. Al Jazeera does doesn't do coverage or reports that runs against Qatari government interests. Qatar is a long term host of Hamas leadership, and a major donor to the Gaza Strip. .
  13. https://aseannow.com/topic/1309894-the-gaza-diplomacy-of-biden-sunak-and-co-seems-to-be-heading-for-failure/page/9/#comment-18447741 https://aseannow.com/topic/1309894-the-gaza-diplomacy-of-biden-sunak-and-co-seems-to-be-heading-for-failure/page/10/#comment-18448864
  14. You keep making this misleading comment about 'the South'. There was nothing said about all southern Gaza being a safe zone. IDF announcements to the population specified designated areas in the south of the Gaza Strip as 'safe zones'. This was clearly communicated by audio, video, leaflets and IMs - including maps. All of this was linked more than once on these topics when it happened.
  15. Well, considering she's a Palestinian herself, that would be expected. Also, Jordan's population being about 70% Palestinian would make any Jordanian leader pause before making even-handed comments, not to mention being critical of Hamas or Palestinians in general. Kinda amusing coming from an extra privileged hi-so of Palestinian in a country where ordinary Palestinian citizens still face discrimination. But she is hot. There's that.
  16. Hamas is not all of the Palestinians. Hamas doesn't even control all Palestinian territory. It's not same same.
  17. The topic is about current events. It's not a history class. It's not cherry picking competition of who did what to whom in which year. This was addressed on several management comments by now. Somehow you seem to ignore that, and keep trying to derail the topic.
  18. I'm off to the lottery ticket vendor...
  19. Says 'Can't be arsed' - goes on to post one of his longest 'contributions'.
  20. I just had bacon on eggs. If that helps.
  21. Under current Israeli law, yes.
  22. There are far more Muslims about than Jews. There are far more Muslims committing terrorist attacks globally. Them facts. The Israeli government invests in the protection of its own citizens. The Israeli government does not start wars knowing citizens will be fully exposed to enemy fire. The Israeli government just evacuated tens of thousands Israeli citizens from border areas. Same same in your hate-filled mind, maybe.
  23. Unconditional release of all hostages. Hamas members involved in the attack and leadership responsible turn themselves in.
  24. And Israelis were getting killed as well. This topic, however, is about a current situation.
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