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Everything posted by Morch

  1. You're assuming, of course. But be that as it may, it's not much of debate point to claim the understanding of a single post requires the reading of a chunky report. Rand is conservative thing tank, and their reports would reflect that. I'm sure there's no shortage of other points of view. I don't know who's the 'we' you're talking about. More co-opting?
  2. She/he/they/whatever is not so much a reporter as a journalist, or political activist. Not impressed, sorry. Same goes for Pilger, by the way. Same thing. Can cover some things decently, but on others gets into weirdo land.
  3. Up to a point. Bottom line they weren't 'deported' to Russia.
  4. Never said anything about Putin being anything like Hitler. Most of them Nazi references are lame, anyway, regardless of what they relate to. That said - Putin and Russia are a threat to Europe. If you don't want to accept that, you'll have to make do with a whole lot of governments, representing a whole lot of people feeling very differently about it. I don't know what is 'obvious' to you, but I do no it is not 'obvious' to anyone - that would be you co-opting some general faux agreement. And Putin does not need to directly attack NATO head on. A crisis here, a crisis there. Walking that fine line, checking boundaries, exploiting rifts and so on. Russia might turn out to be China vassal, in the long run. That's still a ways away. I'm sure you had some cunning plan to divert it to a more pro-Western attitude. Maybe this would have involved 'sacrificing' Ukraine or some other piece of appeasement. But in reality, Putin was not going to be anyone's best friend and partner. Think tanks are a dime a dozen, reports are cheaper.
  5. @retarius Posts Russian talking points. Complains about 'Pentagon propaganda'. Got to love AN.
  6. Interesting how the Ukrainians seem to have different ideas.
  7. @thaibeachlovers Maybe they are not quite as well informed as yourself, back in NZ and gorging on AJ.
  8. @retarius When it suits. Other times it can be boasting about Russia this or Russia that. As for nuclear warheads, what's the Russia vs. Ukraine count? By the above 'rationale' the war should have been long over by now, with Ukraine either a wasteland or part of Greater Russia.
  9. Wasn't it Putin who chose guns over butter and functioning pensions, healthcare system?
  10. @thaibeachlovers Just a few posts up topic, you brought up no single NATO nation can go toe to toe with Russia. It was pointed out that this is exactly what NATO is about - countries will not be fighting solo. A list was provided to demonstrate that. Suddenly, lists are 'a bit pointless'. Funny, that.
  11. I wonder why you do not express that much care about Russian men about to die.
  12. @ozimoron You do realize you're quoting an old document, right? If you read it, you'll notice some things are way out of tune with how events actually unfolded.
  13. @ozimoron It is nothing like the Hamas Charter. And anyway, it is subordinate to governments decisions, state law and the supreme court. Very different when it comes to the Hamas Charter. Any other bogus deflections on offer?
  14. @Brickleberry It doesn't matter whether it's private or not. Being a UN organization does not imply it's beyond reproach or can do not wrong. Wouldn't be the first, or the last. You do not represent 200 nations. You do not even represent one. And now, there are more and more governments of donor countries who see things differently than you. They have a better claim for 'we' than you. Essentially, you're deflecting and misrepresenting facts. Israel did not made a comment about 'the world'. You have no idea regarding the evidence, as well.
  15. @Brickleberry There were at least two replies to similar comments you made on a parallel topic. They linked information in which Israel seems to think disbanding UNRWA is something better done post-war. You keep ignoring that, and push a false narrative instead. You are not the UN. You do not get to co-opt everyone to your point of view. There are obviously enough governments, representing far more people than you do, who see things differently - you ignore this point on all your comments. Your claims about transparency and accountability do not seem to resonate with the governments of donor countries - again, something which you insist on ignoring. People do not suggest that 'the world' cannot be trusted, but that UNRWA cannot. Enough governments of donor countries seem to feel the same. Stop them constant deflections and deal with reality.
  16. That's a great story. Not much to do with what was posted, though.
  17. Maybe different as it's another mixed couple.
  18. We (almost) had a situation like this with the new neighbors. Our wire fence is 10 cm 'inside' the property, which was made clear to them by the land office guy when they measured the land. Tried anyway, but we were alert and insisted they move markers and holes back. I thought there's a chance their not-so-well-built wall might eventually collapse to our side, what with landfill not set and quality of construction. Asked the headman, and another neighbor who's a former headman. Both said there's nothing to be done until the wall noticeably sags or collapses. On the positive side - both said it's a common issue, and the 'rules' (at least on the local level) are clear as to who's responsible and that things need to be fixed asap.
  19. Maybe. But let's not forget Israel just recently leveled a new set of accusations at WHO as well.
  20. There's this thing in them Western countries called elections. It's a system which allows people to change the government, if enough of them oppose its policies.
  21. @ozimoron I don't think many buy into your 'balanced' charade and claims. Your 'condemnations' of Hamas are cursory, and far between. When it comes to Israel - you go on and on and on. Very clear difference in the language and tone used to refer to sides.
  22. @ozimoron It has become evident that you will post any baseless exaggeration in order to push your narrative, and discredit those not seeing things your way. Then again, what you consider 'extremist Zionist' is probably anything less than a full blown anti-Zionist position, so your comment doesn't amount to much. Same goes for your commentary on Israelis, or statements by Israeli leaders.
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