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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Brush over how? You made it (again) about the USA and the UK, I pointed out that it wasn't only their doing. Historical fact, that. How was Russia 'enforced'?
  2. I did no such thing. You say i did. And considering what and how you post on here, that doesn't hold much water. I have not been 'outed' other than in your fantasies. What 'consequences' would these be? You posting another unhinged rant? I think @Thorgal's posts on this topic alone speak for themselves. You're free to believe whatever you want. Doesn't change reality one bit.
  3. Netanyahu is a bad leader, a bad prime minister, a corrupt person and a liar. All true. But the fact is that he does stand for trial. Most countries in the neighborhood, that wouldn't have happened at all. Israel got its flaws, its nowhere near perfect, but it's way ahead of the ME.
  4. Hey! Nobody <deleted> with the Jesus.
  5. You should really tune up to some of the Hamas leadership speeches., then.
  6. Russia voted in favor of the partition plan. Guess they were 'coerced' as well. Those not blinkered enough will remember that it also called for the creation of an Arab (Palestinian) state. One side accepted, despite reservations, the other did not. Can we get back to the present? The war?
  7. I don't know about others. Me? I'm been on this forum for a long time. And I have a very good memory. So I remember numerous instances when dear @Thorgal spewed Holocaust revisionist history, bordering on denial. I remember the many times he posted misinformation, on topic such as this (and on this one as well) - almost entirely made up of anti-Israeli stuff or pro-Palestinians stuff. And so on, and so forth. If you wish to believe he's sincere, that's your choice. Doubt many buy that.
  8. As per your last line, no such equivalence. Many shades to Zionism, it's not of one mold as you (and others) try to present. Many of the abductees were pro-peace, almost all could be labeled Zionists. As for your first to lines, try them on someone not familiar with your posting history for 10 years and more.
  9. Talking about the Gaza Strip, them conditions (dropping your loaded words) and treatment were also a product of Hamas actions and policy. How is that different, in your opinion?
  10. Hamas does not agree with your views. All that you have to to say to this is Israel Bad. You have no coherent idea, strategy or anything of the sort to deal with the fact that many Palestinians support Hamas. As usual with 'pro-Palestinian' posters - the Palestinians are accountable for nothing, responsible for nothing, are not required to act and so on. It's always the same Israel Bad. Your nonsense about antisemitism is not true, it's actually on the rise. Linked on these topics more than once. The nonsense about the world is waking up is the same slogan on offer each and every time. The world mostly don't want to be bothered, I think. Obama, despite many Israelis' misplaced dislike, was actually a good POTUS as far as Israel was concerned. See you got your crystal ball working again, nice.
  11. If someone said the Palestinian had what's coming to them with regard to the current topic, you'd go on one of your tantrums. Just saying.
  12. I have no idea about that. And since it comes from you, cannot be trusted to be true. If it is though, maybe got to do with a former prime minister being murdered.
  13. I'm referencing your words. Terrorism is not necessarily a crime against humanity. It depends on the nature of the act. Terrorism charges stand lower than crimes against humanity. You chose to label the Hamas actions as 'terrorist' while claiming Israel was attached the 'crimes against humanity' label. Yet another attempt to minimize Hamas actions, and highlight/inflate Israel's. Same goes for the 'rag tag' bit. Quite harmless, aren't they? Carry on.
  14. That was before 7/10. Almost all showed up.
  15. Word salad, again. I posted on one issue. You jumped in with a totally different one.
  16. Hamas - merely 'terrorist'. Israel - crimes against humanity. Outing yourself by the post.
  17. What are you on about? I was commenting earlier that there are video clips of the interviews with the Hamas captives. The link I provided was regarding that - nothing to do with your nonsense outburst.
  18. Hmmm, yes. Don't see you getting quite as worked up about one-side's transgressions, though. Even when these actually included rape etc.
  19. Kill, behead, rape: Interrogated Hamas members detail atrocities against civilians https://www.timesofisrael.com/kill-behead-rape-interrogated-hamas-members-detail-atrocities-against-civilians/ That's part of what I was referring to earlier. guess video clips will follow.
  20. A whole lot of things got to do with the war. But the topic itself is rather specific. I think there were comments from management on this, in topic.
  21. Could you kindly stay on topic? Like...the war?
  22. Are these figures supplied by Hamas?
  23. Hamas is an Islamic movement often using citations from the Quran and Hadith to justify actions. Guess you consider these enlightened.
  24. What you call 'non discriminatory' and what it actually means as per war crimes etc, are not the same thing. Explained numerous time by many posters on recent topics.
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