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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Yes, a general resource - as in a wiki page containing many different bits of information about the Gaza Strip. Not too hard to grasp. Why is the blockade in place? Was it always there? Israel does it just to spite? Nothing whatsoever to do with Hamas actions? Agenda? And, of course, this doesn't relate or address my previous comments. Just another deflection.
  2. 20,000+ Gazan worked in In Israel prior to this attack. Most came in and out on a daily basis. Not that this would stop you from posting nonsense, of course. By the way, a large number of them got 'stuck' in Israel after the attack. They are being detained (not as prisoners) until things will settle.
  3. So back to the same old Israel bad? Israel responsible for everything? That didn't take long. How about Hamas changing course? Or, for that matter, the Palestinians?
  4. I think you are wrong with regard to the number of participants. The initial Hamas 'elite' force was followed by Hamas 'regulars', and a Gazan mob joined shortly after. While many attackers were killed - hardly all of them, probably not even most. In addition, you'll have to include those that planned, commanded or significantly provided support for this to happen. That's a whole lot of people. As to whom committed the worse atrocities, reports vary - apparently enough evil to around, and then some. If it was that easy for Israel to sneak in, find specific targets and eliminate them, many of those who planned and carried this out would have been six feet under long before the attack. It's not like a first run for many of them. Hamas got a pretty tight security going, and sure to be more. That you think it not too hard, or even realistic, doesn't mean it is. And to be sure, this is not just about getting those who carried out the attack. You do that, and a couple of years later you'll have more of them - with the same facilities, infrastructure, funding and whatnot in place. Not to mention each such assassination running the risk of further casualties (if things go badly, or via Hamas retaliating). I think the tit-for-tat era is done with. As for 'the world' - I don't see the world embracing multiple Israeli assassination attempts (or aerial strikes when applicable) for very long. There will soon be talk about legal issues, mistakes and all the rest. What you talk about is can be carried if, indeed, discussing a limited number of potential targets, and that being the sole objective. This is not the case.
  5. Not in the past, not now, and not 'potentially'. There's enough to this topic without adding hysteria, hyperbole and misinformation.
  6. From your post: "Never going to happen because of all the US support for Israel and the amount of Jewish influence around the globe, there is a huge amount of Jewish money supporting mainstream media and governments which influences public opinion in there favour."
  7. Before asking for alternatives, perhaps you'd bother to explain how Guterres's words represent a 'viable' solution?
  8. Apparently you're way off mark. And reluctant to address points raised. A link to general resource about the Gaza Strip? Seriously?
  9. Not bothering with any more clips you post after that '60% support" bit. Coming to think about it, even the poll links supplied later didn't include what you claimed. If it was that easy to dislodge and disarm Hamas, somehow make its public appeal vanish, it wouldn't be much of an issue. You have no answer. You rely on other's words. You post misleading comments. Get serious.
  10. Think about this - Hamas went ahead with the 7/10 attack knowing the consequences. Nothing whatsoever done to protect its own civilians. Hamas members are either underground, in bunkers and tunnels the population got no access to. Some of the high ups are out of the country, staying in luxury hotels - and calling on their people to stay and face the bombs. "Sacrifices need to be made". Maybe the question is ought to be directed at them. Did they ask for a ceasefire? Did they release hostages? Stop rocket fire? If Hamas doesn't care about the lives of its own people and if Palestinian people keep supporting Hamas, should others do more? There is no 'acceptable' number. People die in wars, children die in wars. If you can cite a war with zero kids hurt, that would be a start. In the real world, things are different.
  11. The casualty figures are courtesy of the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza. It is controlled by Hamas. In past instances, they were found to be inaccurate - with death toll counts differing between Hamas figures, UN assessments, and Israel's reports. I'm not denying death of children happened. I'm referring to the figure, and taking Hamas statements as is. Their statements after the hospital blast make for a good example.
  12. Posters who cite 75 years of Israeli occupation etc. Posters who minimize the Hamas attack. Posters who deny Hamas's agenda. Posters who push (implicitly or otherwise) Hamas propaganda and positions. And so on and so forth.
  13. No, they weren't. The article is not clear on this. It was not all the area south of the evacuation zone that was declared a safe zone. There were specific safe zones designated in the south of Gaza. Not the same thing.
  14. If you cite 76 years, your issue is simply Israel's existence. That colors all the rest of your post and makes the origins of the rant understandable. For an alleged 'genocide', this seems like a half-arsed job. After all these years, there are many more Palestinians around then there were. Either you, or the Israelis misunderstands what 'genocide' is. Don't let the fact that for the first 20 years of its existence Israel did was not in control of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, so at that time could not quite have done all them awful things you list. I'm pointing this out not as denial that some of what you post is correct - but to highlight you disregard for facts. And it's funny about them Israeli Zionists 'not representing the Jewish faith in any way' - there was just a link posted not long ago on a parallel topic. It's a voice recording of a Hamas terrorist calling home from a village just attacked, using a dead woman's phone. He excitedly shouts, proud, to his family back in Gaza that he killed ten Jews. Not Israelis. Not Zionists. Jews. May want to have a look at the Hamas Charter and get a clue as to where that came from. Much of what you mention does happen (if not quite as dramatically as portrayed) in the West Bank. This instance is about the Gaza Strip. Israel pulled out of there long ago. No settlements. No land grabs. No IDF. The choice to turn it into a terrorist base was Hamas's - it could have chosen a different path. There were instances of negotiations with the Palestinians - at least four Israeli Prime Minister engaged in such. You want to paint the failure of talks on Israel alone? That's your choice. The facts are ,of course, different. As with most haters - you do not actually say much about the Palestinians side. Cannot come up with ways in which they constructively worked to achieve peace, or their goal of having a state. Any violence on their part is apparently justified, and no accountability on their part required. While I'd agree Netanyahu is a bad leader etc., it's not like the Palestinian leadership touts better characters.
  15. No doubt, a better option would have been for them to stay put, as Hamas leadership urged. As for the no food, no water and all that - it's been two weeks now. If that was true they'd all be dead by now.
  16. Are you citing Hamas casualty figures as verified facts? Thought you were all about accuracy.
  17. The Hamas attack was not about 'defense', and they did not have a 'right' to carry it.
  18. No. The IDF spread clear information about specific designated safe zones with maps and all that. This was linked earlier in the topic. Multiple times.
  19. All prisoner exchanges between Israel and terrorist organizations were like that. A whole lot of Palestinians for a few Israelis, or bodies of. The one you cite was controversial due to the circumstances involved in the kidnapping, the high price paid, and the fact that Netanyahu previously spoke against such an exchange. When it became politically desirable, he went for it.
  20. There were thousands involved in the Hamas attack. Most of them in the Gaza Strip. If it was that easy for Israel to penetrate the border at will, snatch people without a problem and do this over and over thousands of times, maybe you'd have a point. Now back to reality....
  21. I think that's one fine I'm-not-an-antisemite-but-Jews-control-the-World post. Thanks for sharing.
  22. The article doesn't actually say this. It describes people being under attack on the way South, or in the South, but not clearly explicitly mentioning people getting killed in the designated safe zones.
  23. But this is not about how individuals feel. Not about comparing grief.
  24. I think you will have to back that bit about Hamas internal disputes of policy, in order for it to be addressed. Your 'plan' seems to be give Hamas a prize and see if they chill down. Sounds legit. Sounds like how any government would act following such an attack on its civilians. Give terrorists something for nothing and see if it appeases them. Or maybe not. A two state solution does not imply letting Hamas be in charge. Nor will it come (if ever) without ample assurances, provisions and ways to guarantee something of this sort will not happen. I think it is you that does not listen. Seemingly, you value your opinion more that facts.
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