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Everything posted by Morch

  1. I have not done the things that you allege. And you keep referring to mysterious posters I supposedly wronged. Don't think I actually had much part in the whole antisemitism bit - you're obviously confused.' That you claim things, doesn't make them so. I don't see you apologizing for anything much, and that would include the insults your hurl at posters when one of your tantrums is on.
  2. If you've already given the verdict why bother with a court? Thanks for making my point.
  3. Send your suggestions to the BBC.
  4. I think you'd post a lengthy rant about it.
  5. Yes dear, you already pointed that out. You cited Netanyahu's view that this is the best way to thwart the creation of a Palestinian State. I commented that many Palestinians support Hamas as well. You're now deflecting instead of addressing the point made. If Hamas is a major obstacle for Palestinian Statehood, and many Palestinian support Hamas - what does it imply for things at hand?
  6. By tomorrow, interviews with the captured Hamas terrorists will be translated. They are asked, each in turn if the atrocities committed on the Hamas attack fall in line with the teachings of Islam. Just saying.
  7. At least a couple of the main culprits are (Sinwar and Deif). That would be a good start. No, it's not the same, other than in your posts.
  8. Disregarding your loaded choice of words - Hamas disagrees with you.
  9. Complain to the BBC? Produce something that could point to evident bias? The fact that what she says is not to your liking - that's not it.
  10. Hamas kept the husbands of both women in captivity.
  11. Hamas is a major, mainstream, Palestinian party. Often gets more support than the Fatah (PA).
  12. Is that Jewish guy by any chance related to @Neeranam's imaginary Rabbi friend?
  13. Seems like the BBC did not consider this as much of a problem.
  14. She is addressing a current situation, specifically, and she referenced ongoing situation before that.
  15. Why isn't the USA? Russia? China? Others? Because of reasons. Or maybe because Israel's trust in the impartiality of international organizations has been eroded over the years.
  16. Many Palestinians support Hamas. Maybe they are trying to thwart the same thing.
  17. This topic deals with a current event. You and other 'pro-Palestinian' posters routinely try to make it about anything but.
  18. What 'unbiased posters'? Care to name any? Or do you have them on 'ignore' as well?
  19. Out of interest, could you please give some indication as to which posters contributing 'worthwhile commentary' were referred to? And as for 'incessant nonsense', just making sure - do you have @Thorgal and @Neeranam on ignore, by any chance? Palestinian children in Gaza are not murdered, but killed. Doesn't console or matter to their moms - but since you're all for accuracy and facts, thought you may wish to rephrase.
  20. Meltdown. Quite the drama queen, aren't you? But I suppose this Bizarro World rant does represent progress, of sorts. Whereas you previous rants were merely abusive, this one is a little amusing as well. In gaming, such outbursts are traditionally followed by rage quit. Not saying you have or should to, just something to consider. Best of luck dealing with your obvious issues.
  21. Yes, saw some of them too. Bad stuff.
  22. Intent would be deliberately targeting civilians. And yes, it is legally allowed (under various circumstances) to attack terrorist/military targets even if civilians are expected to be hurt. As for your repeated use of 'war crime' - that line from The Princess Bride applies: "You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means".
  23. You commented on something I posted, interpreted it out of context. The above is the context of my post. I'm not even the one who brought up the issue of 'scale' etc.
  24. The Hamas has definitely committed war crimes. There's no debate on that. It is less clearly obvious (in the legal sense) that Israel did. I think that there's a fair chance they did - but it's not really their hallmark, as is with Hamas. Tossing terms about is great, but misleading. Crimes against humanity and war crimes are not exactly the same thing. War crimes, I think, are more prevalent, in general. For example, the Hamas attack sans the atrocities committed, would be a war crime. If the atrocities are included, it's probably in the category of crimes against humanity. You can keep calling things 'war crimes' but that doesn't make them so. That war is ugly, and many bad things happen doesn't mean all of them are legally forbidden.
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