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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Yawn. Let's imagine solar power was the thing, rather than oil. And so on and so forth. What if this, what if that, how about the other.
  2. https://aseannow.com/topic/1309894-the-gaza-diplomacy-of-biden-sunak-and-co-seems-to-be-heading-for-failure/page/4/#comment-18442496
  3. See the part of my comment about starting arguments about side issues....
  4. This is a current news forum. This is a current topic. Doubt the Crusades are needed as context. What happens more often than not when historical references are brought in is that the topic gets derailed, devolving into further arguments about side issues. Context is great, but time and place etc.
  5. It's an obviously biased poll. The people who are all for the 4am closing time were either sleeping it off or too hung over to understand the question.
  6. Such links are posted on these topics all the time. Doubt people actually read them anyway. People don't usually participate in these topics in order to 'educate' themselves, get a better grasp of events and so on.
  7. Yeah, because you really really care about getting the facts right, ain't ya?
  8. Saudi Arabia does not have much traction with Hamas. Saudi Arabia outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood back in 2014(?) and Hamas was (unofficially) included in that policy. Hamas funding is more closely associated with Qatar and Iran, both being Saudi Arabia's rivals. Also - Putin, Xi and MBS in one week? What is this...Dictator Special?
  9. It will be sold to Thailand down the line. The original article included a comment that the submarine deal is not scrapped 'per se'. Alternatively it will be flogged to another country, or even be used by the Chinese themselves. Didn't they just lose one?
  10. Can save energy and beach it. Of course, this would mean no potential kickbacks from the renovation budgets, so probably a non-starter.
  11. I doubt this would have any different consequences as far as global public opinion goes. It would be seen as solely directed at civilians, to pressure Hamas. The current strategy allows for the claim that Israel fights Hamas. Further, Hamas doesn't seem to care much about the civilians under its rule, seeing them as legit sacrifices for the 'cause', it also tends to disregard World condemnation ,censure and opinion. Given that Hamas is well supplied, such a standoff could last months, in which public opinion would surely sway and nothing gained. This would also leave Hamas intact, with a significant victory under its belt and ready to go again. There was a report (linked in on a parallel topic) that Israel already set a task force to identify and kill all those directly involved in the attack. Under the strategy you advice, there will be no direct access to the Gaza Strip, though, which may imply not much could be achieved. I agree wholeheartedly that Netanyahu is a bad, toxic leader. But that's only one part of the equation - not like the other side got much to show in the leadership department either.
  12. I'm aware of Hamas's positions. Your comment was about Arabs. The point being that it's better to keep labels accurate as possible when discussing these issues.
  13. The comments are usually about there not being a Palestinian state/country. That the region was called this or that doesn't change the fact or is ever directly relevant. This has been done to death on each and every topic dealing with conflict on these forums.
  14. And what, realistically, do you think Israel could or should do, at present?
  15. It was not really that peaceful. And it was controlled by the Ottoman Empire. Now, this here is a topic discussing current events. You and a bunch of other posters seem to mistake it for a history class. How about addressing something that's more directly related to the OP? It's not like you're doing yourself any favors with what you posted so far, anyway.
  16. Hamas direct membership is much higher than 'only a few thousands people'. Hamas is supported by a whole lot of the Palestinians, and even won the last general elections held. Get the facts straight, then come back to discuss things. Last I checked, Malaysia is not in the ME. If you think culture, and issues between communities are the same, see the comment above.
  17. That's a Christian concept, and can't say Christians took much heed of it anyway. Hamas went into this knowing the consequences. Hamas leadership calls on citizens to remain in harm's way, and says casualties are necessary sacrifices. Hamas embeds itself within civilian population. And you keep banging on about some elusive magic solution....without actually saying much.
  18. And many Israeli kids will grow up bearing the trauma of the Hamas attack - more likely to hate Palestinians. Obviously, you are not too bothered about the hate Palestinians sow and reap. Unclear what your last comment was about. What does 'as a Middle East country' supposed to mean?
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