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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Inflating? 700 hundred dead (and rising), thousands injured, over a 100 kidnapped. Most are civilians. And that's in a single day.
  2. Iran did not. The Hamas already released a how-we-did-it-video. Very small drones, coming from a tough to detect angle at low speed and height. Each dropping a grenade on the surveillance/shooter system. Same for tanks around the perimeter, it seems.
  3. They could choose to do something constructive, rather than merely engage in futile violence and rhetoric. There is no 'genocide' unless you insist on demeaning the word. The UN does not have an army.
  4. And there it is again, painting the Palestinians as helpless, passive, clueless, unable to deal with anything (other than through violence). Kindly don't edit my posts and leave out the bits not fitting your agenda.
  5. Nothing too fishy. Intelligence agencies (the Mossad, by the way, would not be the front agency on this one) fail at analyzing intentions even when information about means is available. This very attack was carried out at a time when the 1973 war is commemorated. That was another intelligence failure. It's not unique to Israel, even. Hamas has been long aware it's under tight scrutiny and surveillance, obviously measure were taken to lessen exposure. That, and maybe an over-reliance by Israel on technological/visual means. The number of people involved in the initial planning and attack would not amount to thousands, though. The first wave of attackers was hundreds strong.
  6. Yawn. Always with them 'questions' to others. Rarely putting up something of your own. Resistance does not have to be solely based on violence. Fostering unity among their ranks instead of pushing for a divide could help. Getting a territory for self rule, maybe a better idea to invest in developing it rather than use it as a base for attack. And so on and so forth....
  7. Unlikely.
  8. None of this pseudo historical 'discussion' is relevant to the topic at hand, even if more of the peppered bits of 'facts' and factoids were correct. This is not about who might have lived there thousands of years ago, but who dies there nowadays.
  9. Yes. Really. No one argues that the Palestinian predicament is not bad. Their plight and misery has been discussed even just on this forum numerous times on multiple topics and posts. And sure, Israel played a major part in that. But people all over the world managed to assert themselves, pick a route that would secure them freedom, prosperity and so on. The Palestinians seem unable to progress much beyond armed struggle and complaining about their lot. There is very little by way of realistic, constructive efforts to change things. There's no credible leadership, no achievable goal and a plan how to get there. I'm not saying the Palestinians' situation is boring. The article is. The position that the Palestinians are not accountable for anything, not responsible for anything, passive. That's boring.
  10. On the contrary, there are plenty of posts on this topic detailing in length how Israel is the cause of it all. You may want to scroll through it again before making such odd statements. Sure, some people are into it's-all-the-Palestinians'-fault. They got their own posts as well. In all the years since this conflict came about, the Palestinians somehow failed producing effective leadership, a unity of cause, defining realistic goals and formulating strategies to achieve them, no functioning social and economical infrastructure, and not diplomatic horizons past clinging to slogans and doing the same things over and over again. The other side fared better. Now this difference can be attributed to many factors. And these could play good talking points as well. But the bottom line remains. All them articles, columns, opinion pieces going on about how Israel done the Palestinians wrong, how the world, the West, Arab countries, or whomever did them wrong are all very well. But as things stand, even if the Palestinians would be handed a state tomorrow morning, it would crumble on its own by the end of the year. I may add that laying all the blame on Israel, The West, The USA, Colonialism, Imperialism and whatnot is in itself a condescending position. It forever casts the Palestinians as incapable, helpless, clueless and unable to take charge of their own destiny.
  11. Boring, rather than interesting. Nothing new there. Not even as per the current attack. The same argument appeared since yesterday on quite a few opinion columns etc. And, unless I missed it, not an ounce of accountability expected from the Palestinians as to their own on going situation. Not a shred of responsibility. Always someone else fault or failure.
  12. I don't recall there was a meteor in Jurassic Park....?
  13. You go right ahead, we'll catch up, hero.
  14. The Hamas rockets did hit the power station, and operations were disturbed for a while. By the time they got the power back on, the Minister in charge already signed a decree to disconnect the Gaza Strip supply. I don't think it was done with intention of killing people, but certainly to prevent aid and succor from an enemy. This sort of thing happens almost on every round of fighting, by the way. There's a power station in Gaza, but obviously it cannot supply the demand.
  15. Hezbollah is both a military organization and a political party. They are part of the government, usually.
  16. A policeman in Egypt killed 2 Israelis and 1 Egyptian at a tourist site in Alexandria https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-gaza-egypt-attack-tourism-af8a02136c390721a0fdef647394154c Should have had better sense than to vacation in Egypt at this time. RIP.
  17. Token so far. Hopefully it will remain thus. Lebanon is already in tatters, economically and politically - so jumping in might not be the best decision. Then again, it's a great way to take people minds off domestic issues.
  18. It is a well known fact that NOTHING effects tourist arrivals, spending and such. Been declared many times. In the Real world, two Thai citizens were killed, others wounded and several taken captive to Gaza. There was talk from the Thai PM about evacuating Thai citizens from Israel, so far didn't happen.
  19. Peaceful how? Inside Israel how?
  20. I get your point, but the dynamic of these topics is that digging up respective narratives and ongoing complaints of both sides is often used as means to avoid the issue at hand. So getting into all the supposed historical accounts, semi related side issues and what not is great - but ultimately leaves these topics a mess, and undermines chances for discussion.
  21. More deflections. No one debating here seriously said that.
  22. A 'censorship' which exists in your mind, perhaps. There are no shortage of critical reports on Israel appearing in more respected venues. First there was another poster hailing the Qatari government owned Al Jazeera as 'objective', now the Iranian Press TV is touted as free. Try harder. None of this, as well as you copy/paste pics is really on topic much.
  23. Working for an Iranian government owned TV outlet doesn't do a whole lot to bolster one's credibility.
  24. @MrMojoRisin Williamson currently hosts the programme Palestine Declassified on the Iranian government-owned TV channel PressTV. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Williamson_(politician)
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