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Everything posted by Morch

  1. The Hamas attack was on the last day of Israeli (well, Jewish) holiday season. High season for traveling out of the country was the last 2-3 weeks. The flights going back to Israel are tourists ending their vacations, the ones coming in are trying to avoid the current mess in country. I'd venture the incoming lot is a bit more upscale than the latter.
  2. Other than in your imagination and hyperbole posts, no 2 million Palestinians were 'wiped'. You're welcome to come up with similar situation, and inform how forces behaved under similar conditions. The power station in Israel, supplying at least half of the Strip's electricity needs was initially hit by Hamas rockets. This stopped operations for a while, and as operations resumed, power to the Gaza Strip was cut. Obviously, in your world, Hamas should not be held accountable for anything, Palestinians are never to to be held responsible for the consequences of their own actions and choices.
  3. Who prevented the elections is a matter of opinion, and which occasion is addressed. The PA did so to avoid a likely electoral defeat. The Hamas did it because, effectively, they cannot govern anyway (all aid to the Palestinians would cease, international sanctions applied on West Bank as well, legitimacy for Israeli actions in West Bank too). All their quibbling about not having elections is just self serving bs, and political posturing. At the same time, any election results are likely to be contested, or even ignored in some areas. The prospects of outside powers conducting such elections, and these not facing similar issues is a fantasy. It goes back to the notion that Palestinian should have everything handed to them, rather than take charge of their affairs.
  4. Most polls conduced over the years show Hamas enjoys solid popular support (about half of the voter base, or a bit less). This includes both Gaza residents and those on the West Bank. Further, who will 'allow' this? Israel? Then the results would be seen as illegitimate. The PA? Same thing. International involvement? Again, the same.
  5. Thailand is on the side on not having foreign retaliation vengeance terrorist acts carried out within it's borders. 2012 Bangkok bombings https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Bangkok_bombings
  6. Not in Gaza. Working in the area attacked within Israel near Gaza. Shoddy reporting, or editing.
  7. They were not asked to leave the Gaza Strip, but evacuate their homes, and stay away from Hamas facilities. And they could easily leave, if Egypt will open the gates for them - which it does not. Not a word from you on this. Usually what happens is that some evacuate in an unorganized manner (Hamas does not help with that) and some stay. Then they tend to congregate in several areas, generally to the south of the Strip, and along the beach. Some go as close as possible to the Egyptian border, figuring Israel would be more careful bombing there. People who celebrate the murder of innocents and civilians are scum.
  8. There was talk about c-130's, not 'jets'. Easier to do with commercial passenger planes anyway. And no, they are not paying for it from their own pocket, as far as I'm aware.
  9. Constant excuses and deflections speak for themselves.
  10. Aljazeera may be a good source for some news, not for all. As a channel owned by Qatar, it covers (or avoids covering) certain issues from a prescribed position, rather than an objective one. Its reports regarding the Israeli Palestinian conflict fall into the category of taken-with-a-grain-of-salt. It's always a better idea not to rely on a single source of news, especially one with a rather obvious bias. @thaibeachlovers relies almost exclusively on Aljazeera bias to confirm his own bias. Hence the often raised comments.
  11. Perhaps Hamas should have seen it coming? Perhaps the people of Gaza, the Palestinians whom you 'support' should re-think accepting such a leadership?
  12. Before the Intifadas, Israel was flooded with Palestinian workers. Then followed security curbs, work permits, quotas on work permits etc. With Hamas getting control of the Gaza Strip, restrictions became even harsher for Palestinians in Gaza wishing to work in Israel. There are (or, after yesterday, were), I think, about 20-30 thousands issued work permits (including traders) in Israel, with most employed in industrial estates near the border passes. It's not that they do not want to work - Hamas policies and Israel's security concerns are in the way. Thai workers largely became a 'thing' in Israel as a replacement for Palestinians.
  13. Very few on here are able to discuss such things without taking hyper partisan positions, or having command of facts. If you want to pin the current attack on what you outlined - you'd have to account for this attack obviously being a long time (months and longer) in the planning. I'm not saying it's detached of more recent events, just that it's doubtful one specific cause is to blame. For example, if Iranian involvement was a indeed a thing, then the timeline would could be tied to their own vendetta vs. Israel. This could certainly have been a merging of interests. Another example? Hamas often cites Al Aqsa as central to their reactions. This is mostly to steer supporters rather having concrete grounds.
  14. Are you calling the Palestinians 'uncivilized'?
  15. Israel already withdrew from the Gaza Strip. Nothing changed much. You're suggesting this be tried on a wider level. This while ignoring Hamas's own words, agenda and actions - to the effect that they are not planning to give up the river-to-the-sea notion.
  16. About a thousand Israelis were killed in a single day. No 'heavy weapons' (unless rocket launchers are counted as such) needed. Do you have an actual point?
  17. Seems like you're alright with Hamas's 'revenge killing' and got no time to address its consequences.
  18. You have not offered a single credible way of addressing the current situation, in the here and now. All you have is waffle, touting one sided narrative and deflections.
  19. My post was about public sentiments and reactions on both sides. You either responded to a different post, or trying yet again to deflect. Twist it as you like, no. Intentionally killing civilians at their home, is not the same as citizens getting killed when military targets placed near them are attacked. One is plain murder, the other a regretful but almost unavoidable part of modern warfare.
  20. The comment I responded to tied the beginning of hostilities to Israel's inception as an independent state. I was pointing out that it started well before that. It was not an irrelevant reference to biblical times.
  21. Or if even half of it would have been invested in bomb shelters for the Gazans....
  22. The USA provides Israel with an annual 3 Billion $ 'Buy American' coupon. You're offering that a single attack cost double than this? Reconstruction budgets for the Gaza Strip after previous were circa 3-5 Billion $, for reference.
  23. No, they haven't. Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip. Up until yesterday talk even talk about temporarily conquering it again (which surfaced on previous fighting rounds) was widely considered lunacy.
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