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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Do you think that there are 'acceptable' locations to kill people, in general? Like, at their homes? When partying? Hamas uses the local populace as protection from attack. It could place it's facilities in a way that will lessen the risk for the people of Gaza. That doesn't happen.
  2. The Hamas doesn't spend anything to protect the citizens of the Gaza Strip. No bomb shelters, for example. On the other hand, it digs miles upon miles of attack tunnels into Israel, and provides it's operatives with underground bunkers. Them priorities. No one is under any compulsion or moral obligation to supply the Hamas with arms.
  3. The civilians murdered (actually murdered, not maybe-will-be) yesterday by Hamas did not deserve it either. The civilians on the receiving end of all them rockets yesterday (and still, today) launched by Hamas, did not deserve them as well.
  4. If only Sergio Leone was with us....
  5. History shows that violence and terrorism from both sides (against each other and vs. the Brits) started well before the 'inception of the state of Israel'.
  6. 'nothing to lose' 'boycotts to follow' Same tropes each time these things go on. It's great how keyboard warriors go on about people living thousands of miles away 'got nothing to lose'. More like you've got nothing to lose, no skin in this game. Have them fight to the last man, eh? And sure, boycotts, sanctions. Never seriously materialized. Each time it's 'now it's different'. Wish I had a Dollar for every time this was posted.
  7. For months now (especially since after the recent elections) Israeli social media has been flooded with Russian and Iranian bots trying to sow dissent, division, rumor mongering, incitement and all the rest. There was even a complaint made to Russia regarding this. Quite a lot of action noticeable with regard to recent events.
  8. People should accept that posting simplistic partisan 'historical' views doesn't make them true.
  9. Israel could have tried to 'take out' Hamas on any given time. Didn't happen. Not even when it was Netanyahu's elections slogan in 2008. And while it may wish to 'take out' Hezbollah, doubtful it's possible (or excusable, given no major conflagration). There is, presently and for a very time frame, international sympathy and nominal support. A few days of Gaza under bombing and the trend will no doubt shift.
  10. They do not actually get deported much, though. There are legal complications etc.
  11. No. Most (or even all, I'm not 100% sure about that) work on cites within Israel, not the West Bank. You're either conflating areas, not aware of geography, or pushing an extremist view that Israel's entire existence is illegal.
  12. Sure. The United Arab World fantasy. Didn't happen when there was war in Syria. Didn't hold vs. Egypt after signing peace agreement with Israel. Took the US and a whole lot of pressure to forge an Arab 'coalition' vs. Iraq. No such Arab coalition vs. Iran...Shall I go on?
  13. Foreign workers at basic jobs often get low salaries relative to the country they are working in. That's how it works. If you don't get it, talks to some Myanmar or Cambodian workers here.
  14. This is not true. Hamas won the last general Palestinian Elections. And while that was years ago, any poll conducted since shows they have the support of (at minimum) almost half of the voter base. While Hamas rules in the Gaza Strip, there are numerous supporters in the West Bank as well. Just yesterday, following the news there were mass support protests, clashes with Israeli security forces and the usual sickening offering of sweets in celebration. Support for the two-state solution is, generally, waning. Both on the Israeli and the Palestinian side. This is bad news, certainly, but it does no good to pretend otherwise. Attacks such as this just set it back a bunch.
  15. There were Arab (before they called themselves Palestinians, which is a relatively late title ) violence and terrorism directed at Jews and Brits well before 'the stern gang'. The rest of your vehement post is similarly peppered with nonsense. Conspiracy theories is just another form of the same.
  16. Seems accidental, as they apparently also captured their boss (not clear if he's alive, though). They were targeting settlements, towns, concentrations of people (like that festival) - rather than specific individuals or groups. Just grabbed whomever they didn't shoot. A deal, if there is one, will most likely be handled by Egyptian representatives. or Qatari ones. Whether they deal with Israel of Thailand is dependent on Hamas's conditions. Either way, families of Thais killed in Israel will receive a full compensation package (as happens with Israeli casualties). It won't bring people back but would carry a long way in Thailand. Injured and kidnapped get a similar, but smaller deal.
  17. I think that they will be freed. Perhaps not immediately (which could be dangerous with IDF attacks), though. Kinda hard to arrange that during the fighting. They are not from a Western or a otherwise rich country, so no real point. They have enough Israelis, Europeans and Americans to go around. If they are executed, Thailand will mourn and protest. What else could it do?
  18. Israel will not 'completely destroy the Palestinians', and the Palestinians cannot destroy Israel. As a US citizen you ought to know that the US gives Israel a 3$ Billion annually (give or take). That's a lot, but not unlimited. Further, this aid is in fact a sort of subsidy. These funds can be used to Buy American. So, in fact, some of the main beneficiaries are US arms producers, and workers therein. A lot of the lobbying for this comes from them Congressmen and Senators in relevant areas. Write them. On the military side, Israel shares a whole lot of intel with the USA, and there are a few US bases (surveillance and depots) about. Then there's R&D, which also relates to the funds allocated - arms developed by Israel on US budget get the US special rights, or marketing concessions. I totally get it that from a US citizen point of view, there are better ways to spend these tax dollars. Hence, the 'write your representative' comment. Relative to the US defense budget, it's hardly a speck of dust. But on a different take, it also represents 50% of the global USA military aid budget....
  19. Support for a two state solution is not high. Surely less than it used to be. Then again '2 state solution' can mean a whole lot of things, so each side got it's own views anyway. There's always a hardcore (not that small, though) on each side which will denounce any compromise (that usually goes hand in hand with religious fanaticism). But as far as the international community goes, that's still the go to answer. Whether or not its a realistic goal can be debated. When diplomats and politicians make statements, though, it's often referred to. Maybe because the other alternatives are worse. You can keep expecting, won't happen. At most, there will be mass destruction, on par and maybe surpassing previous rounds of fighting. There are about 150 hostages, including non-Israelis. Some will be hurt anyway, either by IDF attacks or Hamas retribution. But don't see Netanyahu actually ordering to ignore their presence and well-being.
  20. They were hardly forced to work in Israel, though. And it's not a first, plus many times workers come from the same area. I think at some level they are aware of the danger.
  21. This has been going on for years, but today the World ends, you say?
  22. Thailand merely goes with mainstream diplomacy. The two-state solution is still what's prescribed by the international community, hence...
  23. Hamas used drone bombs to launch its war with Israel from Gaza, and took out hi-tech observation towers, videos show https://www.businessinsider.com/video-hamas-used-drone-bombs-to-launch-war-with-israel-2023-10 This is the second time now that Hamas manages to surprise Israel (last time it was the underground tunnels).
  24. The wall was not there before Hamas took over. Same goes for the blockade. Try as you might to deny or ignore it, there's a connection.
  25. Sure, support for the Palestinians is always an indication of morality, rather than political interests. Do you believe you own words?
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