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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @thaibeachlovers Let's Roll Over And Pretend Nothing Happens, Says Poster.
  2. @thaibeachlovers How is this 'another war'? Other than in your imagination, that is? Stave being dumped how?
  3. What's it to you? If you don't want to read the topic, it's easy to do so. I think I've said before - it's not necessarily about changing the other team's minds.
  4. @thaibeachlovers But they will not be fighting individually. That's just you making up stuff, rehashing Russian propaganda talking points.
  5. @thaibeachlovers Maybe they see it as spending on their own populations, as in holding back Russia.
  6. @thaibeachlovers Consulting the link you provided, Russia is at #141, while Ukraine is at #104. Thoughts?
  7. @ozimoron More like your kind of trademark ignorant strong comments. There are pro-peace Zionists. Not all Zionists are religious. Not all religious Zionists are zealots. Not all Zionists are extremist and so on. You have no idea what you're talking about. As for blaming the war on Israel - tell me again how you're not white-washing Hamas, how you're not a Hamas fanboy.
  8. I try and make them head over to one of the bordering fields. If they are aggressive, persistent or post a danger to the dog - they might face a different fate. So far only one major cobra encounter - called up someone to help, and he dispatched it. I can deal with 'ordinary' snakes, but know my limits.
  9. My elderly neighbor strongly believes this. Won a small amount on the lottery years ago, just after a cobra paid a visit - so that's that.
  10. Yawn. The definition doesn't imply all Zionists belong to the group depicted in the news clip. You keep ignoring facts. Are you going to deny that there are Zionists who oppose this group, now?
  11. @thaibeachlovers What 'bandwagon'? Why would all the governments consider the evidence presented as credible and suspend donations? I don't trust anything you post.
  12. @thaibeachlovers Trump spoke softly? When was that? More like the opposite - talk bigly and pack a twig.
  13. Russian anti-war rockers detained in Thailand are now on their way to Israel https://news.yahoo.com/russian-anti-war-rockers-detained-184901689.html
  14. It a link to a news aggregator blog/website, several stories covered. That said, the AI thing is lame.
  15. There are Zionists who hold different views, though. Your nonsense definition paints this group as if it was the only representative of Zionism.
  16. @thaibeachlovers One of the points made in the article that these things find their way to 'regular' media, which gives them extra 'credibility', especially when echoed by popular news presenters, commentators.
  17. @ozimoron You brought it up. Now you claim it's off topic. The point is that 'state owned' got nothing to do with what you claimed. You either misrepresent or misinterpret things. Or more likely, trolling.
  18. @ozimoron Being 'state owned' does not imply a news source is permitted. Several easy Russian and Chinese examples. You are confusing 'state' owned' with 'official state representative/communication' - like spokespersons etc. And you not reading topics and posts is nothing new - there was such a previous post by Admin/Moderator regarding AJ.
  19. @Neeranam I believe chopping off posts is against forum rules. I think you are aware that there was an Admin/Moderator post about it on one of the past topics. AJ is owned by Qatar, Qatar hosts Hamas leadership. AJ does not cover things from an angle critical or unfavorable to Qatar's policies. As for your flaming, trolling and the rest of your nonsense - pfft.
  20. Oh, look - a wannabe troll. And an antisemitic one too. Plus a 'new' addition....wonder (but not much) which one of the usual suspects this was.
  21. A single carrier group could not tackle issues all over the area. There's a carrier group in place now, plus a whole lot of other forces, and the Houthis manage to disrupt maritime traffic anyway. The other thing missing would be intel - need bases for that, and local cooperation. As for troops on the ground - it depends what falls under this label. Regarding Iran - waiting for the Mullahs to die off? There are replacements, and not all are very old even. Banking on 'the youth' is a gamble, not much of a strategy. As for Iran not pulling the strings of proxies, you're either joking or severely misinformed. There are proxies and there are proxies, but making such a blanket statement is way off mark.
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