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Everything posted by Morch

  1. A credible response when such is required. And a consistent policy regarding such responses. And let's not forget the other part, because trash talking doesn't really impress anyone but the voter base.
  2. The attack was on a base in Jordan. It was not carried out by Jordanians. How is it the attackers' 'home'?
  3. Read the post I was responding to. Figure out the context. Not what you're on about.
  4. In your imagination, perhaps. In reality, that's not true. The court did not actually say that there was a 'genocide' - that's you guys being too eager and jumping the gun.
  5. Winning how? Are the hostages any closer to being released? Has Hamas surrendered? Been defeated?
  6. @ozimoron Goes on about yet another imaginary 'war crime', got the audacity to blame others for 'made up claptrap'.
  7. @ozimoron You cannot make everything about Israel, regardless of how much you try or wish to.
  8. @Brickleberry And that's after whining about smears. How about you address the fact that multiple governments do not share your views, and find the evidence reliable?
  9. @Brickleberry So bottom line, all this 'ignore' bit is a farce. Can't trust you guys for more than a couple of days. Sad. The topic is about allegations leveled at UNRWA, and governments taking action. You deny the first and object to the latter. Instead of addressing the issue directly, you go and on about anything but. For example, you pick on an side-issue (like whether UNRWA or the PA writes the content of textbooks) that's not really central to the matters discussed. But since you're desperate for a deflection, you'll blow it out of proportion and try to make it into some major thing. It is not. Now you go a step further and calling a whole topic a deflection. Well done. Schools not being open has nothing to do with the topic - which is about UNRWA workers involvement in the Hamas attack. The textbook thing is just a side-issue which may demonstrate long term existing issues with UNRWA. I am engaging in the discussion at hand, which is not titled 'whatever-brickberry-decides-is-the-topic'. Your 'issues' are not what the topic are about.
  10. @Brickleberry You reply to my posts and claim that I'm on 'ignore', then say I've got comprehension issues. Oh dear.... Addressing every side issue but the main dish is deflecting. The topic is about allegations made vs. UNRWA, governments acting in response. You want to discuss anything but. So yes, deflecting.
  11. @ozimoron You do not know how many of the casualties are civilians and how many are Hamas men. You just post stuff, regardless if it's factual or whether you can support it. All the things you cited are not necessarily 'genocide', other than in your inflammatory posts. Even the ICJ didn't align with your extreme views.
  12. @Brickleberry And I thought you said you put me on 'ignore' - can't trust what you post.... Regardless, maybe take your issues with management rather than trying to derail yet another topic? Or are you back to wholesale denials about Hamas's action on 7/10?
  13. @ozimoron Israel was 'established' following a UN vote. There was a rather wide support. You making it into a USA thing is just you pushing stuff. This topic is about the ME in general, you making it about Israel is about as clueless as it gets.
  14. No. But to claim Trump was engaging in much 'big stick' (never mind 'speak softly') is off.
  15. @ozimoron So you say. And you word is neither credible, nor carries any weight in the real world. War crimes are not decided by posts of wannabe 'pro-palestinian' posters.
  16. @Brickleberry As usual, deflections whenever the topic doesn't fit your agenda - then it's the derailing attempts, the off topic efforts and so on. This topic is about UNRWA. There is nothing in UNRWA's charter or mission statement about 'resistance', 'Jihad', and so on. You keep ignoring Hamas's agenda, actions, Charter - as if they have no bearing on the false argument you try to hammer regardless of topic.
  17. @Brickleberry That's the salient point you take from the report you linked? Nothing to prevent UNRWA from refusing to use material which are not in line with its mission statement etc.
  18. @ozimoron What is preposterous is you making strong claims based on nothing whatsoever. As for your projections...these are you own issues.
  19. @thaibeachlovers Why would anyone take political advice from an aging, disgruntled anonymous poster on a minor internet forum?
  20. I'm not 'picking a fight with you' I'm replying to you post. Yes, it's not about necessarily about changing the other team's minds - other people read this as well, I think. Further, nothing wrong with countering lies, propaganda and outright nonsense or trolling.
  21. Well, you are making claims, and expect them to be treated seriously.
  22. That would be just you hijacking the topic - maybe inspired by the Houthies. A war is a not a hideous massacre, and of course, a whole lot of them casualties are Hamas men, and not civilians. Figures are also somewhat lower than you posted.
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