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Everything posted by Morch

  1. You can label things as your like, and I will keep pointing out your 'opinions' are nonsensical and/or have no basis or bearing when it comes to reality.
  2. @thaibeachlovers There is no such war against Iran on the horizon, other than in your posts. As for the rest: Appease Terrorist And Pirates, Advises Poster.
  3. @thaibeachlovers Didn't you actually cheer Trump's decision (and faulty 'agreement') regarding Afghanistan?
  4. @thaibeachlovers Other than in your imagination, nothing of the sort happened, and is not about to.
  5. @OneMoreFarang It's a Glenn Greenwald piece - what would you expect from someone pushing an anti-USA, Anti-Israel, Pro-Russian, Pro-Trump agendas?
  6. @thaibeachlovers It always puzzles me why the wannabe 'pro-palestinian' tend to try and go off topic, derail and hijack when something uncomfortable is discussed. Like this topic, which is about UNRWA.
  7. From what I've read only one of them entered Thailand using an Israeli passport (and will be/was deported to Israel). The rest used their Russian passports, so technically, Russia had some grounds to get involved. Another one also holds an Australian passport, and may be deported there. As to the Russians' intervention - that's obviously bogus and nothing to do with the supposed offense they committed vs. Thai law.
  8. @ozimoron I think you left out some stuff: - Assurances for Israel's security. - Restructuring of the PA. All of the things on the list are hard to do, and there was nothing much in his words that suggested how to get there, in practical terms.
  9. Just make sure to claim Nikki Haley was in charge of security. Or something.
  10. @Brickleberry Hamas hijacks Israelis. Hamas fans hijack topics. Topic is about UNRWA. There's at least one current topic on the ICJ provisional ruling. Go troll there.
  11. Unbeknownst to it how? This is not the first time these and related issues were brought up. It's not the first 'wrongdoing' on part of UNRWA employees. UNRWA has pledged to clean its act more than once in the past, not a whole lot improved. Might have? Might have how? UNRWA already admitted that and dismissed these employees. Outrage whom? Are these countries funding Israel? The USA can be said to (and that too, is not on par with UNRWA who's budget is mostly or fully made of donations), the rest do not. Also, Israel is not a human rights organization, UNRWA (supposedly) is. Any other bogus 'questions'?
  12. @ozimoron Never mind your bogus take on history, but...'descendants'? How does that work, even?
  13. @ozimoron You seem to be totally uninterested by Hamas's agenda. All you ever go on about (whether in response to related issues raised or otherwise) is Israel Bad. You do not seem to care when Hamas (or Palestinian) speakers make bad statements. You do not seem to care about territorial issues seen through the prism of the Hamas Charter. No, it's just Israel this and Israel that.
  14. @ozimoron May I ask you why the PA - and the organizations it consists of, do not? Resistance to Israel, standing up for Palestinian rights does not equate or justify the Hamas position. You, for some reason, try to.
  15. @ozimoron What 'wider discussion'? Hamas is designated a terrorist organization by a whole lot of Western countries, and some others. Who designates them as Freedom Fighters? Iran? Some Arab countries (not all)? Russia?
  16. The UN does not have any forces of its own. Member countries 'contribute' forces if they wish to. Further, UN peace keeping forces are usually deployed under two major conditions - cease of hostilities, both sides agreeing to presence and mandate of said forces. Considering they are pretty useless in Lebanon, and were useless in Syria, not sure how that will solve anything.
  17. That's your opinion. It is not based on fact. It is not based on the reasoning provided for designating Hamas as such. You can look all of this up pretty easily.
  18. @ozimoron Ah, so you do read my posts. Too funny. And no, murders have to be proven to be murders. There's a process involved, and it's a bit more intricate than saying 'it's a murder'. Any other bogus analogies which don't make your point you want to try?
  19. There are accepted terms in use. You try to introduce your own terms into the discussion. Your terms have very little basis in fact and reality, they are not helpful, and they are misleading. Conversing with other requires an agreed upon common ground. You insist on la la land. It is not a question of you disagreeing with me. You disagree with reality. With facts.
  20. This discussion is about facts, real things, reality. War crimes are not something which can be individually decided on. Your ongoing nonsense about there not being facts, only opinions is out of touch with how discussions of events go, and even with forum rules.
  21. @ozimoron Freedom Fighters who rape, mutilate bodies, and kidnap babies. Yeah.....
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