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Everything posted by Morch

  1. They can probably analyze where the attack came from, check the remains, cross reference with communications, intelligence and come up with a likely group. It's not necessarily very complicated. I think that there will be more information released/published on this with a few days.
  2. Well, at least there would be negotiations. If either side was to introduce your nonsense 'definitions', labels and weird 'take' of things, they would not even get to the negotiation table.
  3. Hamas does not imply all Palestinians. Israel's current war is not against all Palestinians. It is against Hamas. Hamas's ideology does not provide for the option of peace or peaceful coexistence with Israel. As for your 'live together in the same land' bit - no one seriously expects that. Sides can't agree on a two-state solution, what's the point of bringing up a harder to do one-state solution? Israel can possibly sign a peace agreement with the PA, as the Palestinian representative, but doubtful that this could be done vs. Hamas. Your 'analysis' above is wrong, and stems from not being informed about who's who, what's what and so on. Other than in your posts, no - annihilation is very unlikely.
  4. Unless very much mistaken, the statement was made by one of Hamas's representatives in Lebanon. I don't think it was echoed by the Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip. Hamas often does stuff like that - someone will make a statement that seems 'reasonable', 'moderate' or otherwise not in line with the usual tone and police, then either walk it back or leadership/spokespersons would deny it was 'official'. There was even one of these about possibly recognizing Israel earlier in this war (scrapped after less than 24 hours, naturally). This usually happens in junctions were some international forum is convened or some vote is about to be taken. PR stuff.
  5. It's interesting that you claim to follow these things, and yet seem surprised by pretty routine things involved. Hamas broke the terms of the last hostage/prisoner exchange.
  6. Conspiracy theory? Yes. We all know? No. That's just you co-opting some bogus 'we'.
  7. I did not 'downplay' anything. I have addressed that issue on multiple topics by now. There is no need to rehash everything whenever an obviously untrue comment is made.
  8. Last I checked it was Hamas that attacked Israel on 7/10.
  9. @thaibeachlovers And you will likely be parroting his claims ....
  10. There are USA military personnel in many countries. It doesn't always have to do with directly protecting said countries. I believe forces in Jordan (more than 2K) are either intel, instructors, or special forces (aiding with IS related operations).
  11. @Brickleberry Yes. Because this specific topic is about "The October 7 'genocide' video evidence in full: Civilians are slaughtered and mutilated, terrified families rounded up like cattle and Hamas terrorists ring proud parents to boast of atrocities in footage presented by Israel to ICJ". That you feel uneasy talking about anything that puts Hamas and the Palestinians in a negative way, or that somehow supports Israel's cause is obvious. Same goes for trying to derail and hijack topics to discuss what's on your agenda. There are other topics when you can talk about the ICJ from the angle you wish. And besides, with so many people on 'ignore' (or claimed to be on 'ignore') who are you going to 'discuss' things with? The Hamas fan-club echo chamber?
  12. @Neeranam You keep crying 'racist' at random posts. I don't think you really understand what the word means. Or, maybe....you're just trying to flame and get a rise our of people.
  13. Your opening comment got nothing to do with anything. The rest of your post does not address what I wrote. You still expect someone else to manage things for the Palestinians, rather than them making an effort. Your 'opinions' about agreements are worthless and are at a disconnect from facts, reality, sides' positions, politics and so on. Just another nothing post.
  14. No. Difference of opinion is one thing, there's usually some mutual ground based on facts and reality. Warped is exactly what your 'opinions' are. And, of course, you do not 'agree'.
  15. @ozimoron Whenever you run into a point you do not wish to concede, or an argument you cannot support, a statement which has no basis etc - you do this: two or three links in succession to articles/columns 'supporting' your point of view, but having nothing to do with the previous discussion. No comment on them links, as well. This is just fodder. A deflection from your failure.
  16. @ozimoron I don't think that Netanyahu actually said that, but you could always try to support your comment with something. Hamas did not actually say that - a representative of Hamas in Lebanon did. Considering Hamas already broke the previous hostage release agreement, taking their words as solid is a choice. An easy one for Hamas cheerleaders.
  17. @thaibeachlovers Other than in the other poster's nonsense comment, and your nonsense reply - this is not even a thing.
  18. And you should stop posting rubbish. If Israel was about 'eradicating' all the Palestinians, it would have happened by now.
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