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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Battlefield mistakes may happen, that's a reality of war. I'm yet to see a credible figure of how many people were killed as a result of such a 'safe zone' bombardment, or even how many such bombings are claimed. I agree that it would have been better if they did not happen, but a battle zone is not a very orderly place. Security risk to Hamas vs. increased security for Gazans. That was my point.
  2. @ozimoron You seem to imagine that the other side (whether represented by the PA or Hamas) is blameless, straightforward, peace-seeking and true to its word. For the likes of you, there's no hope - you do not care about facts, knowledge, balance or anything much other than making daft pronouncements.
  3. I was commenting about ongoing long term posting here. That people toss in the occasional disclaimer doesn't mean a whole lot. I agree that there's an Israel-can-do-no-wrong brigade, but there's also a strong contingent of posters who are focused on 'Israel Bad' and nothing much besides. Even your post above demonstrates this - it is not about Hamas's leadership responsibility, not about Palestinians leadership's responsibility. For you and others, this is about Israel. And if talking about 'vacuum' - that's a clear example of such thinking as well. Because regardless of Israel's leadership failure, and it's right-wing governments' policies - it is also true that the Palestinians' own conduct and positions also contributed as to how things stand. You want to pin things on a loaded question? Seriously? Good luck with that. Could ask the same thing in reverse - how many terrorist attacks would it take? The history of the conflict, and Hamas emergence were discussed many times on these topics. Sure, Israel's policies contributed to that - the perception that this somehow absolves Hamas (and by extension, the Palestinians) from responsibility is ridiculous. I don't know why you reference 25 years ago, rather than say 75 years ago. That's your choice. By the time it was '25 years ago' a whole lot of bad blood accumulated. So to venture how things would have panned is anyone's guess. Hamas is not about a two-state solution, though, that's for sure.
  4. It's vaguely reminiscent of some Monty Python sketch.
  5. Maybe there will be some movie right in it for him, to set him up.
  6. Again, one of them muddled posts of your. I'm sure you thought you meant something by that. Funny how you advocate it with regard to other conflicts.
  7. But you did know that's just one line of what I actually posted, and the context of the post. Troll away.
  8. Maybe something to do with Hamas being designated a terrorist organization by most countries supporting Ukraine. Them Orcs, on the other hand - do not.
  9. I have a nice rough carved wood one across the room in my library. Mrs. Morch, a devout Buddhist (in her way), says as long as its not consecrated/worshiped, it's alright.
  10. This is a horrible post. It implies that every government hijacking the reigns makes the whole population ultimately responsible. It actually echoes Hamas ideology - displaying similar logic and morals. As for Netanyahu - he does not have a stance. He does what's best for his political career and survival. Netanyahu facilitated much of the conditions which led to this, ignored warnings and was basically useless when the attack begun.
  11. Let me expand on this. Most of you don't care. Not really. It's something to post about, to troll about, to argue with other posters about. I doubt most of you ever been to the region, let alone Israel, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip or Lebanon. I doubt most of you have many (or any) acquaintances on either side of whichever fence. Or more to the point, actually know anyone who was directly effected by this, injured, killed, raped, maimed and so on. It's just words. You get on your high horse and do your bit, then you move on to the next topic where you can huff and puff.
  12. When you lump them together with civilians to inflate casualty figures, I do care.
  13. No. There is criticizing Israel (and on topic dealing with the West Bank I usually do as well), and then there's what I'm seeing on these topics - which is posters blindly ignoring what the representative of the other side is. The intellectual laziness is yours. I see posters on here going on about Hamas as 'freedom fighters' - which counties consider them such? I see posters lumping together casualty figures, inflating numbers by including Hamas men in them. And so on and so forth. Take your posts for example - banging on and on about 'Israel Bad'. As if nothing happened that led to this. So yeah, standing by what I posted. Some posts are legit criticism, many are just out here to flame, troll and air their standing issues.
  14. Nice how you drop all them dead Hamas members from the casualty list. Or is it incorporating them into the civilian death toll?
  15. @ozimoron You're making up definition to suite your agenda.
  16. The flooding with sea water thing made some headlines and then sort of dissipated. I guess it was not quite as feasible, or timely a solution. But regardless of that and the bombing campaign - the reason Israel bombs the tunnels freely is because they are not hosting civilians. So it comes down to Hamas choices of which path to choose. I think that for Hamas, there's greater value is casualties, seeing as the tunnels could be rehabilitated with future aid money.
  17. Don't most bank require a local address? None of my banks abroad got any interest in my Thai address, some are even too lazy to forward stuff to my email/apps, never mind snail mail. Even contact to one of our Thai phone numbers is almost unheard of.
  18. Down with the flu. Sunny outside, chill in them bones. Would love a fireplace right now.
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