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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @pegman Of course they should. There there. Marry Christmas.
  2. @MangoKorat There have been many comments and replies to my posts a few days ago. Without reading them all, I am sure that some will have been claiming that I have simply run away or chosen to put someone on 'Ignore' rather than reply. If that is the case, such posts could not be further from the truth. I work night shifts and this has been a very busy time. Believe it or not, I don't live my life online. I have other things to do. Not reading posts and topics seems to be a thing with posters sharing your creed. So your imagination aside, your last post on this topic was on 20/12, to which you received a single reply from yours truly. Other than that, no traction. All the stuff you're 'sure' of, didn't happen. Maybe before that - but you answered them posts anyway.
  3. That's taking things out of context. My comment was not about two-state solution vs. Hamas.
  4. Mom always said that the early Brian gets the brown bread.
  5. I think that's bad column. For starters, it co-opts the views of many Israelis, including those who were directly effected on 7/10. In reality, many of these people are staunch pro-peace types, anti-government policy and so on. I don't think that there are signs indicating that their politics went through a change resembling the author's views. It is also misleading to describe Israel as previously being much invested in efforts toward a two-state solution. History shows otherwise - and that's without ignoring the main culprit to things dragging on, the Palestinian leadership. The trouble with a two-state solution is that it require a level of maturity both sides are lacking or a leadership able and willing to push this through. It's not a magic solution. It's not an easy solution. It's just that the other options are worse.
  6. Nah, this was discussed on these topics more than once. Always someone from 'your' side bringing it up like it's some ace card. It isn't. It got nothing to do with what was posted earlier, it's just you trying to run interference, is all.
  7. It was already answered. It's common knowledge. Read the links you put up. It's not what the topic is about.
  8. @ozimoron You don't read these topics. You said so yourself. So how would you know? Of course there were such comments, and naturally they ain't around no more. People denied pretty much anything at one step or another. Now you're denying that nobody ever denied....
  9. No, you're trolling. The answer was provided. Could in fact be figured out from the links you put up. Not to mention being pretty much common knowledge. You act like you think you 'got something', you don't.
  10. @billd766 Pointless how? You saying pointless doesn't make it so, nor does it amount to a whole lot. Biden using USA military power to compel Israel? On what planet are you living on? I mean....fantasizing is alright, but.
  11. As of now, the only actual involvement happens vs. the shores of Yemen, protecting trade routes - which is a USA interest. There are no signs of the USA having any intention to actually intervene, and if anything, its actions mostly serve to limit the scope of the conflict form expanding. Considering poster's political leanings in regard to the USA elections, taking his comments at face value is a choice.
  12. @ozimoron You're fine with quoting Israeli officials when it suits your agenda.
  13. @ozimoron You admit to not fully reading these topics, and yet you don't seem to have any issues making such statements. That's about the size of it.
  14. Probably see another surge in that this evening or tomorrow morning.
  15. @ozimoron You 'say' a whole lot of things. Much of what you 'say' is biased, inaccurate, or plain wrong. You don't seem to actually know much about this. Iranian support for Hamas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_support_for_Hamas
  16. @thaibeachlovers Mentioned this tidbit to Mrs. Morch. After scolding me for talking nonsense before coffee, she mulled it over and said it was stupid and 'unhygienic' - as in who would take these from a public dispenser.
  17. @ozimoron How does racial animus figure into supporting one Arab/Palestinian faction over the other? You're just piling words to cover for them holes in your arguments.
  18. @ozimoron The Oracle Has Spoken. Never mind your cheap imitation crystal ball - but Biden was behind on the polls before this. Netanyahu does not want war with Hezbollah - that's the reason an opposition party (led by two former IDF Chiefs of Staff) was invited to the war cabinet. Basically, they are there as counter-balance to the extremist elements in his government. War against Iran? Not going to happen, Israel under Netanyahu talked a lot, but never acted on a military level. Eastern Europe becomes Soviet Union again? In which alternative reality? The levels of ignorance and presumption on display are almost embarrassing.
  19. @ozimoron Oh, so Israeli sources are only reliable when they say what you want to hear....gotcha.
  20. There will be a ceremony to appease....or something.
  21. And while this is very very bad, he wouldn't be the first leader to miscalculate, make stupid decisions, stick with daft policies and so on. What you are trying to do is to turn this into the main dish, thereby shifting focus from Hamas's actions and agenda.
  22. You posted The answer was No. As in, it's not what I'm saying. This has nothing much to do with the topic or even the preceding comments.
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