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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Years ago, in India (New Delhi), there were crews of them all over. Player A catch the attention doing something weird, Player B squirting some bird dropping like goo on windshield, player C offering to wipe. Saw more than one beatings by angry drivers, with the resulting messy traffic jams. Aggression from these? Only druggies, I think.
  2. Or people should look up his words on other venues, rather than Turkish news....
  3. Israel went into this war with two official goals: (a) Dismantle (or whatever you want to call it) Hamas power in the Gaza Strip. (b) Release the hostages. It was pointed out from the start, that these goals, while not exactly mutually exclusive, do run on different tracks and are likely to collide. While that's a fair observation, I'm not exactly sure what viable alternatives were on offer. Some opined that Israel should have opted for a hostage release deal first, go to war later. Maybe. But that would have meant months of nothing going on, just on the heels of the 7/10 attack - which would have been hard to stomach, and could very possibly have led to other parties trying to have a go as well. Global support for a delayed war would have been much lower, seeing as internationally it would have looked like that the issue was resolved. I totally get the families' point of view. Part of the Israeli ethos is that no one gets left behind, and that the government is held responsible for such things. So for some, the current policy, actions can be construed as an unraveling of what Israel is. People sometimes fantasize about being heads of state, or in various positions of power. It is such situations as this that bring home realizations about not having all the answers, or that maybe there are no perfect answers.
  4. Tossing labels around doesn't do a whole lot of good either...
  5. Probably. Trade relations being what they are, India will probably try to influence things diplomatically, plus get more involved in the defensive angle.
  6. You're obviously not aware regarding views about Netanyahu's credibility.
  7. @ozimoron You post so much nonsense, even you can't keep up with it.
  8. @ozimoron Even the reports you quote call for an investigation rather than declaring things as fact. They say 'possible war crimes'. You, on the other hand, without any direct, or even secondary information, already decided. Pathetic.
  9. @ozimoron As per Chain of Command, Netanyahu is right. The Head of Mossad operated under the PM's office. Also, the report ends with "The offices of both Netanyahu and Gallant denied the report."
  10. @ozimoron Don't recall either AJ or the OHCHR being half as aggravated or active in relation to the Hamas 7/10 attack and murders carried out. Again, pointing out two things: (a) If this was the reverse, you'll be all over the place about how you don't believe either. When it suits, crickets. (b) Note that 'possible war crimes' - maybe they didn't get your memo about declaring 'war crimes'.
  11. @ozimoron How many organizations consider giving such instruction to 4 year olds legit? Beneficial? Educational? As for your obtuse question - groom them early, send them in early: Use of child suicide bombers by Palestinian militant groups https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_of_child_suicide_bombers_by_Palestinian_militant_groups You seem perfectly willing to justify any monstrosity, as long as it comes from Hamas.
  12. Setting a timer for an honest-taxi-driver story making an appearance.
  13. @ozimoron All those 4 year olds which were not given access to safety in the Hamas tunnels. All those 4 year olds which could have been alive had Hamas sued for a ceasefire, released hostages, or frankly, did start this mess.
  14. @ozimoron There is no way to conduct operations in the way your prescribe. Might have worked at the Sea Cadets, the real world is different. As for 'the whole world would be praising' - again your disconnect with reality, the world usually whines whenever Israel so much as farts in the direction of the Palestinians.
  15. There's are questions of what's right, and questions as to what's realistic. Not the same thing.
  16. @ozimoron https://aseannow.com/topic/1314367-the-children-of-gaza-more-than-7000-killed/page/30/#comment-18575467 What is wrong with you?
  17. I can't answer for poster's views, but the way I see it that's not going to happen and was never going to happen. Root out everyone is a tall order. Dealing with management, and middle management is more realistic. As a secondary goal, members with direct combat roles.
  18. @ozimoron Hamas Says, @ozimoron posts. Same Hamas that claimed Israel bombed a hospital, when it was a failed rocket launch. Same Hamas that on 7/10 went into Israel with the intention of killing civilians. Same Hamas that refuses the people of Gaza shelter (tunnels) or reprieve (ceasefire). If this was the other way you'd have a fit about how you don't believe it.
  19. The important factor is if the system can still prioritize which missiles are more of a threat, and deal with them first. As it is, the system shoots quite a lot of missiles which are borderline in terms of threat represented (not taking chances etc.). So long as this element functions reasonably, it's alright. As with any such system there's an ongoing battle between sides - one tries to find ways to bypass the system, the other shores them up or tries to anticipate them. The thing it's likely the same ploy will not work another time. The question of there not being enough troops, units and systems down there is a major issue, which will need to be thoroughly investigated. As a naval person, you can appreciate that significantly damaging a ship of the size we're talking about requires something with a rather large payload, and range. So yes, it would not be feasible for the Houthies (or even Iran) to send hundreds of these at one time. From their point of view, enough if they succeeded slipping in one every now and then, to make things troublesome. According to reports, there's at least one or two Iranian surveillance vessels prowling the area, supplying the Houthies with information. The Iranians deny, but this is easy enough to prove (at the cost of exposing means), so maybe the public announcement was to make them pack up before it comes to a head, we'll see. There was also a recent reports about another ship attacked by Iran itself - not near Yemen, but more towards India. Again, wait and see.
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