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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. Are Phuket tuktuks's a scam, overcharging or simply expensive?

    I would say a tuktuk driver claiming the Grand Palace is closed but he will take you elsewhere is a scam (never heard of that happening on Phuket though), a tuktuk asking 600 baht for Patong-Kata is overcharging, and a tuktuk asking 400 baht for Patong-Kata is simply expensive.

  2. I give up. I never adressed your insurance, and did not tell you you were wrong, except with you taking comments NOT adressed to you, where even others are quited, as being adressed to you.

  3. Yes, a travel policy for people staying in thailand for their trips abroad. Not for their health needs while staying in their country of residence, thailand in this case.

    Wrong, i have already discussed this subject with an Australian Government Department, i am an Australian resident and citizen.

    I am a guest in Thailand, i have no rights to permanently reside here.

    The same applies to the travel insurance i have, it does cover me, i have read the policy you have not.

    Different country's have different rules and regulations, Australian if not the best at protecting the policy holder would be one of the top three.

    The insurance policy's i have read here are just a ticket to make money.


    I am not commenting on your visa or residency or insurance, but reacting to riomist and his insurance suggestion, which is a travel policy for expats living in Thailand.

    No idea why you are reacting to my posts and think it has anything to do with you.

  4. I think I have been ripped off more in Thailand than any other country I have visited. It seems to be endemic and part of their culture. I also think he is correct to use 'us' as a generic term. He isn't prsuming you think the same, but you have been ripped off the same. So welcome to the world of 'us' whether you like it or not..
    Sorry, I won't be part if all the people here moaning about how bad Thailand is, how bad the people are, how they are ripping you off, etc.

    And no, I have not been ripped of more than MAJIC has had hot meals (presuming he is older than a few weeks), nor can I say the Thais were to blame where I have been ripped off.

  5. I was referring to Ex Pats,in general.

    If you have never been ripped off? then you have had extremely good fortune.

    Sure I have been ripped off, just like most people in life get ripped off on occasion, in all countries all over the world.

    IMO it is not worse here than anywhere else, as I have stated in numerous discussions on this subject.

    I just don't like it when other people simply presume everybody thinks the same as they do, and talk about 'us', 'we', when all they mean is their small group of reference.

  6. Riomist,

    I just checked the policy for you.

    This policy covers during trips made from the country of residence, e.g. a trip to Laos from Thailand, not while staying at the country of residence.

    So Madmitch is quite right, this is a travel policy, not a health policy.

  7. Well said MisterMan.

    Plus there are more explanations for the 25 Baht price difference than dual pricing. Maybe the sales person tries to overcharge everybody and the OP's wife had a different sales person, maybe the salesperson made a mistake in the first place and realised it too late to return the 25 baht, or thought it not worth it, etc.

  8. Seems crazy indeed, but that's how it was last time and that's why I started this topic. I suppose they would do it at the checkpoint, but somehow can't stop thinking about that:)

    Thx for replies..

    I am having problems understanding your needs.

    If you last time had a tourist visa when you arrived LOS, you just state visa number on entry card and Imm grant you 60 days.

    If you dont have visa when you arrive, your option is a visa excempt stamp 30/14 days for most nationals.

    Visa on arrival is for those (few) nationalities not granted visa excempt on arrival

    Op's questions seems pretty clear to me:

    he needs visa (so from non-eligible visa exempt country), can't obtain in advance like last time and is afraid visa on arrival will be closed when he arrives.

  9. When you posted the above.........did you hear a loud whooshing noise above you?

    Too many people these days don't risk, they refuse to accept the risks of living. Risk avoidance seems to be the motto all over the world.

    I do what I feel like.

    Really? Is that really how you feel and think? If you have a young family, are you really prepared to do what you feel like? And what if it puts your child in a dangerous situation?

    If you do as you feel and it causes a car crash leaving you a cripple incapable of supporting your family who do you expect will take care of them? If you feel you have nothing to lose, ok, that's cool, but is it fair to your dependants? No kid should be without a father.

    Some of us avoid unnecessary risk because we have a lot to live for. We also have to stick around because we have some family obligations. Had one of my parents been killed when I was a kid. I'd not be where I am today. Had I not been wearing a helmet when a tard ran me down, my brain would have splattered on the pavement and I'd be drooling from a wheelchair. So yea, I have no problem with risk avoidance. I am willing to bet my virginity that you take far fewer risks now than you did 20 years ago.

    Maybe you're right, and it is just my age.
  10. When you posted the above.........did you hear a loud whooshing noise above you?

    Too many people these days don't risk, they refuse to accept the risks of living. Risk avoidance seems to be the motto all over the world.

    I do what I feel like.

  11. And that is the same reason why the majority of Thai's do not wear crash helmets, its all about losing face in front of other's.

    We have a winner!!! Correct answer.

    The cultural defect that afflicts all here and that none of us who are not from here will ever understand.



    If that were the case, a lot of foreigners have adapted well. For short rides I don't wear a crash helmet, and I see lots of other farang doing the same.

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