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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. The problem is spearfishing is very much accepted in the USA, so I doubt (and regret) that PADI will take action.

    In general though, in my experience it is not the Japanese that do spearfishing, but much more the Thais. Plus I doubt they brought the gun with them, so my suspicions would be aimed first at Thais, they have been providing the gun for a minimum, and were probably the ones spearfishing.

  2. I used to thin like that the first year I got here. Now it's becoming harder and harder to "adapt" to the Thai culture, because I understand their culture a little bit more and actually dislike it (note for the flamers: dislike not despise and I didn't say I didn't respect it).

    You might ask why I live in Thailand, well, I like Thailand because of it low taxes on foreign earned income and because of its cheap cost of living. I'm really struggling with their culture... There, I said it.

    If those are the only 2 reasons, I would suggest you move somewhere else.
  3. Won't be long before neighbouring Thai owned resturants report him to police & immigration. I would guess he will be in a whole heap of trouble, even if he has a WP (which is unlikely).

    Yes, won't last a week. probably without WP, and even with WP: it won't cover touting.

  4. Present day video games, violence in movies and now on TV, the huge separation between the classes, all are contributing factors.
    Agree, especially with the separation between the classes, and the farang being one of the 'higher' classes.

    Part of the problem is also the great influx of farang, and their tendencies not to integrate, separate housing complexes with big gates, not speaking any Thai, etc. In the long run this is going to kill Phuket.

    It is not only a police matter, it is much more a mentality problem, both with farang and Thai.

  5. Agree with some of the things said here. I don't like the tailors, the tuktuks are a pain the ass and the aggressive sales tactics of especially the small shops at the beach road are irritating.

    But: changing reservations and not telling guests there will be construction going on: will happen anywhere in Thailand, and also in other countries. Tuktuks and taxi's trying to make more money than reasonable: will happen anywhere, I still recall a transfer from JFK to Manhattan where they tried to rip me off.

    More meter taxi's all over the island would be excellent, and there are more points for improvement, but where not? All in all I am very happy living here, and most tourists I speak to are very happy coming here.

  6. Dekka,

    Thanks for the very useful insights, much appreciated.

    3. Are you sure? Chance taking depends solely on the pilot(s) flying the plane, their experience levels and overall judgement. I think if one were to investigate, one might find that the experience levels of manyof 1-2-Gos pilots is seriously lacking and I, for one, would question the judgement and abilities of manyof their pilots.

    4. True, fuel should not have been an issue. However, once past a certain level those diversion options go away fast. Orient Thai's fuel policies have not always been known to be the best and I for would would suspect that maybe their alternate fuel was not sufficient - IF - fuel was an issue.

    It is comments like these we can do without.
  7. Agree with you, except for this:

    Better to do this course seperately - can certainly be done in Phuket in September - course involves some theory, some beach time or pool time and a day trip on the boat.
    Should IMO be: theory, beach time, pooltime and a daytrip. I know quite often a rescue course on Phuket is taught in 2 days, a good course takes IMO 3 days with all these elements.
  8. PS the superior attitude doesn't suit you.
    Only towards you, because the comments you made earlier really don't make sense, but still you continue.

    You're right with Hin Daeng and Hin Muang BTW, excellent diving. Also possible on a daytrip, albeit a bit far.

  9. Percy, I think it is time you relax a bit, and learn more about the dive industry here on Phuket before posting here about diving.

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