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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. If you're under water, away from your buddy and you run out of air, you're in trouble, depending on your depth in serious trouble.

    But that did mean some things went wrong already: first of all running out of air, normally diver error, very, very rarely equipment failure, secondly being away from the buddy.

    Sure, a pony bottle would help in those cases, but that has nothing to do with PADI training, that is simply all diver training until very advanced levels.

    IMO it would be way overdone to make e.g. pony bottles compulsory equipment.

  2. would you mind mentioning the price, to have a base for haggling?

    They import their new ones, which means the choice is very limited, if they are willing to sell at all. I paid a hel_l of a lot, 6,500 Baht, for a second hand one. Good quality though.

  3. Sorry, no apology for our 'new journalism.'
    Your choice. I just find the sentence: "inevitably, the cutbacks will affect tourism on Phuket and before long, investment on the island in property and resort construction." directly after the first part of news information purely opinion, and it should IMO not be there. (I also don't agree with the statement, but that is a different matter).

    In the rest of the article you missed Bangkok Air BTW as one of the carriers still flying to Phuket from Bangkok.

  4. Sure there is a market for farang IT people on Phuket. look at all the questions about this on the Phuket Forum. There are many, many small businesses on Phuket that have IT demands, and quite a few of them would prefer to do business with a knowledgeable Farang.

    You could start your own company, get a work permit that way, and hire yourself out.

    Phuket is changing, just as everywhere else, some things good IMO, some things not so good, but I am very happy living here and don't intend to move anymore. Just check things out by coming to the place. I can always bring you in contact with people who know more about the IT business than I do, and we can talk about regulations etc. in Dutch.

  5. Just bought a complete sisha set at an Arab restaurant in Patong, including the Apple tobacco I prefer.

    Todd, they also sell tobacco there in different flavours. On 200 Pee Road, about 100 meters after Diving World on the right hand side.

  6. It is located where the Mellow Bar was before at 95 Pakbang road (northern end of Kata Beach).
    Pakbang Road is the Beach Road. You don't mean Thai Na Road? There is a new Italian restaurant at the place where my shop used to be, don't know the name, opposite the soi to Easy Riders, at 93-95 Thai Na Road.
  7. Anybody know of something around this area, with a monthly rental less than 15,000THB/month?
    On my daily motorbike round in the area I just saw at least 10 houses for rent. A couple were nice villas with pool m but the majority were normal bungalows, which means the prices should be under 15,000 Baht. The best way to find something is by simply driving around and looking around.
  8. There is Kata Dental Center, but I have heard too many negative things about them, which is whu I choose a dentist in Phuket Town, even though I work in Kata.

  9. The builder did add a concrete bar over the top of the roof tiles, abutted to the balcony, but water still seems to get in. Any suggestions?
    Led slabs will do the job.
  10. I think the Op found it already.

    And with the company he's looking at he'll enjoy himself without any doubt.

    BTW, some of the operators you mention don't go to King Cruiser this time of year. (more or less on topic)

    @ Limbos: maybe it is time for you to move :o

  11. Stevenl,

    Maybe you need to read my original reaction to your post again.

    Just read it again, and don't know what you mean. I don't see any real Gulf ripping or comparisons here, until you said: "where in Phuket seemingly the sun always shines and the diving is better than anywhere else in the world, especially the Gulf."

    I never said that nor did I make a comparison. You also said: "it's amazing to see how the Phuket posse rips into the Gulf at any possibility given". I don't see anybody here making any real comparisons to the Gulf, except for somebody mentioning the Hard Deep, after which I said that on my last dive at King Cruiser the viz was worse than it was on my one and only dive at the Hard Deep. Hardly a negative comment is it?

  12. f you are in BKK and fancy a weekends diving , then I would say go for it because the King Cruiser is a better dive than the Hardeep because of the better chance to see interesting flora and fauna and the viz will be similar and usually better at the King Cruiser.
    Just noticed I forgot one thing: especially the King Cruiser wreck is famous for its bad visibility. Last time I was there it was around 2 meters, which is exceptionally bad, but even the Hard Deep had better viz on the (I admit, just one) dive I made there. Normally on King Cruiser, count on about 5-10 meters, sometimes as bad as 2, but sometimes as good as 25+ (experienced the latter just a few times unfortunately). With the amount of marine life on and around the wreck though, it is a very nice divesite.
  13. So in your mind stevenl, divers create more stirred up sediments than weather conditions and currents? Plankton/algae blooms?It's a pretty big sea................

    Quite often: yes, divers create more sediment than weather conditions. There can be a storm outside, but under water at King Cruiserr, with the bottom at over 30 meters deep, you won't see any sand being blown away by the wind.

    A major factor in the area are by the way fishing boats. During the last high season, there were lots of them just outside of the Shark Point area, and their nets scraping over the bottom do the visibility no good. At the moment they are not there, at least I have not seen them or heard from somebody else they are active in that area again.

    I said nothing about plankton/algae. Plankton plays a major part in visibility here in high season, mainly at the Similans from February on, but also at other divesites. The amount of plankton in the water will then reduce visibility, again an argument for better visibility in low season.

  14. Ok, let me try to explain what I meant.

    @ Percy: your information is not complete, nor is it completely correct. Rainy season is in most minds related to rain, therefor less visibility. At the local divesites there is no rain run off into the site, so rain does in that respect not influence visibility. Of all the points you mention, the only thing applicable in the present season could be 1.3, with the present weather no factor at all. And with less divers, less stirred up sediment etc., on basis of your point 2.1 in low season visibility is quite often better than in high season.

    Of course, if the sun is shining a divesite looks much nicer with more light, but that does not directly influence the horizontal visibility.

    @ Limbos: why are you trying to drag some kind of Gulf/Andaman discussion into this?

    @ Huggy: Despite my youthfull appearence I have made over 2,000 dives, at the moment not much anymore though, but still around 6 dives a month.

  15. The thing you need to worry about is the weather/reducing viz.
    Agree with you, but the weather does not have influence on the visibility. Quite often in low season we have even better viz than in the high season.
  16. Went by there yesterday, still not one has sold.
    Pass by there quite often, my son lives in a house on the Soi next to the development. Quite often I see a light on in one of the houses, and he also told me one is being lived in.

    Even if that is true, the developer can't be very happy with this return.

  17. Not as far as I know.

    The best thing to do (and you have to do that anyway no matter who prints for you: have a native speaker (and preferably somebody who knows his/hers spelling etc.) check the proof, and when everything is ok give the printer the ok.

  18. im getting a pickup this month and i will definately block the whole street when i see those idiots arriving. one day they'll kill a old lady or a family with a baby on their bikes.

    Do that, and you'll be involved in an accident very quickly, or (even worse) you'll force them to swirve around you and hit others who may not have the same kind of protection as you do.

    IMO it is not a very wise thing to contribute to road rage this way.

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