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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. 16 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

    You a lawyer from NY too? Cool, which of the appelate points would you like to discuss? You are a lawyer, you know what the points are, both sides?

    Its a separate issue. If the DA fails to prove Trumps guilt beyond a reasonable doubt (assuming that standard exists anymore in this Judges courtroom) the appeal of the contempt will still go through. But you knew that, right?

    Please show me where I made a claim about the appeal.


    You however made this claim "The gag order will be reversed on appeal".

    According to your reasoning this opinion requires knowledge of NY appellate law. Looking forward to your expertise.

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  2. 28 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Having access to is one thing.


    Being fed propaganda and misinformation by algorithms designed to target people’s emotions and emotional engagement is something else.


    I do feel it important to look at the reality of how the internet and social media is being used to manipulate people, it’s not negativity to do so.


    See the comments, people don't even realize they're being played.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    Trump Praises ‘Very Smart’ Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


    “He’s been very nice to me, I’ve actually had a very nice relationship with him over the years,” he added. “But he’s a very good man and his heart is in the right place and he’s doing really well! I saw a poll, he’s at 22. That’s pretty good, that’s pretty good. Doing very well.” 


    Trump Calls RFK Jr. A ‘Left Lunatic’


    "In a post on his social media platform Truth Social early Sunday, Trump said he watched Kennedy Jr. on “Real Time With Bill Maher” and found Kennedy “far more LIBERAL than Maher” and other Democratic candidates, but has “no hope” because the Democrats “threw him out of the Party” for taking primary votes from Biden.


    Trump also went after Kennedy Friday night, saying in a series of posts on Truth Social he is a “plant” from the left to help Biden get re-elected, adding a vote for Kennedy Jr. would be “a WASTED PROTEST VOTE, that could swing either way.”


    That's Donald Trump, a very stable genius.

    He has to. At first he thought Kennedy would take votes from Biden, now he realizes he's taking votes from Trump.

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  4. 23 minutes ago, gerritkaew said:

    Car turned and just did not see the motorbike at such high speed coming. 
    the video stops yes and we did not see it all, but if it happened to me I also not check for the bikers here, all drive like on a racetrack without any lights or whatever.

    did you thing he would look at you when he drove the car,, forget it….

    So you don't care about the bike rider because they all drive too fast and wouldn't check on you if the roles were reversed.

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  5. 13 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:


    Surely at certain speeds, the car wouldn't be at fault if they could not anticipate that the vehicle would reach them in time as they would not do so if riding at a normal speed?  They might not have even been able to see him if he was far away but moving at speed.


    The car isn't at fault simply for driving into the path of another vehicle, if the other vehicle could have stopped if they were paying attention.  You could be making a turn, be delayed in clearing the opposite lane, and have someone strike you due to not looking at the road, who would have been nowhere near you when you began your turn.

    Car is at fault, speed of bike is irrelevant except for, in theory, a fine.

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  6. 37 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

    You seem to be angry and so defensive about something!


    I was associated with the Dept of Transportation for over 35 years.  I had the privilege and fortune of many years learning from their seminars and my association the same with the California Hwy Patrol with their ride-along. Although it was never my intention to be riding a motorbike I had the opportunity from my involvement to train to operate a motorbike properly.


    In my association with these two organizations, I learned some fundamentals at accident scenes nearly all cadets for law enforcement will be given these basics training to apply to at least determine the cause until the real forensic expert shows up and does their reports. Now living 20 years I seriously doubt the huge majority of police even can figure out 2 plus 2 is 4, sorry if those reading feel this is Thai bashing. In many of the cases, I rode along after listening to the expert you can already develop your assumption which I always kept to myself unless I was asked by the officers I being a guest.


    In this particular case, I watch the video and one doesn't have to be there to express an observation from my experience. What do we have you or I will never see the report so what are we left with  " Assumption " Here is mine!


    Before the vehicle comes into the picture you will notice 3 motorbikes, a single rider, then a sidecar, then another single rider traveling in the opposite direction observe their movement or speed by gauging their surroundings when the vehicle comes into the picture and make the right turn from the video whatever " right away " vehicles coming towards the vehicle had is gone the vehicle has taken 100% and more if one looks at the front vehicle it is over the solid white line on the side of the road. Yes, even in Thailand there is such a thing as " right of way " and there is such a thing it can be taken from observing this Soi the speed limit should be around 30 KM/H with a 10 KM/L lead max of 40 KM/L.  Now take a good look when the vehicle has made the right it stops at the solid line the driver in my opinion based on stopping sees the biker coming and freezes thereafter no more than 3 seconds before the biker comes into the picture those 3 seconds add up that his speed was in the range of 50-60.


    Compare those three seconds to the previous 3 bikers traveling past this point the same distance. You watch the picture and enter the picture from the video there is no attempt to slow down, avoid, or lay the bike down which is the proper training whenever one knows that is the final alternative. The biker from the video looks like they intentionally decided to just slam into the vehicle on purpose.


    Police here have no training. Where I'm from ride along if a first responder officer looking at the accident first attends to the hurt rider then he views the accident and knows within minutes a general picture as to what happened. He will speak to witnesses, the car driver passenger to check and align the stories. then he or she will start the basic forensics, are there any skid marks if so they will be measured, the depth of the dent impact into the vehicle, the distance the biker was thrown, etc., etc.

    will determine the speed of the biker.


    All this evidence gathered will determine the report which doesn't exist in Thailand from my experience. If this was all done I believe what I saw in the video the forensic report would confirm my assumption. One doesn't need to be there and know when any vehicle is operating well beyond the limits.


    The speed limit there is 50. So from your expert opinion he was riding within the limit.


    His speed is irrelevant anyway as the car is at fault.

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  7. 21 minutes ago, thaipo7 said:

    Tug - Your answer has merit.   China is buying cheap oil from Russia and Iran.  Trump had Iran in a box and your hero Biden let them out and gave them billions more to boot.  The oil Iran is selling is funding Iran to fund all the terrorist groups in the area.  Biden - Always on the wrong side of history.  John McCain warned us how bad Blinken would be and he is right.  Biden and Blinken are both anti-semantic.  The Blinken State Dept. put out a 103 page report on countries guilty of war crimes and the name at the top of the list is Israel.  They, together want to destroy Israel and the United States and are doing a great job of it.  thaibeachloves posted the truth. 

    On all fronts incorrect. A laughable post.

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  8. 45 minutes ago, bradiston said:

    They certainly were allies. The Ribbentrop/Molotov pact stated just that. Create a buffer? Against whom? And gain time? Over whom? So dividing up Poland was perfectly acceptable? All that crap from Medvedev and Putin about being the saviours of Europe? Then carving off an enormous chunk of people and territory who in no way wanted anything to do with the hated Soviets. Plus ça change. They're hated everywhere and quite deservedly.

    Your understanding of history is limited. 

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