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Everything posted by stevenl

  1. Look at the title and the OP of the thread.
  2. Right, hence annexation by the US.
  3. Again claims without proof.
  4. Avoiding the question. Are they not happy with danish control as you stated?
  5. Avoiding the question.
  6. Are they not happy with danish control? Hardly any control, they're self governing.
  7. You lot? My heroine? What are you on about, any more imaginary scenarios?
  8. Better read their statement again. Also look at the origin of the laptop and the path it travelled. Again, you know better.
  9. I really don't understand this gloating that many are doing on here.
  10. He's only in it to stay out of prison.
  11. He's only in it to stay out of prison.
  12. Just stick to what posters are saying, not what you think they're saying. You're wrong, you know it, just don't want to admit it.
  13. Do you think there might be a connection to musk's support of h1b and trump's flipflop?
  14. There seems to be an auto translate function available so it should show in English. https://www.nationaalarchief.nl/onderzoeken/zoekhulpen/zoeken-in-het-centraal-archief-bijzondere-rechtspleging-cabr?rq-token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MzYxODA1NzUsImlzcyI6Im5hLWdhdGVrZWVwZXItZGVmYXVsdCIsInRpY2tldCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lm5hdGlvbmFhbGFyY2hpZWYubmwvb25kZXJ6b2VrZW4vem9la2h1bHBlbi96b2VrZW4taW4taGV0LWNlbnRyYWFsLWFyY2hpZWYtYmlqem9uZGVyZS1yZWNodHNwbGVnaW5nLWNhYnIifQ.zSNi7rOIZYamUTVDQpfTfXF-FBXnfCM9HBz6xjXbRrY 425000 names on the list, unfortunately also witnesses ended up on this, the wrong, list. In 329000 cases there were no convictions MOD Edit: Unattributed claim removed
  15. Hmm, while denying you're maga you come up with many maga talking points.
  16. Applicable to all your posts here. The topic is "Trump’s ‘stunningly unqualified’ diplomatic team shapes up at breakneck speed".
  17. He eas impeached twice. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_impeachment_of_Donald_Trump
  18. Nothing to do with my comment it seems unlikely with regards to your questions. "It will be highly interesting to see if Jabbar has any connection to one of the U.S. pro-Palestinian groups."
  19. The VP elect and the person selected by the president elect to lead one of his top priorities should refrain from these type of comments.
  20. Doesn't matter who wins, as long as the money is paid before the voting is done.
  21. So you're saying 'evidence seems to suggest' doesn't mean there's evidence. Coincidence you left the word 'evidence' out of your post? Do an English course.
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