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Everything posted by stevenl

  1. 4 issues solved in 1 picture.
  2. Many more links on this. https://www.thenation.com/article/society/elon-musk-spending-data-coup/
  3. Has been given many times already. Though not in Russia so you won't have access.
  4. Yes, because he wasn't doing enough to end corruption. More willful ignorance.
  5. A coup is being committed by the government.
  6. You should know by now it's the other way around. Your post is willful ignorance.
  7. As usual you're not making sense and only parroting Kremlin talking points.
  8. Because that's what he said in his post. No idea if true or not, only recounting what i read.
  9. Nothing on the atrocities then, just a 'I don't care '.
  10. From the US? Due to reporting requirements, many banks stay away from that.
  11. No, they shouldn't confront him. Use him where possible and for the rest just ignore him.
  12. Just read a story of a trump supporter who saw his diabetes medication increase from 6 dollar for the month to 80. Not a happy camper.
  13. Good thing then that the money and orders stayed in the US.
  14. You don't like facts so you'll reject the source. He received close to 500 million. https://apnews.com/article/0452d29cd2564eaf97605ab90acc3a67
  15. I eas hoping you could read. My hopes have been dashed.
  16. The government ponders to public sentiment.
  17. I live in a world where there's more than friends and foes.
  18. The parole board works independently. Politics shouldn't have been involved.
  19. No. Russia hasn't been an ally since 1945.
  20. In the geo political area, US and Europe are, or maybe were, in general aligned. Russia and China are on the other side. So yes, Russia was an opponent and is much weaker now than 3 years ago.
  21. True, but not many German or Japanese boots on the ground in USA or UK then
  22. Far less than 200 billion was spent. The money spent went straight to US arms manufacturers.
  23. Theft at night increases the penalty.
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