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  1. BIB checkpts being setup everywhere... the drivers better have a ton of brown envelops filled and ready... lol
  2. Expats don't get a vote... and what Thai will fight against the possibility of getting to pocket unlimited farang funds? I for one am not interested in the apologists or pseudo-legal discussion about why the know-it-alls "attempt" to explain why it won't be or can't be done... The attempt by Thai's to target me in their bid to expand their tax base, is enough to get me to change my plans (while I still can)... I don't need this aggravation in my life and future... Guess I'll be planning to assure I am not in-country more than 179 days... (not to mention, not even bring large funds into Thailand)... well done Thailand, I'm sure I am not the only one with these thoughts... so what country will become the new destination for expats that is less tax-odoriferous? I personally will be exploring Vietnam next year...
  3. BYOO... bring your own O2...or it will be a short retirement...
  4. totally surprised she hasn't pulled the r and sa card thinking that they could save herself... but wait, there's plenty of time to throw the guy under the bus...
  5. Another "accident"... Is anyone surprised? Expect a lot more "accidents" with the remaining Wagner group...
  6. The "inactive post" must surely have more officers assigned than the "active post" at this point...
  7. To each his own... Just did mine... 1hour 20 min total time... (fastest time was 45 min last year during covid... lol) Started at 8:30 Bangkok Bank 2nd rd Pattaya... got bank letter, zipped to immigration... Filled out paperwork, got copies... Stood in line @ immigration... got number for retirement extension desk (4 ppl ahead of me)... Done.. and out for another year... Come back next day to pick up passport... Will be back for 90 day... lol
  8. Got my two DL's renewed w/agent... 1st event w/agent after appt at DMV, then another week+ before the upstairs tests, etc... Agent said lots of Thai ppl just getting around to renewing too, due to covid ... (btw, very glad I used an agent)...
  9. Remember when TAT was making claims of huge Chinese numbers... They aint coming (or the CCP aint letting them leave... same same)... https://apnews.com/article/travel-and-tourism-china-asia-business-6303cb348fca243abe0aa8eb37de87c6 Lunar New Year tourism hopes fizzle as Chinese stay home
  10. If these are the Chinese Gov's numbers, imagine what the real number are... Watch the YT channels, China Uncensored and Spotlight on China, for english version of news from on the ground in real time...
  11. Baht freefall could hit 38 https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/2399250/baht-freefall-could-hit-38 Thai Central Bank is out of bullets, and the US Fed's aint done raising rates... nuff said...
  12. Sounds like TAT started adding the insurgency numbers... but then again, they won't be out spending the Indians either... 555
  13. all to common practice... and the price goes way up the higher you go... In some institutions, as a student becomes competent to teach, there may be some "credits" accumulated to offset the costs...
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