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Everything posted by Albaby

  1. Stop with them negative vibes man.
  2. I'm cut to the bone. Gawd, another bitter and twisted expat
  3. They must be learning from whoever taught you.
  4. Oh get a life mate, or at least a sense of humor. Just people having a bit of harmless fun.
  5. I say, there should be a bounty on off leash dogs in public. I say that the guy was there deliberately, to execute a dog that had attacked him previously. I say????
  6. Heaps of my family and friends in Oz have had covid. Not one has had to go to hospital. That said, there is a daily death toll . I suspect that these poor souls die with covid, not of it . Co morbidities age. no vax etc.
  7. Queer cattle them women.
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