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Everything posted by Albaby

  1. Just like to add that while applying at the Municipal office for my yellow book they required a signed copy of my DL and sight of the original. Coincidence?
  2. Opened an account with BK bank two weeks ago. they did indeed require my Australian drivers license, as well as the letter of Residence from Immigration. The OP accepts your apology.
  3. Only as a result of the lunatic Left activism who have been trying to make nuclear power untenable for 50 years. Nuclear is by far the cheapest, safest, most reliable form of CO2 free power available.
  4. JOIN LEARN DECEMBER 20, 2017 ‘United wishes and good will cannot overcome brute facts,’ Churchill wrote in his War Memoirs. ‘Truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it. Ignorance may deride it. Malice may distort it. But there it is.’
  5. Absolutely. I was taken to Lana by ambulance, as soon as I was compus mentus I was wheeled down to the office and asked for 150,000B while we waited for my insurer to check with my Oz GP that it wasn't a pre existing condition. Broken back, shoulder, ribs, Pre existing <deleted>? Lana was fantastic, no complaints with them.
  6. You don't have any problem transferring from your UK based Wise a/c to your Thai ac whilst in Thailand? I was thinking I might need a VPN. Cheers
  7. But, but, He's got 3 screens, show some respect. ????
  8. Very civilised comment. Are you propped at a bar in Pattaya in a Singha singlet watching 18yo mature poledancers?
  9. You don't have insect screens on your windows?
  10. Must be a <deleted> when you want to shave.
  11. The efficacy of the flu vax wears off quickly. Designed to get you through the flu season. After 6 months, zip.
  12. Just saw this itsari, thanks for the reply. Gotta say, I've never heard of the 2 years business . My understanding is that when you reach the age requirement, you apply to Centrelink and if you pass the asset test you are good to go. I'll take your word for it tho'.
  13. One of my family had a problem in Thailand, I was in Sydney at the time. The then Oz Ambassador , rang me at home. Impressed the hell out of me. I'm not sure what has made you so bitter and twisted,although it appears your attitude is quite common on this forum. I'm sure you've rung the embassy to ask if you can help.
  14. These people are incurable. You'd be aware of the killer and rapist of Samantha Knight, a 9 yo. Released on parole. Now revoked. Never revealed what he did with the body. Jesus wept.
  15. Just wonder if the Brits will give him back his passport when he's released. Commonsense would say no, but 18 months <deleted>?
  16. Those loans would be a lot more expensive to service if the transactions had to be conducted in cash. Probably add another 1-2% to the interest charged.
  17. Oh dear. The amount of currency in circulation stays the same. The amount in physical cash is reduced. Cash is only used at the retail level these days. Do keep up old boy. In Oz atm, haven't used cash in 3 months.
  18. Members of the alphabet sexual community are trying to make the term Minor attracted a more acceptable term for pedo.
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